
  • 网络intelligent computer
  1. 他将其与《钢铁侠》(IronMan)电影中的智能电脑贾维斯(Jarvis)相提并论。

    He compared it with Jarvis , an intelligent computer in the Iron Man films .

  2. 他开玩笑说,要建造一台智能电脑需要“1.8个爱因斯坦外加曼哈顿计划十分之一的资源”。

    An intelligent computer , he quipped , would require " 1.8 Einsteins and one-tenth of the resources of the Manhattan Project " to construct .

  3. 智能电脑刺绣集成环境ICEE

    Intelligent Computerized Embroidery Environment & ICEE

  4. 不,不是机器人、科幻斗士,但你自己人工智能电脑。

    No , not robots and sci-fi warriors , but the artificial intelligence of your very own PC.

  5. 消息和图片也可以简直接就能出现在眼前,而这只需要佩戴一副智能电脑隐形眼镜。

    Messages and images would simply appear in front of your eyes , generated by a computerized contact lens .

  6. 第一代“海尔智能电脑”的用户可以免费得到升级,享受第二代智能电脑的功能。

    First generation " Haier smart computer " users can receive free escalation of the second generation of smart computer functions .

  7. 不过,向年轻人灌输知识的重要工作将全部由人工智能电脑来完成。

    However , the essential job of instilling knowledge into young minds will wholly be done by artificially intelligent ( AI ) computers , he said .

  8. 最先进的外骨骼产品使用人工智能电脑系统,智能软件可以让外骨骼在某种程度上自主学习和适应。

    The most advanced exoskeletons use artificial intelligence ( AI ) computer systems - software that can to a certain extent learn and adapt by itself .

  9. 为了开发这个算法,该团队让人工智能电脑扫描了584例已公布的审判结果,这些案件都是关于虐待、侮辱、公正性和隐私的案件。

    To develop the algorithm , the team allowed an artificially intelligent computer to scan the published judgements from 584 cases relating to torture and degrading treatment , fair trials and privacy .

  10. 凯尔·杜拉和加里·洛克伍德饰演两名前往木星的两名宇航员,道格拉斯·雷恩为“哈尔9000”智能电脑配音,这台电脑掌握着整个飞船。

    Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood star as the two astronauts on this voyage , with Douglas Rain as the voice of the conscious computer HAL 9000 , who has full control over their spaceship .

  11. 高温防护鞋检测装置由温度传感器、智能电脑温控仪、鞋底隔热性能试验箱和外底耐高温性能试验台四部分组成。

    The detective device for anti-high temperature protective footwear is composed of four components which are temperature sensor , intelligent temperature controller , testing box for heat insulating performance of bottom and testing platform for anti-high temperature performance of outsole .

  12. 智能化电脑刺绣编程环境的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Environment for Computer Embroidery Programming

  13. Workweekcreep(译为“公私不分”)有两种意思:其一,表示随时随地通过智能手机和电脑与别人联系导致工作和私人生活的界限完全被打乱;

    Workweek creep means : 1 ) Constant connectivity via your smartphone and computer blurs1 the boundaries between your work life and your personal life .

  14. Digitaldetox指一个人远离智能手机和电脑等电子设备的一段时间,以借此机会为自己减压或将关注点转移到真实世界的社交活动中,我们称之为“数字戒毒期”。

    Digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers , regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world . ( Source : Oxford Online dictionary ) For example :

  15. 该服务支持Kindle设备,以及安装了Kindle应用程序的智能手机、电脑、平板电脑。

    The service supports Kindle devices and smartphones , computers and tablets with Kindle apps .

  16. 智能手机和电脑的产品周期,意味着乔布斯的魔力将会延续一、两年时间,而他的继任者蒂姆库克(TimCook)颇受人敬佩。

    The product cycle in telephones and computers is long enough that the Jobs magic will linger for a year or two , and Tim Cook is a well-regarded successor .

  17. 宏基低端的AspireOne上网本与Android操作系统的结合,同时反映出智能手机和电脑之间的界线进一步模糊。Android最初是设计用于手机的。

    The marriage of Acer 's low-end Aspire One netbook with the Android operating system , originally designed for mobile phones , also reflects a continued blurring of the lines between smartphones and computers .

