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gū biǎo
  • cousinship;the relationship between the children of a brother and a sister;relation between the children of a brother and a sister
姑表 [gū biǎo]
  • [relation between the children of a brother and a sister;cousinship] 一家的父亲和一家的母亲是兄妹或姐弟的亲戚关系。如姑母和舅父的子女互称的表兄弟或表姐妹

  • 姑表兄弟

  • 你弄错了,他俩是姑表亲,不是姨表亲

姑表[gū biǎo]
  1. 威尔克斯家和汉密尔顿家向来是姑表联姻。

    The Wilkes and Hamiltons always marry their own cousins .

  2. 一个人的兄弟、姑表兄弟和叔伯越多(他们可以保护他,或为他报仇),他享有的自由就越多。

    The more brothers , cousins , uncles a man had to avenge or protect him , the greater was his freedom .

  3. 克斯家和汉密尔顿家向来是姑表联姻。他总有一天要娶她的,这谁都知道,就像霍妮·威尔克斯要同媚兰小姐的兄弟查尔斯结婚一样。”

    it for years . The Wilkes and Hamiltons always marry their own cousins . Everybody knew he 'd probably marry her some day , just like Honey Wilkes is going to marry Miss Melly 's brother , Charles . "