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qīn shǔ chēnɡ wèi
  • kinship terminology
  1. 本文首先讨论了白马语亲属称谓系统。

    This thesis first discusses the Baima kinship terminology system .

  2. 第二,通过对四个调查点的回族亲属称谓进行比较,发现在不同地区,回族亲属称谓存在较大差异。

    Secondly , comparing different kinship terminology of four study fields , I find that diversities exist in different areas .

  3. 亲属称谓是亲属制度在语言中的反应。

    Kinsfolk appellation is the kinfolks system reflection in language .

  4. 维吾尔语亲属称谓αpα的语义演变问题

    The Uygur Kinship Designation α p α : the Changes of Its Meaning

  5. 文章对陕北方言中普遍使用的在亲属称谓词语后面附加的构成的特殊句法格式,从的的语法性质、Nq的格式的句法功能、语用功能等方面,进行了全面分析和界定。

    From such aspects as the grammatical characteristics of de , and the syntactic function of Nq de form and language function , a special syntax with de commonly used after the appellations of relatives in Northern Shaanxi was thoroughly analyzed and defined .

  6. 白马语是濒危语言,研究白马语亲属称谓词汇有重大意义。

    There is great significance of studying the Baima kinship terms .

  7. 海南汉语方言姑姨舅类亲属称谓研究

    On the Appellation of Relatives in the Chinese Dialects of Hainan

  8. 令留学生头疼的称呼汉、苗族亲属称谓文化特征之比较

    A Comparison of the Form of Address between Miao and Han

  9. 英汉亲属称谓对比与分析

    The Comparison and Analysis of Kinship Titles in English and Chinese

  10. 拟亲属称谓在汉语社交称呼行为中的运用

    Application of Fictive Use of KT in Chinese Social Address Behavior

  11. 亲属称谓语外化现象增多,外化范围扩大;

    Generalization phenomenon of kinship terms increased and the range expanded .

  12. 汉语亲属称谓研究

    The System of Kinship Terms in Chinese : a Linguistic Study

  13. 英汉衔接手段的比较与翻译论汉英亲属称谓语的泛化及翻译策略

    Cohesive devices of English and Chinese : a comparison and translation

  14. 汉语、英语、日语亲属称谓对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Address Forms in Chinese , English and Japanese

  15. 韩日亲属称谓的对比研究

    He Contrast and Research for the Korean Japanese Kinship Address

  16. 试论俄汉亲属称谓的差异

    Discussion on the Differences of the Family Appellation Between China and Russia

  17. 然而,并不是每一个亲属称谓都能被泛化使用。

    However , not every kinship terms can be generalization .

  18. 语言接触所产生的蒙古族直系血亲亲属称谓词地区差异

    Region Differences of Mongoloid Kinsfolk Names Originated from Language Contact

  19. 现代汉语新词折射出的社会文化信息洞口话的亲属称谓及其反映的社会文化信息

    Social and Cultural Information Reflected from New Words in Modern Chinese Language

  20. 萨丕尔-沃尔夫假设之下的汉英亲属称谓研究

    A Study of Chinese-English Kinship Terms under the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

  21. 第二章是关于现代维吾尔语亲属称谓及其制度类型的研究。

    Chapter II is on modern Uighur kinship names and its system .

  22. 亲属称谓是语言研究的重要课题。

    Kinship term is the important issue of language research .

  23. 拟亲属称谓语的语用原则及语用功能

    The Pragmatic Principles and Pragmatic Function of Relative Addressing Terms

  24. 浅谈与亲属称谓语有关的中西方文化差异

    Probe into the Cultural Difference between English and Chinese Addressing

  25. 玉林话亲属称谓词语初探

    A Probe in to Yulin Dialect 's Terms of Kinship

  26. 维吾尔语亲属称谓的社会称呼法

    Kinsfolk Appellations as a Social form of Address in the Uygur Language

  27. 试论唐代笔记小说中亲属称谓语的外化

    On the Externalizing of Relative Titles of Note Novels in Tang Dynasty

  28. 英汉亲属称谓词国俗差异研究

    Studies of cultural differences between English and Chinese kinship terms

  29. 亲属称谓在人们的生活中极其重要、不可缺少。

    Kinship term is important and indispensable for people .

  30. 汉语亲属称谓语泛化问题研究

    The Research of the Chinese Relative Address Imitation Question