
  • 网络tropical species;Badila;Saccharum officinarum;S.officinarum L.;S.officinarum
  1. 热带种黑车里本(BlackCheribon)作为细胞质源,印度种甜高梁作为遗传组成源的品种具有较高的抗性。

    Applying the tropical species Black Cheribon as cytoplasmic source and Indian sweet Sorghum as hereditary source can afford a higher resistance to Eye-spot .

  2. 闽北红壤区牧草引种与筛选研究Ⅱ.热带种

    Introduction and selection of forage in red soil region of northern Fujian ⅱ Tropical species

  3. 出现种类多数以近岸广布种和近岸低盐种为主,少数是近岸性暖水种和外洋性热带种。

    The dominant species are neritic eurytopic and low salinity species , a few individuals belong to tropical oceanic species .

  4. 热带种有25个,居主导地位,占其总种数的58.14%;

    Of the species , the tropical species total 25 and accounts for 58.14 % , thereby being the dominant species ;

  5. 种级区系成分中,有中国特有种622个,占37.42%,热带种791个,占47.59%,温带种249个,占14.88%。

    In all species , there are 622 China endemic species , account for 37.42 % ; 791 tropical species , for 47.59 % and 249 warm-temperate species , for 14.88 % .

  6. 你必须把这些热带花卉种在温室里。

    You must grow these tropical flowers in a glasshouse .

  7. 岩芯中硅藻丰度和热带远洋种丰度的突然增加系新仙女木(YD)、海因里奇(H1)等古气候变冷事件留下的记录。

    And the sharp increases of the diatom abundance and tropic pelagic species abundance in the cores are records of the paleoclimatic cooling events of Younger Dryas ( YD ) and Heinrich I ( H1 ) .

  8. 四种中美洲热带松种源苗期试验

    Species / Provenance Trials of Four Exotic Pines in Southern China

  9. 鸡蛋花是热带一种小型树种的花朵。

    Pulmeria is the flower of a small tropical tree .

  10. 热带松树种、种源引种试验初报

    The Introduction Experiment Report on Tree Species and Provenances of Tropical Pine

  11. 3个热带竹种在桂西南的引种栽培试验

    Introduction and Silviculture Trial of Three Tropical Bamboo Species in Southwest Guangxi

  12. 亚洲热带一种高大的树,经常截矮成室内盆栽植物,;是阿萨姆邦橡胶的来源。

    Large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a houseplant ; source of Assam rubber .

  13. 热带四种按树人工林的土壤指标对氮肥反应的评价

    An assessment of response of soil-based indicators to nitrogen fertilizer across four tropical eucalyptus plantations

  14. 研究人员从热带一种薄荷类植物中发现的化学物质对缺乏阳光照射的皮革以及实验室隔绝阳光的“白皮”鼠都有作用。

    Researchers have found a chemical from a tropical mint plant that works both as a sunless tanner and as a solar shield in fair-skinned mice .

  15. 文中描述冲绳海槽中段2个柱样沉积物中优势硅藻种相对含量,热带远洋种相对含量和硅藻组合的分布特征;

    In the paper , the distributive characteristics are described on the relative content of dominant diatom species , the relative content of tropical pelagic species and the diatom assemblages in two sedimentary cores in the central section of Okinawa Trough ;

  16. 结果表明,热带远洋种的相对含量>20%的界线与黑潮流的边界基本上一致;优势硅藻种和硅藻组合的分布留下了与物质来源的关系较为密切的记录。

    The results show that the limit of > 20 % relative content of tropical pelagic species is consistent basically with the demarcation of Kuroshio Current , and that the distributions of dominant diatom species and diatom assemblages reserve the records of their closer relations to material resources .

  17. 本文报道了冲绳海槽表层沉积物中优势硅藻种的相对含量、热带远洋种和硅藻组合的分布特征,讨论了热带远洋种的相对含量与黑潮流、硅藻组合的分布与物质来源的关系等问题。

    This paper describes the relative contents of dominant diatom species and the distributive characteristics of tropical pelagic species and diatom assemblages , and also discusses the relations between the relative content of tropical pelagic species and Kuroshio Current and between the distribution of diatom assemblages and material resources .

  18. 荧光抗体在热带作物小粒种咖啡的C3/C4属性鉴别中的应用

    Application of immunofluorescence to C_3 / C_4 attribute identification of a tropical crop , Coffea arabica

  19. 热带美洲一种优美的单子叶棕榈属。

    A monocotyledonous genus of graceful palm trees in tropical America .

  20. 热带山地雨林种间联结的测定

    Measurement of Species Associations in Tropical Montane Rain Forest

  21. 带有坚硬披针形复叶的美洲大陆热带的一种蕨类;有时属于光叶蕨。

    Tropical American terrestrial fern with leathery lanceolate fronds ; sometimes placed in genus polybotrya .

  22. 云南热带山地三种阔叶人工林群落林下植物生活型谱比较

    Study on The Life Form Spectrum of 3 Wide-leaf Plantation in Tropical Mountain , Yunnan Province

  23. 热带美洲一种小而无刺的树或灌木,其豆荚是丹宁的来源。

    Small thornless tree or shrub of tropical America whose seed pods are a source of tannin .

  24. 热带南美一种高大的树种,果肉丰富的蛋形豆荚,芳香黑色的杏仁形种子,调味品。

    Tall tropical South American tree having pulpy egg-shaped pods of fragrant black almond-shaped seeds used for flavoring .

  25. 热带美洲一种半常绿的树,有开粉红色或玫瑰色花朵的挺直总状花序;用作一种观赏植物。

    Tropical American semi-evergreen tree having erect racemes of pink or rose-colored flowers ; used as an ornamental .

  26. 这款啤酒由三份麦芽、三份啤酒花酿制而成,有焦糖和热带水果两种口味。

    The beer was made with three malts and three hops and has ' caramel ' and ' tropical fruit ' notes .

  27. 自限温伴热带是一种理想的发热元件,是具有一定科研价值及市场推广应用价值的高新技术产品。

    The self-regulating heating cable is a ideal heating component and is called as the advanced technology product with the value of scientific research and application .

  28. 保护区植物区系成分复杂,维管植物属的分布类型有14个。其中:温带属144种、热带属115种。

    The floristic components are complex , according to geographical distribution of vascular genera , 14 types of geographical elements exist , with 144 temperate genera , 115 tropical genera .

  29. 群落中温带性质的种(113种)比热带性质的种(35种)多,说明在本区山地条件下,在该群落中形成和迁入了大量温带的种类。

    In this community , there were 113 temperate species , which was higher than that of tropical species ( 35 ), which indicated that under the upland condition of this nature reserve , a lot of temperate species formed and entered .

  30. OLR资料描述西太平洋副热带高压的一种方法

    A method for describing West Pacific subtropical high by OLR data