
  • 网络GIRLS
  1. 姑娘们在操场上跳绳。

    The girls were skipping in the playground .

  2. 姑娘们学的正是怎样照看新生儿。

    The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby .

  3. 他仍然能让姑娘们着迷。

    He can still pull the girls .

  4. 姑娘们既聪明伶俐,又妩媚动人,跟她们的兄弟形成鲜明的对照。

    In striking contrast to their brothers , the girls were both intelligent and charming .

  5. 姑娘们,早上好!

    Good morning , girls !

  6. 他留神听着从身边走过的姑娘们嘴里在闲扯着什么。

    He listened to chattering maids as they passed by .

  7. 姑娘们匆忙跑了出来,爬进汽车,然后开车走了。

    The girls hurried outside , climbed into the car , and drove off

  8. 姑娘们,你们真是淘气。

    Girls , you 're being very naughty

  9. 小姑娘们把自己锁在楼上,因为麦克对她们很刻薄。

    The little girls had locked themselves in upstairs because Mack had been mean to them

  10. 姑娘们在前几次的游览中就爱上了都柏林,她们说她们喜欢这个城市的时尚氛围。

    The girls fell in love with Dublin on previous visits . They said that what they liked was the buzz about the place .

  11. 约翰走过时,姑娘们傻笑了起来。

    The girls were giggling when John passed by .

  12. 姑娘们都穿着夏装。

    The girls were all in their summer clothing .

  13. 音乐一响,姑娘们就跳开了。

    As soon as the music began the girls started to dance .

  14. 姑娘们穿着白上身,花裙子。

    The girls are wearing white blouses and bright-coloured skirts .

  15. 姑娘们在用铰刀剪窗花。

    The girls are making paper-cuts for window decorations with scissors .

  16. 姑娘们迫不及待地为聚会做准备。

    All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready .

  17. 姑娘们嬉闹了好一阵。

    The girls laughed and played for a long time .

  18. 姑娘们看护她们的羊群。

    The girls are keeping watch over the flock .

  19. 姑娘们通常对蛇很嫌恶。

    Girls generally have an aversion to snakes .

  20. 姑娘们干活真卖劲儿。

    The girls are really working hard .

  21. 我在哪儿也看不见那些姑娘们,只有几位老者闲呆着等候。

    I couldn 't see the girls anywhere , there were just a few old men waiting about doing nothing .

  22. 她向姑娘们展示了捆在一起的筷子很难折断。

    She showed the girls it was hard to break the tied chopsticks .

  23. 当然,年轻姑娘们欣然同意。

    Certainly , the young girls readily agreed .

  24. 姑娘们正在隔壁练习唱新歌

    The girls are practicing singing the new song in the next room .

  25. 元宵节夜晚赏灯,为年轻姑娘们提供寻找心仪男子的契机。

    Watching lanterns at night was just an opportunity for young women to find a man whose appearance appealed to them .

  26. 姑娘们,不对。应该这样摆,不,不是这样。gotta:<美俚>(=havegotto)必须curve:弯,使…弯曲spine:背骨,脊柱elongate:延长,伸长elongate:延长,伸长要弯背,前驱,伸长。

    Blair : Girls , no. This is how you do it . No , no , no. Gotta curve your spine forward , elongate . -

  27. provide:供给,提供practice:练习,实行preach:传道,劝诫,说教你们吃我上的菜,践行我的训诫。till:直到(…为止)我同意的时候,paid:pay的过去分词,支付,付钱你们才能和我付钱请来的姑娘们聊天。

    You eat what i provide practice what i preach , And till i say so , The only girls you talk to are the ones I 've paid for .

  28. 这群女生的一个朋友艾希莉·黄把年鉴中的一张图片上传到了Facebook上,并附上评论:“喜欢得要死。姑娘们,最好的毕业年鉴殊荣属于你们!”

    A photograph of the yearbook page was uploaded on Facebook by the girls ' friend , Ashley Vong , with the comment : " Literally dying . Kudos for the best senior quotes , ladies . "

  29. 每当下班Cindi就会直接回家,不去和餐厅的姑娘们小伙子们业余打闹。

    When she gets off work she goes straight back home - she doesn 't bother with the after-hours thing with the guys and the gals at the restaurant .

  30. 杰克在弹钢琴,姑娘们在唱歌。

    The girls were singing while Jack was playing the piano .