
  • 网络President of Chile
  1. 塞巴斯蒂安·皮涅拉宣誓就职智利总统几分钟之后,智利即遭受自上月大地震之后规模最大的一次余震。

    Sebastian Pinera has been sworn in as president of Chile , minutes after it was hit by the largest aftershock since last month 's devastating earthquake .

  2. 智利总统巴切莱特(MichelleBachelet)宣布国家进入“灾难状态”,并表示智利约1600万总人口中至少有80%受到了地震的影响。

    President Michelle Bachelet declared a ' catastrophe ' and said at least 80 % of Chile 's roughly 16 million people had been affected .

  3. 他是本届智利总统候选人

    a candidate in Chile 's recent presidential election .

  4. 家人和智利总统焦急地等待着欢迎他们的回归。

    Family members and the Chilean president were waiting anxiously to greet them .

  5. 2000年,巴切莱特被当时的智利总统里卡多·拉各斯任命为卫生部长。

    In2000 , Bachelet was named health minister by current Chilean President Ricardo Lagos .

  6. 这一天中的大部分时间,矿工们和智利总统皮涅拉一样都非常放松。

    For much of the day the miners relaxed with Chilean President Sebastian Pinera .

  7. 智利总统米歇尔·巴切莱特于震后数小时发表电视讲话。

    President Michelle Bachelet addressed the country in a nationally televised speech hours after the disaster .

  8. 智利总统的任期为四年。

    Chilean presidents serve four-year terms .

  9. 教授萨伊德·萨德克将穆巴拉克一案同反对已故智利总统奥古斯托·皮诺切特的不成功的尝试进行比较。

    Professor Said Sadek compares the Mubarak case to unsuccessful efforts against the late Chilean President Augusto Pinochet .

  10. 米歇尔·巴切莱特当选智利总统完成了从政女性的三大洲跳远。

    The election of Michelle Bachelet as Chile 's president completes a three-continent long jump for women in politics .

  11. 智利总统塞巴斯蒂安·皮涅拉参加了为纪念一个月前在地震中不幸丧生的人而举行的守夜仪式。

    Chilean President Sebastian Pinera has attended a vigil to commemorate exactly one month since a massive earthquake struck the south of the country .

  12. 智利总统已经宣布国家进入紧急状态,并且允许武装部队人员参与帮助消防队员及疏散居民撤离。

    Chile 's president has declared a state of emergency and that allows members of the armed forces to get involved and helping firefighters and evacuating people .

  13. 智利总统米歇尔·巴切莱特说,她的国家面临着史无前例的灾难,需要得到各个方面的援助以从星期六发生的8.8级大地震中恢复过来。

    Chilean President Michelle Bachelet says her country is facing a disaster unparalleled in its history and will need assistance from all sectors to recover from Saturday's8.8 quake .

  14. 学生们长达数月的对盈利性学校资费过高的抗议活动见证了智利总统塞巴斯蒂安·皮涅拉声望的暴跌。

    Months of student protests against the exorbitant cost of for-profit universities have seen the popularity of the president , Sebasti á n Pi ñ era , plunge .

  15. 智利总统说,在星期六的强烈地震和摧毁性的海啸之后,需要几年的时间重建国家。这次地震和海啸导致至少八百人死亡。

    Chile 's president says it will take several years to rebuild the country after Saturday 's powerful earthquake and devastating tsunami that killed at least 800 people .

  16. 每个人都回到地面之后,智利总统皮涅拉在救援通道上放置了一个金属盖。

    Once everyone was back up to the surface , Chile 's president Sebest Yan pyala put a metal cap on top of the hole that was used for the rescue .

  17. RicardoLagosEscobar是智利前总统以及前教育部长和公共工程部长。

    Ricardo Lagos Escobar is the former President of Chile , and former Education Minister and Minister of Public Works .

  18. 智利前总统米歇尔·巴切莱特在今天进行的决胜投票中胜出,将重掌政权。

    Chile 's former President Michelle Bachelet is returning to office after a run-off election today .

  19. 这种政治潮流可能会在来年智利的总统选举和阿根廷的国会选举时改变。

    The political tide may turn in elections next year for president in Chile and for Congress in Argentina .

  20. 在公开场合之下,加西亚先生与智利的总统米切尔?巴切莱特表现得非常友好。

    In public , Mr Garc í a and Chile 's president , Michelle Bachelet , have been ostentatiously friendly .

  21. 其实巴切莱特的节俭做派也不过是延续了智利历任总统在这方面的传统风格而已,该国大部分总统即使在上任后也会继续住在自己家中,巴切莱特同样如此。

    Her prudence is also a tradition of Chilean presidents , most of whom lived in their own homes after assuming office , as does Bachelet .

  22. 商业大亨塞巴斯蒂安·皮涅拉将宣誓就任智利新总统,智利最近遭受到大地震和海啸的双重打击。

    Chilean tycoon Sebastian Pinera is due to be sworn in as president of the country , which was recently devastated by a massive earthquake and tsunami .

  23. 巴切莱特在获胜演讲中重申,“对于胜利的结果,我很高兴,我将成为每个智利人的总统。”NPR新闻,约翰·纳尔逊报道。

    In a victory speech , Bachelet reclaimed I am happy with the result and victory and I shall be a president for everyone in Chile . For NPR News , I am John Nielsen .

  24. 在去年秋天之前,现年59岁的巴切莱特最知名之处就是智利第一位女总统。

    Until last autumn , Bachelet , 59 , was best known as the first female president of Chile .

  25. 智利新当选的总统塞巴斯蒂安·皮内拉亲自任命内阁成员,将任何与前军队统治者奥古斯托·皮诺切特有关联的人物统统排除在外。

    Chile 's president-elect Sebastian Pinera has named his cabinet , leaving out any figures linked with the former military ruler , Augusto Pinochet .