
  1. “她是个很可爱的小姑娘,歌也唱得很好,”北京奥组委官方网站上记录着张艺谋的原话。

    " She is a lovely girl and she sings well ," Zhang said , according to a transcript posted on the Beijing organizing committee 's web site .

  2. 霎时出姑娘骄傲的心歌,包含着少女挑衅的眼神,我要用这把感情的钥匙,打开那姑娘心灵的房门,占有那少女的心!

    Leaves the girl arrogant heart song instantly , is containing the look which the young girl provokes , I must use this the sentimental key , opens that girl mind the door , holds that young girl 's heart !