
zhì nénɡ zhōnɡ duān shè bèi
  • Intelligent terminal equipment;smart terminal
  1. 通过对移动GIS相关技术和移动智能终端设备以及传输环境特点的介绍,分析了移动GIS中矢量数据压缩的必要性。

    Through the related technologies of Mobile GIS , the characteristics of mobile smart terminal equipment and transmission environment are described , this paper analyses the importance of vector data compression in Mobile GIS .

  2. 该公司在2008年开始研究开发智能终端设备。

    It started researching and developing smart terminal devices in 2008 .

  3. 另外,各种小型智能终端设备处理能力不断增强,也开始集成RFID应用。

    In addition , a variety of small smart devices continue to increase processing capacity , they also start to integrate RFID applications .

  4. 智能终端设备的普及,LBS技术的成熟,新的一种社交工具SoLoMo交往出现了。

    With the popularity of intelligent terminal equipment , LBS technology maturing , a new kind of social tools SoLoMo exchanges appeared .

  5. 文中论述了电力调度通信网中智能终端设备的特点,介绍了JDT型总机的电气框图、支撑软件及系统应用问题。

    This paper discusses the characteristics of intelligent terminal equipment used in the electric power dispatching telecommunication network . Electrical block diagram , supporting software and system applications of the JDT series dispatching telephone control boards arc also introduced .

  6. 简述了智能终端设备的主要功能。

    The main functions of intelligence terminal devices are described .

  7. 近来,智能终端设备发展迅速,导致显示器的纵横比呈现多样化。

    Recently , display devices with different aspect ratio have been widely used due to the rapid growing of intelligent terminal equipment .

  8. 随着智能终端设备的硬件性能和存储容量的迅猛提升,用户之间的数据分享和交互也变得越来越重要。

    With the improvement of intelligent terminal devices ' hardware performance and the expansion of storage capacity , data sharing between phone users becomes more frequent .

  9. 未来移动互联网主要发展趋势是通过移动互联网,一端连着智能终端设备,一端连着云服务器,为用户提供更加丰富的应用。

    The trend of the mobile Internet is one end attaches the intelligent terminal device with another end attaching to the cloud though the mobile Internet .

  10. 电子工作证系统是一个集计算机应用技术、信息系统建设和智能终端设备和非接触式智能卡应用于一体的综合型应用的系统工程。

    The electronic work card system is a comprehensive and systematic application engineering project which integrates the computer application technology , information system construction , application of intelligent terminal equipment and contactless smart cards .

  11. 介绍了电厂厂用电监控系统的构成模式,利用智能终端设备和现场总线技术实现对设备的控制、监视、保护和通信。

    The configuration of supervisory control system of auxiliary power system is introduced , which applies intelligence terminal devices and field bus technique to realize the control , supervision , protection and communication of equipment .

  12. 随着通信技术和嵌入式技术的发展,智能终端设备逐渐普及,人们通过智能终端设备随时随地连入网络获取信息的愿望已经逐渐成为现实。

    With the development of communication technology and embedded technology , intelligent terminal equipment became more common , the wish that people want to connect the network to obtain the information anytime and anywhere through the Intelligent terminal has become reality .

  13. 因此,在使用电脑,智能终端设备的同时,不仅要规范自己的使用习惯,不让病毒有可乘之机,还要防止数据在无意中丢失或者泄露后造成的损失。

    Therefore , in using the computer , intelligent terminal equipment at the same time , not only to regulate their own habits , to prevent the virus has an opportunity , but also to prevent the unintended loss or disclosure of data after the loss .

  14. 智能终端设备的网络参数和业务参数日益复杂、故障和安全隐患日益增强,已经成为影响用户业务体验和满意度、制约新业务发展的关键要素。

    For these intelligent terminal devices , network and service parameters get more complicated , failures and security risks are increasing . Terminal device has become key factor that impact experience and satisfaction of user on services , and may restrict the development of new services .

  15. 然后,提出了一种基于智能移动终端设备的CS-I广播加密方案。

    Then , we propose a CS-I broadcast encryption scheme which can be applied in the smart mobile terminals .

  16. 这些智能网络终端设备耗电虽小,但对供电的可靠性具有更高的要求。

    It consumes little power , but requires high dependability on the power supply .

  17. 而无线移动网络与智能移动终端设备的融合,正逐渐颠覆着传统的网络接入模式,可以说计算机网络已进入移动互联时代。

    Smart mobile devices used in wireless mobile networks ( WMNs ) are gradually subverting the traditional mode of network access .

  18. 阐述了配电变压器监测终端在配电自动化系统中的作用与功能;介绍了“电力系统配电变压器智能监测终端设备”课题研究的主要内容及设计方案。

    This paper explains the role and function of intelligent transformer terminal unit in electric power system , introduces the wain content and design program of the project .

  19. 随着智能移动终端设备的飞速发展,越来越多的智能移动终端平台也在不断的涌现出来,并受到广大用户的追捧。

    As the rapid development of the intelligent mobile terminal , a growing number of smart mobile terminal platform is constantly emerging , and sought after by the majority of users .

  20. 区域引导的定义是,利用智能移动终端设备,以编程的手段实现程序与模块间的业务逻辑,结合相关算法,提供固定区域内的指引导航浏览服务。

    Regional Guide is defined and used the intelligent mobile terminal device , with programming means the realization of procedures and the business logic , combined with related algorithms , providing a fixed region within the guide and navigation services .

  21. 支持普适计算的智能终端服务及设备管理技术研究

    Research on Management of Intelligent Terminal Services and Devices Supporting Ubiquitous Computing

  22. 但他排除了在短期之内为了提升智能终端或电信设备业务而展开收购的可能性。

    However , he ruled out making any acquisitions to boost its business in smart devices or telecoms equipment in the short term .

  23. 随着移动互联网技术的不断成熟,以及智能手机等移动终端设备的普及,人们逐渐习惯了使用移动应用客服端(即APP)上网的方式。

    As the mobile Internet technologies continue improving , and the popularity of smart phones , people get used to surf the Internet by using a mobile application ( APP ) little by little .

  24. YDZ-YL300型智能兼容水情遥测终端设备的研制

    Development of YDZ - YL300 Brain and Compatible Telemetering Terminal Unit

  25. 物流公司通过智能终端和传感器等设备实现了厂家和消费者的信息交流,并实现了对送货员和仓库的智能管理、数据库的管理维护等操作。

    Logistics companies realize the communication with manufacturer and consumer through the intelligent terminal and sensor equipment at any time , the intelligent management of delivery men and warehouses , database management operation .

  26. 随着计算机技术,以及智能手机、PDA、平板电脑等智能终端设备的发展,人们越来越依赖于这些随身携带的智能设备并且移动平台上的增强现实应用也将越来越多丰富。

    With computer technology , and smart phones , PDA , tablet PCs and other intelligent terminal device development , it is increasingly dependent on these portable devices and mobile platforms Smart Augmented Reality applications will be more and more rich .

  27. 该装置内嵌高性能单片机,不仅能准确的计算辊体的温度,还可以智能分析辊体的运行状态,是集数据采集、分析、报警、通信于一体的智能终端设备。

    Embedded high-performance microcomputer , it could not only accurately calculate temperature , but also intelligently analyzed operation state of roller body , so it was intelligent equipment with functions of data collection , analysis , alarm and communication .