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  1. 整片该死的田都烧起来了。

    The whole damn field 's on fire .

  2. 经过一夜的拼搏,我终于让所有的田都盖上了绿色的地毯。

    After a night of struggle , I finally let all the fields were covered green carpets .

  3. 虽然“现实社会主义”在每一块试验田都以灾难收场,但历史告诉我们,社会主义社会承诺实现平等的思想永远不会消失,不管实践证明了什么。

    Whereas " real socialism " ended in disaster wherever it was tried , history teaches that the idea of a socialist society promising equality would never fade , whatever empirical evidence showed .

  4. 接着又下了几场雨,田师兄都把握时机马上翻地保持水分。

    Several rainfalls soon followed , and brother Tian always ploughed the land just in time to catch the water .

  5. 现在,美国80%的大豆,玉米和棉花田种植的都是转基因作物。

    Today eighty percent of the cropland for soybeans , maize and cotton in the United States is transgenic .

  6. 不论是井田制还是名田制,都是根据一定的身份等级占有田宅。

    The ming-tian system is similar to the square-fields system in possessing farmland and curtilage according to one 's title .

  7. 在哈德逊谷的哈特鲁茨社区农场,他们从早上7点开始下田干活。他们都表示,自己从来没有想过做其他工作。

    They had been in the fields here at Hearty Roots Community Farm in the Hudson Valley since 7 a.m. They all said they could not imagine doing any other job .

  8. 棉田土壤、玉米田土壤、大豆田土壤和小麦田土壤都是N2O的源。

    The crops of cotton , maize , soybean and wheat are the sink of atmospheric N_2O .