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qìng jia
  • In-laws;relatives by marriage;parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law;parents of one’s daughter-in-law or son-in-law
亲家 [qìng jia]
  • (1) [relatives by marriage]∶两家儿女相婚配的亲戚关系

  • 天下的事真是人想不到的,怎么想的到姨妈和大舅母又作一门亲家。——《红楼梦》

  • (2) [parents of one’s daughter-in-law or son-in-law]∶儿子的丈人、丈母和女儿的公公、婆婆

亲家[qìng jia]
  1. 这种鄙吝势利的暴发户,咱们不希罕和他们做亲家。

    Well , we 've no need for relatives who are such stingy , snobbish parvenus as that . \\ "

  2. 过去,这座庄园是简的哥哥爱德华·奥斯汀爵士(EdwardAustenKnight)的家产。他在15岁那年被过继到远亲家,由此成为查顿庄园及其他家产的继承人,简直如同《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中的情节。

    The house itself once belonged to Jane 's brother Edward Austen Knight who , when he was about 15 , in a scene right out of " Downton Abbey , " was adopted by childless distant relatives and became heir to the Chawton estate and other properties .

  3. 马特,这两位是我们的亲家,乔治和尼娜班克斯。

    Marta , estos son Nuestros in-laws , George and Nina banks .

  4. 呃,会见未来的亲家真是一件伤脑筋的事。

    Ah , what a nerve-racking thing , meeting your future in-laws .

  5. 队长拒绝了他的亲家请求。

    The captain refused his request for a leave .

  6. 在婚姻中,双方的家庭结为亲家。

    During a marriage , two families become in-laws .

  7. 对亲家,我们不会太忙。

    We 're not too busy for our in-laws .

  8. 《亲家路窄》是我喜爱的喜剧。

    Meet the Parents is my favorite comedy .

  9. 他过分讨好他的亲家。

    He went overboard to please his in-laws .

  10. 现在你快成我们的亲家了。

    So you will become in-laws now .

  11. 他面无笑容地向他的亲家问候。

    Unsmilingly , he greeted his in-laws .

  12. 他跟他的亲家被困在了希思罗机场。

    Who gut stuck with in-iaws because we couldn 't get him out of heathrow .

  13. 千万不要在你亲家的房子这么穿,还配上成套的头巾。

    Just don 't try that at your in-laws ' house with a matching turban .

  14. 我不想被“亲家化”,特别是和住在贝埃尔的人。

    I don 't wanna be " in-lawed ," especially to people who live in bel-air .

  15. 老通宝的亲家张财发带了小儿子阿九特地从镇上来到村里。

    The father of Old Tong bao 's daughter-in-law carne from town with his little son .

  16. 我骑着公牛而不是骑马的时候,偏偏遇上了我亲家。

    I was riding on an ox instead of a horse , when I must come across my brother-in-law .

  17. 罗丝:我随时可以飞去香港。我可以去住一个表亲家。

    Rose : I could always fly to Hong kong . I have a cousin there whom I can stay with .

  18. 确实如此。但喵星人又不用每天花一小时挤公交,更不会为那些亲家们烦恼,或许它们天生就这么淡定吧。

    But cats don 't have to sit in rush hour traffic for an hour a day or worry about their in-laws .

  19. 虽然她是一个专业是家庭关系的心理学家,阿普特承认,她已落入一些常见的亲家陷阱里。

    Although she 's a psychologist specializing in family relations , Apter admits that she has fallen into some common in-law traps herself .

  20. 不仅官僚可能会从政府部门空降到公用公司内部任职,而且官商之间偶尔也会靠结亲家来拉近关系。

    Not only do bureaucrats parachute from their ministries into the utilities , but their sons and daughters occasionally marry each other too .

  21. 新年第二天要和家人一起出去逛逛(特别是亲家),这被认为是新年的开始

    You hang out with family ( especially in-laws ) on the second day , which is considered the beginning of the year .

  22. 而且你女儿还是花无痕的妻子,他又怎么会偷袭自己的亲家呢?

    Does he how can make a surprise attack his own relatives along matrimony anew and your daughter still keeps spending a seamless wife ?

  23. 两亲家见过面,彼此请过客,往来拜访过,心里还交换过鄙视。

    The families had met , invited each other out , visited back and forth , and even exchanged looks of disdain in their hearts .

  24. 长期以来,过节请客吃饭的自己餐桌上我不会上红酒,为的是不冒犯亲家的宗教观点。

    For years , I didn 't serve wine at my own dinner table during holiday dinners so as not to offend my in-laws'religious views .

  25. 在武汉一家餐馆里,当亲家建议到场每个人自付春节团圆饭费时,该家庭聚餐最终以不欢而散告终。

    A family reunion at a Wuhan restaurant ended in outrage and indigestion when an in-law suggested everyone split the bill for their Spring Festival meal .

  26. 他们发脾气,也看动画片。一段时间后,这对兄弟俩渐渐失去了谈话和走路的能力,只好留他们在父母亲家里任由他们四处爬行。

    After a phase of throwing temper tantrums and watching cartoons , the brothers have gradually lost the ability to talk and walk , leaving them crawling around their parents ' home .

  27. 亲家母对我讲,当年在奥斯维辛集中营,一片面包皮都能改变一个人的生死。

    She told me how a crust of bread often meant the difference between life and death in Auschwitz and she would beg her neighbors to give her what they didn 't want .

  28. 人际交往不是指三五成群凑在一块儿喝茶聊天,聊孩子聊亲家,而是打高尔夫球,讨论股市动态,谈论时事和可赚钱的生意。

    By network I do not mean gathering for tea and chatting about our children and in-laws , I mean playing golf and discussing the stock market , current affairs and lucrative business ventures .

  29. 就在起程时,他收到一封电报&父亲已逝世,并已立下遗嘱将其所有财产转给儿子。他要立即回父亲家处理后事。

    Before he could make the arrangements , he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away , and willed all of his possessions to his son . He needed to come home immediately and take care of things .