
qīn shǔ fǎ
  • law of domestic relations;law of kindred
  1. 亲权法律制度是大陆法系亲属法制度重要组成部分,是现代亲子法的核心内容。

    The system of parental power is an essential component of law of domestic relations in continental legal system , and a core content of contemporary law .

  2. 亲属法应规制婚约

    Law of Domestic Relations Should Regulate Marriage Contract

  3. 亲子法是亲属法中的重要内容。

    Parentage law is of the important content in familial law .

  4. 夫妻财产制度是家庭亲属法中的一项重要的法律制度。

    Matrimonial regime is an important law in family law .

  5. 非婚生子女认领制度是亲属法上的一项重要制度。

    Children born out of wedlock claim system is an important system of the family law .

  6. 而如何消除男性在家庭内的支配原因或依据,则是亲属法对性别平等的立法目标。

    How to eliminate male-dominance within family is a legislative goal of gender equality in domestic relations law .

  7. 亲属法的正当性来源于婚姻家庭伦理的人性基础。

    The legitimacy of domestic relations law comes from the human basis of ethics of marriage and family .

  8. 在亲属法的发展史上,非婚生子女的法律地位经历了从受歧视到受保护的过程。

    In the history of relative law , illegitimate children underwent the process of being discriminated and being protected .

  9. 亲属法的实质伦理是由不同位阶的范畴构成的,因而对实质伦理的立法限度也应当有所不同。

    Substantive ethics of domestic relations law contains different ranks and therefore its limits of legislation should also be different .

  10. 本文首先必须回答的问题是:民众为什么要遵守现行亲属法?

    First , questions must be answered are : Why do people have to comply with the existing domestic relations law ?

  11. 亲属法的这种真正根据是支撑和确证亲属法是否具有合理性与合法性的终极性原因。

    Domestic relations law is based on " rationality " and " legitimacy " that are ultimate causes to support and confirm .

  12. 然而亲属法又在何种程度上体现或蕴涵以人性为基础的婚姻家庭伦理呢?

    However , to what extent does domestic relations law reflect and embody ethics of marriage and family based on human nature ?

  13. 具体介绍了西方国家亲属法中亲属制度的通则性规定、同居制度与分居制度的规定、婚生子女的推定和否认制度、非婚生子女的认领制度。

    This part recommends the general regulation of relative system , cohabitation and separation system , parentage - enactment system in foreign countries .

  14. 因此,厘清亲属法与婚姻家庭伦理的共同的出发点源于何处是回答这些问题的关键。

    Therefore , the key point is to clarify the springboard where both domestic relations law and ethics of marriage and family start from .

  15. 夫妻财产制作为亲属法的重要内容,在德国、瑞士等西方国家民法典中都有较为详尽的规定,已经成为一种比较成熟的法律制度。

    As an important part of Family Law , matrimonial property regime has been stipulated in details in German , Switzerland and other countries .

  16. 中国近现代亲属法的制定虽已成为历史,但历史并不是无意义的过去,近现代亲属法中所蕴涵的价值和留给后人的启示,仍然值得我们去挖掘和思考。

    It is worthwhile to study the value and revelation of the domestic relation law in Chinese modern history , though the enactment has been past .

  17. 立法体例上,我国应建立一个以物权法为核心、亲属法与继承法为补充、特别法相结合的多元居住权制度。

    Legislative style , China should establish a core of property law , family law and inheritance law as a supplement , especially in the Combination of multi-residence system .

  18. 日常家事代理权是一种特殊的意定代理权,它是传统民法亲属法中用以规范夫妻关系的一项重要制度。

    The daily household matters authority is a kind of special entrusted authority . It is an important system used to standardize the conjugal relation in the traditional relative law .

  19. 亲属法还必须以人为起点和目的,以人伦道德为基础,承认人的自然本性,尊重人的尊严和人格独立,提倡人的自由平等,保障人的权利。

    Domestic relations law must also be human-oriented , based upon morality , acknowledge human nature , respect human dignity and personal independence , advocate freedom and equality and protect human rights .

