
  1. 这个国会是亲日派,并接受日本贷款。

    This party was pro-Japanese and was accepting loans from Japan .

  2. 亲日派大资产阶级早已彻底投降日本,准备傀儡登场。

    The pro-Japanese section of the big bourgeoisie , having completely capitulated to japan , is ready to play the puppet .

  3. 没有问题,日本帝国主义和亲日派还在企图使中国继续内战。

    There is no doubt that the Japanese imperialists and the pro-Japanese group are still endeavouring to prolong civil war in China .

  4. 要推翻和平必须同多方面势力作战,并且必须同日本帝国主义和亲日派靠拢,才能成功。

    To unmake it , he would have to fight against many forces and draw closer to the Japanese imperialists and the pro-Japanese group .

  5. 将这种两面派分子,和汉奸亲日派加以区别。这种膜的类脂是一种有两种亲和性的分子。

    We make a distinction between such people with a dual character and the traitors and pro-Japanese elements . Such membrane lipids are amphiphatic molecules .

  6. 历史暂时地走回头路是可能的,和平发生波折是可能的,原因就在于日本帝国主义和汉奸亲日派的存在。

    History might reverse its course for a while and peace might meet with setbacks because of the existence of Japanese imperialism , traitors and the pro-Japanese group .

  7. 他们中间,许多人已经是汉奸,许多人已经是亲日派,许多人是准备作亲日派,许多人在动摇中,仅仅个别有特殊情况的分子是坚决的。

    Many of them are already collaborators , many have become or are ready to become pro-japanese , many are vacillating , and only a few , owing to special circumstances , are firmly anti-japanese .

  8. 这将是日寇、汉奸和亲日派无法达到第二个方向的目的,因而实行其破裂中国抗日阵线的阴谋诡计的结果。

    This could come about as a result of the intrigues of the Japanese aggressors , the collaborators and the pro-Japanese elements to split china 's anti-Japanese front when they find it impossible to attain the second direction .

  9. 时局不论如何黑暗,不论将来尚须经历何种艰难道路和在此道路上须付何等代价皖南新四军部队就是代价的一部分,日寇和亲日派总是要失败的。

    However dark the situation , however thorny the road , and whatever the price that road exacts the loss of the New Fourth Army units in Southern Anhwei is part of that price , the Japanese aggressors and the pro-Japanese clique are certainly doomed .