
The needle-like stress zones and dislocations due to constitutional supercooling in Czochralski METHOD-GROWN YAG SINGLE CRYSTALS
Cellular interface and cellular structure due to constitutional supercooling in CZOCHRALSKI-GROWN linbo_3 single crystals
The needle like inclusions are formed through constitutional supercooling due to the contamination of oxygen or lead oxide impurities in the raw materials .
引上法晶体生长和熔化的相互作用起因于组分过冷,Tm ̄(3+):YAG生长时组分过冷不明显,仍能表现出固有的形貌。
The interaction between crystal growth and crystal melt is caused by constitutional supercooling and the inhering morphology of Tm  ̄( 3 + ): YAG crystal is appeared due to little constitutional supercooling .
We compared the experimental results of growing β′ - Gd 2 ( MoO 4 ) 3 crystal by resistance-heated and induction-heated Czochralski ( Cz ) technique . The constitutional supercooling and the supercooling of the melt during the Cz process were discussed .
Morphological Study of Cellular Interface due to Constitutional Supercooling in Czochralski-grown Y-LiNbO_3 Single Crystals
Constitutional supercooling and segregation of solute in the growth of Nd : YAG crystals
A Robust Speech Recognition based on Zero-crossing with Peak Amplitude Model Combining Difference Information
It was all academic , because there were never any profits to share out .
The composition supercooling , and how to prevent it and improve the crystal perfection are discussed .
Investigation of constitutional supercooling in lithium sodium strontium niobate crystals grown by Czochralski method and improvement of crystal quality
But for a section of the American workforce , " work " and " life " have never been separate .
After discussing the theoretical method , the vias and the differential vias have been modeled and the simulation results have been analyzed .
Through the analysis for transition temperature of crystal structure , the component cooling problems of Yb : YLF crystal growth were effectively solved .
The constitutional supercooling in single crystal grown by Czoehralski method has been studied by observing grind and polished and etched specimen with microscopy method .
Imperfections such as cracks , inclusions , growth striations , color centers , inhomogeneityand cellular structures , that frequently occur in artificially grown crystals are discussed .
The constitutional supercooling and internal growth striation in the SNLN crystals have been overcome and the optical homogeneity of the crystals have been improved by employing optimum growth condition and technique .
In the course of creating triangle gridding , program used the Delaunay-triangle method .
Relationship between Supercooling of Doped Rare Earth LiYF_4 and Its Composition
And we know that she called you at3h45in the morning .
Research on the multicomponent fibreglass filter paper
Posting the entries in the journals into ledger accounts , thus creating a record classified by accounts .
Attention should be paid to special switching over-voltage , grounding fault over-voltage and tripping over-voltage caused by short circuit faults clearing in UHV system .
The new method can be used when the difference of variance components between male and female is relatively large with full-sib analysis in actual estimation .
Just after 2.15 am the retired breast cancer surgeon , who worked in Southampton , reached Cap Gris , in France , after a 18-hour swim that started in Dover at 8 am yesterday morning .
At the gliding stage , LI Ling angel of thigh and ground is much big , the swing legs vertical speed too high , level speed too smell and the enlarging angel of body gravity ;
According to the characteristics of real estate cycle fluctuation in Wuhan market , 16 early warning indexes are chosen , the situation of real estate market in Wuhan was divided into " cold , cool , normal , heat , overheated " five grades .
Natural gas stimulation process , from the bottom of the well to the formation far end , the stratum in turn divided into supersaturated area , saturated zone and owe saturated zone , and , on this basis , promotes the pilot test , and achieved good results .
You may divide the blame among you .
Doyinsola Sogbesan ( left ) , who worked for an insurance company , Allianz China General , in Shanghai , enjoyed the experience .