
yú rén
  • fisherman;fisherfolk
渔人 [yú rén]
  • [fisherfolk] 渔民

渔人[yú rén]
  1. 那里的电车沿着海德街(HydeStreet)行驶时经常颠簸,如果你没从传说中的电车上跌落下来,你就会来到旧金山版本的时代广场:渔人码头(Fisherman’sWharf)。

    But if you fail to leap off the fabled cable cars before they makes their fateful plunge down Hyde Street , you will end up in San Francisco 's version of Times Square : Fisherman 's Wharf .

  2. 在我们怒斥渔人码头之前,要有一个认识。

    Before we bash Fisherman 's Wharf completely , an acknowledgement .

  3. 远远的水面上,灯光摇曳,轻歌荡漾,说明渔人正在收帆夜归

    Out on the water flickering lights and soft-voiced choruses marked the fishers returning from the reef .

  4. 本文以湖州太湖渔人码头为研究背景,通过有限元软件ANSYS对索结构的找形、施工模拟及静动力性能等问题进行深入的分析。

    Taking the Taihu in Huzhou as an example , this paper discusses form-finding , construction simulation and static-dynamic performance on cable structure with the finite element software ANSYS .

  5. 渔人码头上的户外咖啡座。

    Outdoor cafe , kauppatori ( fish market ) on the harbour .

  6. 渔人穿的靴子长及大腿。

    The fisherman 's boots came up to his thighs .

  7. 其他各岛,亦到处可见渔人居住之踪迹。

    Traces were also found of fishermen living on the other islands .

  8. 这辆公车有没有到渔人码头?

    Does this bus go to Fisherman 's Wharf ?

  9. 你可以坐渡船从淡水到渔人码头。

    You can take a ferry boat from Danshui to fisherman 's wharf .

  10. 渔人扔出的钩线网恰好到湖心。

    The fisherman 's cast reach right to the middle of the lake .

  11. 我怎么到渔人码头?

    How do I get to fisherman 's wharf ?

  12. 一名渔夫正在那里钓鱼。渔人放出线轮上的钓丝。

    A fisherman was fishing there . The angler reeled out his fishing line .

  13. 请送我去渔人码头好吗?

    Please take me to Fisherman 's Wharf ?

  14. 这可是搞得那里的渔人很烦恼。

    It 's pretty annoying for the fishermen .

  15. 渔人带来了一只,将它拴在他的独木小船边上。

    A fisherman brought one in , lashed to the side of his canoe .

  16. 渔人码头海鲜风味街。

    Fisherman Wharf and Seafood Cuisine Street .

  17. 希望你的渔人父亲可以捕获。

    May your fisherman father catch it .

  18. 他俩在一个卖东西给渔人吃的早市上用炼乳罐头喝了咖啡。

    They had coffee from condensed-milk cans at an early morning place that served fishermen .

  19. 离渔人码头有多远?

    How far to fishermen 's wharf ?

  20. 正如少年国王,打渔人也有着双重身份。

    Like the young king , the Fisherman is also a character with double identity .

  21. 渔人码头是一个多功能的港口,结合了休闲与商业。

    Combining business and leisure activities , Fisherman 's Wharf is really a multi-functional port .

  22. 因为这个原因,也只有这个原因,渔人码头才有一定的用处。

    For this reason and this reason alone , Fisherman 's Wharf serves a purpose .

  23. 现在我转到男子方面来。现在我们到了渔人码头。

    Here we are at the Fisherman 's Wharf . It 's a quarter to one .

  24. 我喜欢渔人码头作为发展香港仔旅游项目框架。

    I like the proposed Fisherman 's Wharf Development as the development framework in Aberdeen Harbour .

  25. 论武陵渔人的意象&解读陶渊明的《桃花源记》

    The Imago of Wuling Fishman & Interpreting Tao Yuanming s " The Home of Peach Blossoms ";

  26. 经历:目前是演员不过将来想当专业渔人(?)且上大学。

    Career : acting right now but he wants to be a proffesional Fisher and go to college .

  27. 乐曲描绘了渔人泛舟江上,摇棺荡桨,陶醉于山水之间的情态。

    The tune describes a fisherman who steers his boat on a river as fascinated with the surrounding landscape .

  28. 纽约有南街海港,旧金山有渔人码头,奥斯陆则有阿克尔码头。

    New York has its South Street Seaport , SanFrancisco its Fisherman 's Wharf and Oslo has Aker Brygge .

  29. 比如,在瑞典,那里的乌鸦会趁渔人往冰隙里放钓钩的时候守在一边。

    For example , in Sweden , crows will wait for fishermen to drop lines through holes in the ice .

  30. 相传,武陵渔人就是从这里出发,踏进了梦中的天堂。

    The legend says that the fisherman from Wuling started the journey right here and later entered the paradise in his dreams .