  20. 亲属法的形式伦理也是一个以人伦之理为基础所表达的体现家庭成员间交往习惯、方式、约束、禁忌及其理解与解释等生活规范的总体概念。

    Formal ethics of domestic relations law is an overall concept that expresses and explains habits , methods , constraints , taboos and norms among family members based on " reason of human relationships " .

  21. 其次,应当明确亲属法中道德内容的客观性,应将感情破裂、亲子情、婚外情之类的主观情感客观化为可被法律规制的行为。

    Secondly , the legislation should define moral contents to be objectivity and put feelings or emotions of " emotional breakdown "," parent-child love "," extramarital affairs " into the acts which can be regulated by law .

  22. 虽然亲属法的伦理性与婚姻家庭伦理不具有同质性,但二者在价值目标内涵、行为规范等方面存在着某种程度的同构性。

    Although the ethical nature of domestic relations law and ethics of marriage and family are not homogeneous , there is a certain degree of isomorphism for them in value contents , conduct modes and so on .

  23. 亲属法的实质正义体现了一种诉求,即要求亲属法以目的价值来确立一些伦理原则(如平等原则、自由原则和人道原则),经这些伦理原则转化为立法原则,进而调整婚姻家庭关系。

    Domestic relations law reflects an appeal of enacting ethical principles ( such as equality principle , liberty principle and humanism principle ), then turns these ethical principles into legal principles for adjusting relations of marriage and family .

  24. 完善抑或是建构亲属法都应当思考其伦理含量的限度,而思考这一问题还是得先从宏观上把握法律与道德的限度以及关联模式。

    To improve and construct domestic relations law , we should think about " contents " of the ethical limits and still have to start thinking about the issue to grasp the associated patterns of limits of law and morals .

  25. 而从人性与道德的关系这一伦理学基本范畴着手分析,考察婚姻家庭伦理的产生机理,则有利于厘清亲属法与婚姻家庭伦理二者之间的共同的、原初的出发点和对象。

    To investigate the generation mechanism of ethics of marriage and family viewed from the relationship between human nature and morals helps a lot to clarify springboard and objects shared between ethics of marriage and family and domestic relations law .

  26. 从亲属法的权利基础定位、内容定位及价值定位等方面分析论证,强调要树立权利本位思想,限制公力干预;

    Based on a discussion how to position the lawful basis of civil rights and legal provisions and their values , the standard of rights is emphasized to maintain all through the Kinship Law with the interference from public rights restricted .

  27. 收养作为亲属法制度之一,受一国国内政治、经济、文化、宗教信仰甚至历史传统等多方面的影响和制约程度较深,导致世界各国对收养的法律规定大相径庭。

    Adoption system is an important part of family law . By the impact of domestic politics , economy , culture , religion and even the influence of traditional historical , the entity laws of adoption are diverse in different countries .

  28. 以平等、自由、人道为表征的亲属法外在道德作为亲属法本身的实体道德目标,还不足以使亲属法与其他法律相区别,还需要对这类实体目标(伦理原则)予以具体化。

    Characterized by " equality , freedom , and humanity ", domestic relations law takes these external ethics as its substantive moral goals . Even so , we also need to crystallize such ethical principles so as to distinguish it from other laws .

  29. 进而通过梳理理论界的研究现状和外法域的立法实例,归纳出矛盾的根源,也就是我国亲属法相关立法的滞后,导致本问题需要解释论层面的深入研究和论证。

    Then author try to find out the root causes of conflicts through observing the Situation of Study and foreign legislative examples , that is , the lagging situation of the legislation of our Family Law which need our deep study at the Explanation level .

  30. 从内容上看,《中华民国民法》在所有权、契约、侵权责任等方面贯彻了注重社会公益的精神,并在亲属法方面确立了平等原则。

    From the subject , the Civil Law of the Republic of China has carried through the spirits of emphasizing social commonweal in the following aspects : ownership , contract , and tort liability , and has established the principle of equality in the aspect of law of kindred .