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  • Kettle;thermos;hot water pot
  1. 一个热水壶可以用来装多出来的流质。

    A thermos jug was useful for carrying off spare liquids .

  2. 她,你懂的,她总是给我添乱!我8岁时,我不给她我的热水壶,她就把它丢在公车下。

    She just , you know , she 's always breaking my stuff . 2 When I was eight , and I wouldn 't let her have my Judy Jetson thermos , so she threw it under the bus .

  3. 我知道Joey不是我男朋友或者热水壶。

    Phoebe : I mean , I know Joey is not my boyfriend , or my thermos , or anything , but ...

  4. 我以前很聪明,比如我知道发出什么样响声的热水壶才是好的热水壶。

    I was smart and I understood boiler plate and what sounded good .

  5. 他想要确保她知道如何重新设置热水壶上的指示灯。

    He wanted to make sure she knew how to reset the pilot light on the boiler .

  6. 我记忆中最早的一件事,是提着家里唯一的一把热水壶去公共食堂打开水。

    My earliest memory was of taking our only vacuum bottle to the public canteen for drinking water .

  7. 白宫馆长威廉·艾尔曼:其中最有趣的一件艺品是这个镀银的热水壶。

    WILLLAM ALLMAN , WHITE HOUSE CURATOR : One of the most interesting pieces is this silver-plated hot water urn .

  8. 运用领域:热水壶、豆浆机内胆、电压力锅内胆、锅盖等。

    Application fields : heating kettles , inner pots of soy milk makers , inner pots of electric pressure cookers , pot lids .

  9. 面盆里的黄铜热水壶,银色的刷子,擦得亮晶晶的皮靴的线条,全都闪熠发光。

    The copper pitcher of hot water in the basin , the sliver of his brushes , and the line of his well-polished boots , all shone .

  10. 房屋内配置:精装修,床,衣柜,冰箱,彩电,24小时热水,宽带,电脑台,空调,热水壶。

    Housing allocation : fine decoration , beds , wardrobes , refrigerator , TV , broadband Internet access , 24 hour hot water , computer desk , air conditioner , hot water .

  11. 菲比:我的意思是,我知道乔伊不是我男朋友,也不是我的热水壶,或者其他的什么,但是……钱德勒:你不会失去他的。

    Rachel : Phoebe : I mean , I know Joey is not my boyfriend3 , or my thermos , or anything , but .. Chandler : You 're not gonna lose him . 4 Monica : Hon , you gotta ④ talk to ⑤

  12. 如果你用热布把水壶包好,就可以使它在旅行中保暖。冲泡乌龙茶的茶具除辅助器具外,主要的有烧水壶、茶壶、茶杯和茶船。

    If you wrap up the cooking pot in hot cloths , you can keep it warm on the journey . Besides some supplementary tea wares , the main tools used to prepare Oolong tea are kettle , teapot , teacup and pitcher .