
ɡū mā
  • aunt;father's (married) sister;tannie
姑妈 [gū mā]
  • [aunt;father's married sister] [口]∶姑母(指父亲的已婚姐妹)

  1. 她信守诺言,定期去看望姑妈。

    She kept her promise to visit her aunt regularly .

  2. 原来她姑妈就是我表姐。

    It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same .

  3. 他和一位帮他料理家务的姑妈住在一起。

    He lives with an aunt who keeps house for him .

  4. 我的祖母和姑妈将代替我的父母出席。

    My grandmother and aunt will be there in my parents ' stead .

  5. 这是薇拉姑妈送的礼物。

    It was a present from Aunt Vera .

  6. 他的姑妈有时有点古怪。

    His aunt was sometimes a bit eccentric .

  7. 这个年轻人小心侍候他有钱的姑妈。

    The young man danced attendance on his rich aunt .

  8. 那孩子的姑妈没办法使他听她的话。

    His aunt could not make the child mind her .

  9. 听说我们最热爱的姑妈快要死了,我们感到非常悲痛。

    We were very distressed to hear that our favourite aunt was at death 's door .

  10. 这个年轻人小心侍候他有钱的姑妈,但是当他姑妈死时,他一无所获。

    The young man danced attendance on his rich aunt , but got nothing from her when she died .

  11. 姑妈的房间在楼下,我们几个都呆在她南面的那个房间里。

    My aunt 's room was downstairs , and we all stayed in a room down the hall from hers .

  12. 在上个世纪80年代早期,我姑妈家住的房子基本上可以说是位于荒郊野外。那是一个曾经使我和弟弟毛骨悚然的地方,但我们还是喜欢去她那儿,因为姑妈家有四个孩子。

    Back in the early 1980s my aunt lived in a house that was literally1 located in the middle of nowhere.It used to really creep my younger brother and me out , but we loved to go there because my aunt had four children .

  13. 假如Julia姑妈今天有来的话,John会收到一份大礼物。

    John could get a big present if Aunt Julia came today .

  14. n.被监护者他双亲过世后,法院让他的姑妈当监护人。……

    ward After his parent 's death , the court made him a ward of him aunt .......

  15. 可是对可怜的贝里却没有一个人说过一句话;她哭了六个星期(她善良的姑妈一直在严厉地斥责她),并落到一个绝望的老处女的处境。--------①英文中腿(leg)这个词的发音为莱格。

    But nobody said anything about poor Berry , who cried for six weeks ( being soundly rated by her good aunt all the time ) , and lapsed into a state of hopeless spinsterhood .

  16. 那是一个临时举行的排队,是Maud姑妈建议的,因为她埋怨说她被冷落了一整天。

    It was an improvised party , suggested by Aunt Maud , who complained at being left alone all day .

  17. 我有一个姑妈在北京,她从不写信。

    I have an aunt in Beijing , who never writes .

  18. 我唯一担心的是我姑妈会感到不安。

    My only worry was that my aunt would be upset .

  19. 他杰出的姑妈们胆大妄为地评论了一番他的外貌。

    His excellent aunts had ventured a comment on his appearance .

  20. 当我听说瑞秋姑妈过世的时候。

    When I got the news that Aunt Rachel had died .

  21. 自从他母亲去世以来,他就跟他的姑妈住在一起。

    He has lived with his aunt since his mother died .

  22. 我非常肯定,这是伊迪姑妈送给我的。

    I 'm pretty sure my aunt Edie gave me that .

  23. 我姑妈一开口就说个没完!

    My aunt could talk the hind legs off a donkey !

  24. 众姐妹:圣诞快乐,姑妈!谢谢您,马奇姑妈!

    Merry Christmas , auntie ! Thank you , Aunt March .

  25. 饭菜不好吃,可姬特姑妈还往里加调味料。

    B.The food tasted bad , however Aunt Kit fixed it .

  26. 不得不想到家,想到他的姑妈和托克斯小姐;

    of home , and of his aunt and Miss Tox ;

  27. 鲍琳娜姑妈站起身来的时候,也象平常一样地泰然自若。

    When Aunt Paulina stood up she looked composed as usual .

  28. 他还没动过他姑妈留给他的钱。

    He hasn 't touched the money his aunt left him .

  29. 我有两个世界上最好的姑妈。

    I 've got the two nicest aunts in the world .

  30. 姑妈给了我一顶帽子,我把它丢了。

    My aunt gave me a hat and I lost it .