
  • 网络Dear Motherland
  1. 亲爱的祖国,我不知怎样表达我内心的感情。

    Dear motherland , and I do not know how to express my innermost feelings .

  2. 最后,祝愿我亲爱的祖国和人民,国泰民安!

    At the end , I wish our country and people prosperity .

  3. 我向你起誓,我亲爱的祖国,我愿在你面前献上世间的一切。

    I vow to thee , my country , all earthly things above .

  4. 他们继续向我们亲爱的祖国提供军费。

    They continue to supply the sinews of war to our beloved country .

  5. 祝愿我们亲爱的祖国繁荣昌盛!

    Wishes our beloved motherland to be thriving !

  6. 哭吧!亲爱的祖国

    " Cry , the beloved country "

  7. 伸出你的手吧,美丽的土耳其,握住我的手吧,亲爱的祖国!

    Reach out , beauteous Turkey , give me your hand , my beloved homeland !

  8. 你好,我亲爱的祖国!

    Hello my dear native land !

  9. 晚安,纽约;晚安,美国;晚安,我亲爱的祖国。

    Good evening , NYC ; good evening , USA ; good evening , my deer homeland .

  10. 在他发表关于我亲爱的祖国的不同寻常的看法时,我不得不耐心地听着。

    I had to listen patiently , while he was giving his extraordinary opinions of my dear country .

  11. 我亲爱的祖国呀,你这些山水啊,也竟是不乏这般诗情画意。

    Yes my dear mother , you are these landscapes , ah , it was no lack of such a poetic .

  12. 每当大海在微笑我就是笑的旋涡我分担着海的忧愁分享海的欢乐我最亲爱的祖国你是大海永不干涸永远给我碧浪清波心中的歌

    Every time the sea smiles I become a whirlpool I share the worries of the sea And the happiness of the sea My motherland most dear You are the sea that never dries up You bring me clear and gentle waves And a song in the heart