
  • 网络Horn carving;Harpy Eagle;Harpia harpyja;Harpia harpyia
  1. 角雕是其中的一种,它们的翼幅达6-7英尺,可能是世界上力量最强大的鸟类。

    Among these species is the harpy eagle , which has a six or seven-foot wingspan and is perhaps the most powerful bird in the world .

  2. 在亚马逊热带雨林中,最伟大而最濒危的物种不是美洲豹,也不是美洲角雕,而是与世隔绝的人类部落。

    And the greatest and most endangered species in the Amazon Rainforest is not the jaguar , it 's not the harpy eagle , it 's the isolated and uncontacted tribes .