
  • 网络Horny scale
  1. 重叠角质鳞皮覆盖穿山甲身体部位,形成盔甲。曾经有人将一件不同寻常的以穿山甲鳞皮制成的盔甲礼物呈送给乔治三世。

    Pangolins are covered in overlapping keratin scales which act as body armour , indeed an unusual gift of a coat of armour made from Pangolin scales was once presented to King George III.

  2. 除了特殊行为、保护色和机体物理屏障如角质表皮、鳞毛或甲壳外,昆虫还具有识别和清除体内异物的高效免疫系统。

    Besides the protection of physical barriers such as cuticle , scale and carapace , insects have immune related molecules to recognize and kill invaders .