
gū ye
  • a form of address for a man used by the senior members of his wife's family;form of address for son-in-law by family of his wife
姑爷 [gū yé]
  • [form of address for son-in-law by family of his wife] 岳父母或岳父母家的人称女婿

姑爷[gū ye]
  1. 唉,姑爷!唉,姑爷!一个人到头来总是要死的。

    Ah sir ! Ah sir ! Well , death 's the end of all .

  2. 还有father-in-law/岳父、公公和brother-in-law/姐夫、小舅子;son-in-law/姑爷和daughter-in-law/儿媳。

    Also father-in-law / father-in-law and brother-in-law / brother-in-law ; son-in-law / son-in-law and daughter-in-law / daughter-in-law .

  3. 李妈道:“姑爷刚理了发回来,还没有到报馆去。”

    " He just got back from a haircut ," said mama li . " he hasn 't gone to the newspaper office yet . "

  4. 李妈一否认道:“我什么都没有说,只说姑爷脾气燥得很。”

    Mama Li denied it at once . " I didn 't say anything . I just said that master has a very quick temper . "

  5. 主啊!像这样好的教训,我就是在这儿听上一整夜都愿意;啊!真是有学问的人说的话!姑爷,我就去对小姐说您就要来了。

    O lord , I could have stay 'd here all the night to hear good counsel : o , what learning is ! My lord , I 'll tell my lady you will come .