
  1. 共记录到步甲19个种,分隶于8个属。

    The community consists of 19 species belonging to 8 genera .

  2. 所采蚂蚁分隶于8亚科66属220种。

    220 species belonging to 8 subfamilies and 66 genera were collected .

  3. 该次采集共得爬行动物标本1909号,计76种,分隶56属16科2目。

    They belong to 76 species of 56 genera , 16 families , and 2 orders .

  4. 本文报道我国石头花属植物有18种(其中2新种)1变种,分隶于5组。

    N this paper , 18 species ( two new ) and one variety of Gypsophila are reported from China . They are divided into 5 sections .

  5. 1996年3~12月.对当涂县水稻土大型土壤动物与水稻害虫进行了调查.共获土壤动物对类、622个.分隶于3门、6纲、14目。

    Soil macrofauna and pest in Dangtu County . Anhui Province was investigated from March to December 1996 . 622 individuals are collected . which belong to 3 phyla .

  6. 结果表明:春末夏初济南市郊直翅目昆虫计26种,分隶于2亚目,5总科,11科。

    The result shows that : there are 26 species of Orthoptera in the suburbs of Jinan during the late spring and early summer , which belong to 2 suborders , 5 superfamilies , 11 families .

  7. 报道了中国南沙群岛的双壳纲贝类141种,分隶于5亚纲8目36科77属。

    This paper deals with Bivalvia ( Mollusca ) collected on the Nansha Islands from March to June 1999 by Zhanjiang Ocean University . 141 species belonging to 5 subclass 8 orders 36 families 77 genera are identified .

  8. 于2005年2月至3月调查了海南岛的部分地区两栖动物,主要集中在戈枕、湾岭和吊罗山,共计采集到13种标本,分隶4科7属。

    This paper reports the results of a partial survey of amphibians of Hainan Island conducted from February to March of 2005 . A total of 13 species of amphibians were found in the survey and identified , all of which belong to seven genera and four families .

  9. 平城时期魏碑体书法的特点是介于隶楷之间,笔者将其具体分作隶楷书和楷隶书两种,并对这两种书法作品作了简单的介绍。

    Author divided the specific calligraphy into two kinds , official-regular script and regular-official script . and make a brief introduction to the two kinds of calligraphy works .

  10. 锦西石化分公司是隶属于中国石油的国有特大型企业,在过去的几年里进行了一些改革和重组,但企业的组织机构仍很庞大,需要进一步调整和规范。

    In the past few years , a number of reforms and restructuring has been carried out , but it is still a large business organization , need to be regulated and standardized .

  11. 然后,根据帧间差分的方法确定隶属于背景点的变化区域,并对该区域背景更新。

    Second , the background is updated in the change region , which is identified as background pixels using the frame difference method .