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  • Plank path;a plank road built along the face of a cliff
栈道 [zhàn dào]
  • [a plank road built along the face of a cliff] 在悬崖绝壁上凿孔架木而成的窄路

栈道[zhàn dào]
  1. 宁河古栈道遗址新探

    The New Study of the Ruin of Ninghe Ancient Plank Road

  2. 黄河古栈道的新发现与初步研究

    Newly Discovered Remains of Ancient Cliff Roadway along the Huanghe River

  3. 张家界天门山玻璃栈道会更加刺激。

    Even more terrifying is the Tianmenshan crystal glass skywalk in Zhangjiajie .

  4. 公园方面解释说,玻璃栈道的裂纹只是表面破损,不会对安全构成威胁。

    Park officials said the damage was superficial and posed no threat to safety .

  5. 明确了栈道与经济政治发展的紧密联系。

    Clear the plank road and economic and political development of the close contact .

  6. 宁河栈道与煮盐铁盆刍论

    A Study on the Plank Road in Ning He and Basin for Boiling Salt

  7. 一些新闻报道称,这些裂纹可能是掉在玻璃栈道上的不锈钢杯子造成的。

    Some news reports said a dropped metal flask may have caused the cracks .

  8. 九寨沟公路和栈道降雨径流污染负荷过程的研究

    Study on impacts of stormwater runoff from road and wood - pavement in Jiuzhaigou Valley

  9. 藏在历史迷雾中的汉江古栈道

    Ancient Plank Road along the Hanjiang River

  10. 不少有关此事的最新报道,似乎都包含了引发人们对河南这条玻璃栈道的安全性产生担忧的一个描述。

    Many news reports shared a description that appeared to set off alarms about the walkway in Henan .

  11. 使用范围:木质栈道,凉亭,葡萄架,护栏等一切室内外木制品。

    Use scope : wooden road , alcove , grape frame , guardrail etc. all indoors or outdoors wooden production .

  12. 经调查,该机构确认玻璃裂纹系由尖锐物体带来的外力造成的,栈道玻璃为三层特制钢化玻璃,其中一层出现裂纹。

    The inspectors determined that a sharp object had cracked one of the three layers of glass on the walkway .

  13. 在石佛山铺设栈道的工作是非常危险的,因为峭壁几乎成90度,没有一点坡度或可以攀登的地方。

    Building a plank road on Shifou Mountain is difficult because the cliff stands vertical at90 degrees , without any slope or alcoves .

  14. 这里是全国重点风景名胜区:有历史的教科书,在通往山巅的环线栈道上。

    Here is the national key scenic spots : There are history textbooks , leading to ring at large in the mountain village .

  15. 玻璃栈道的数字效果图展现了建筑公司的愿景——建一座高耸入云的玻璃建筑。

    Digital renderings of the bridge highlight the architectural firm 's vision -- to build a glass structure that fades into the clouds .

  16. 驴上骑行,你跋涉过高高的栈道,在冰湖边碧绿的草地上露营,周围是积雪覆盖的山峰。

    Travelling with donkeys , you trek over several high passes and camp in emerald green meadows beside glacial lakes surrounded by snow-capped peaks .

  17. 这条栈道开凿在悬崖峭壁上,沿着栈道行走,真有腾空走壁之感。

    The path along the cliff cut in the cliffs , walk along the path along the cliff , really take the vacated wall feeling .

  18. 该机构表示,周一下午,安全员在正常巡查时,发现玻璃栈道的一块玻璃有少量裂纹。

    On Monday afternoon , it said , safety inspectors were conducting a routine patrol when they came across some small cracks in a pane of glass .

  19. 去年10月,河南省云台山世界地质公园新建的玻璃栈道开通后仅仅两周就出现了裂纹。

    In October last year , cracks appeared in a mountainside glass walkway in Yuntaishan Scenic Park , in China 's central Henan province , just two weeks after opening .

  20. 这条3英尺宽,2.5英尺厚的栈道环绕在海拔4700英尺的山间,玩的就是心跳!

    The 3ft wide 2.5-inch thick walkway that has runs alongside the edge of the mountain sits 4700 ft above sea level and is defintely not for the faint hearted !

  21. 整个景区都铺设了栈道,栈道两旁的珍贵树种均附有详细介绍,游客可以在愉悦身心的同时学到不少知识。

    The whole scenic area is connected with a wooden track , and illustrated by detailed descriptions of precious tree species , which enables tourists to learn while enlightening their spirits .

  22. 但是,象在九寨沟一样,成群结队的市民仍然会涌进景区,踩着木板栈道,在巴士路线的终点盛装的小贩那里买上廉价艳丽的小饰物。

    But queues of citizens will still be trundled in , as at Jiuzhaigou , to tread the boardwalks and purchase tchotchkes from costumed hawkers at the end of the bus route .

  23. 这座新图书馆配备了玻璃栈道、大滑梯、私人影院、法式玻璃窗、私人阅览间和无线网络,所有这一切都吸引到了文艺网民们的注意。

    The new library boasts glass walkways , large slides , private theaters , French windows , private reading rooms and Wi-Fi , all of which has attracted the attention of literary-minded netizens .

  24. 建造于中国中部海拔3500英尺的悬崖上的一条玻璃栈道的运营者,试图让游客相信,这条栈道非常安全。尽管栈道玻璃已经开裂。

    The operators of a glass-bottomed walkway clinging to a cliff 3500 feet above sea level in central China want to reassure visitors that they are quite safe.Despite the cracks in the glass .

  25. 那些挤入场内的人发现自己置身于一个50米长的栈道,四周被纱网包围,防止零星的萤火虫飞走。

    Those who managed to make it in found themselves on a 50-meter , or 165-foot , walkway with netting on all sides to prevent the few fireflies that were present from escaping .

  26. 典型的丹霞地貌构成了陡直的屏岩,怪异的洞穴,茂密的森林,加之栈道、阁、门、窟、车等景观,风光旖旎而又自然天成。

    Together with the scenic spots of the pavilions , the palace gates , the caverns and the plank roads built along cliffs , rocks , caves , and forest present a natural exquisite beauty .

  27. 他最有名的特技表演之一是在七月中旬完成的,当时在没有护具的情况下,吴永宁在张家界抓住1000米(3280英尺)高的栈道边缘做引体向上。

    One of his most famous stunts took place in mid July . In it , Wu did pull-ups without harness by grabbing to the edge of a 1000-metre-high ( 3280 feet ) walkway in Zhangjiajie .

  28. 走在别墅四围环形相通的木栈道上,仿佛置身于原生环境下的大熊猫王国,零距离感受来自远古“活化石”的神奇魅力。

    Walking on the round wooden path around the house , you will feel like being in the native environment of giant pandas Kingdom , feeling the ancient " living fossil " of the magical charm closely .

  29. 这条1300英尺长(约合400米)的玻璃栈道刚刚完全对外开放两周,就在部分地方开裂,但河南省云台山风景名胜区管理局表示,不必为此惊慌。

    The fractures appeared on part of the 1300-foot-long see-through walkway just over two weeks after it fully opened , but they were no cause for alarm , said the administration of the Yuntai Mountain scenic park in Henan Province .

  30. 采用游览线路法,利用问卷调查和实地测量数据,根据九寨-黄龙游客游览的栈道线路计算了九寨-黄龙核心景区的客观空间环境承载力和主观空间环境承载力。

    Sightseeing routes used , the use of a questionnaire survey and field survey data . According to Jiuzhai - Huanglong visitors toured the circuit paths are calculated Jiuzhai - Huanglong scenic core of the space environment bearing capacity and the main objective View the space environment carrying capacity .