  18. 因此,大多数人的智能手机和电脑上的联系人信息都是过时且不完整的。

    So , the contacts on most smartphones and computers are usually out of date and incomplete .

  19. 还有人尝试用这种鸟群的群体智能创作出电脑生成的人群。

    There have also been attempts to create computer-generated crowds of people using this bird flocking model of swarm intelligence .

  20. 一项研究显示,在5岁以下的儿童中,有3/4的儿童如今能够接触到平板电脑、智能手机或电脑。

    Three out of four children under-five now has access to a tablet , smartphone or computer , according to a study .

  21. 联想表示,该公司智能手机、电脑和平板电脑设备的出货量达到了创纪录的3500万部,季度净利润增长19%。

    Lenovo said it has shipped a record 35m smartphones , computers and tablet devices , and saw a 19 per cent increase in quarterly net profits .

  22. 最新的谷歌调查显示有66%的人同时使用智能电话和电脑,同时90%的调查者在一天中都会不停地使用电子产品。

    A recent Google study showed 66 percent of people use smartphones and computers simultaneously , while 90 percent of those surveyed use electronic devices sequentially throughout the day .

  23. 自2014年初开始,京东一直给它的用户提供贷款(最高达几千美元)用以购买电视、智能手机、电脑、冰箱和其他商品。

    Since early 2014 , JD.com had been offering its own consumer loans of up to a few thousand dollars for purchases of televisions , smartphones , computers , refrigerators and other merchandise .

  24. 他说,最新版的软件允许IT员工从智能手机或电脑上有针对性地清除工作相关材料,这种功能正成为业界的最佳做法。

    The latest versions of the software allow IT staff to surgically remove work-related material from a smartphone or computer , a feature that is becoming a best practice in the field , he said .

  25. 每条路都是回家的路当我还是个小男孩的时候,没有智能电话、电脑,也没有什么东西能够播放“星球大战”,电视只有一个频道是清楚的。即使这样,我也不觉得无聊。

    When I was a boy there were no smart phones , computers or something you saw on STAR TREK , and our television only got one channel clearly . Still , I was never bored .

  26. 不过,如果你在过去三年不曾购买过新路由器,那么不管你的智能手机、电脑和平板电脑目前使用了一年、两年还是五年,你都该换一台路由器了。

    Yet whether your smartphones , computers and tablets are one , two or five years old , now is a good time to buy a new router if you haven 't in the last three years .

  27. 思科估计,随着无线连接从智能手机和电脑扩散到众多其他类型的设备,连接互联网的设备数量将从当前的约100亿迅速增加到2020年的500亿。

    Cisco estimates that the number of devices connected to the Internet will swell from about 10 billion today to 50 billion by 2020 , as wireless links spread beyond smartphones and PCs to many other kinds of devices .

  28. 由一位生活在德国的立陶宛人创造的Bribespot的本地版允许任何人访问智能手机或电脑来精确定位指出受贿行贿的地点,人物及金额。然后这份报告会在网络上标注。

    The local version of Bribespot , created by a Lithuanian living in Germany , allows anyone with access to a smartphone or computer to pinpoint where , to whom and how much they paid a bribe . The reports are then published and mapped online .

  29. Mantarobot,Vgo和Giraff等远程呈现机器人可以通过计算机、智能手机或平板电脑进行控制,允许家庭成员或医生远程监控患者或者使用Skype与患者聊天,并通常将机器人的“面部”显示在屏幕上。

    Telepresence robots such as MantaroBot , Vgo , and Giraff can be controlled through a computer , smartphone , or tablet , allowing family members or doctors to remotely monitor patients or Skype them , often via a screen where the robot 's ‘ face ' would be .

  30. 关于智能手机、笔记本电脑和平板电脑对学习成绩的影响,高校教师们正在提出越来越多的警示。

    College professors are increasingly raising alarm bells about the effects smartphones , laptops , and tablets have on academic performance .