
  • 网络Girls Chase
  1. “姑娘追”是哈萨克青年表白爱情的一种方式。

    " Ladies chase " is a way for the Kazak youngsters to express their love .

  2. 哎,你看,姑娘追着小伙子,要是姑娘对哪个小伙子有意啊。

    Hey , you see , when a girl chases a boy , she means she loves him .

  3. 其实我刚才就想告诉你了,姑娘追,姑娘追,意思是只许姑娘追打小伙子,小伙子是不许还手的。

    Actually I wanted to tell you just now that in the girls'chase , the girls are allowed to chase and hit boys but boys are not allowed to hit back .

  4. 还有姑娘们。追球手安吉利娜约翰逊说。

    And women , said Chaser Angelina Johnson .

  5. 那姑娘明显希望你追上去你要是不追我追

    That is a girl who clearly wants to be chased.If you don 't do it , I will .

  6. 约摸有三四个姑娘联合起来追逐一个姑娘,追着她向柑橘林跑来。

    Three or four of them started chasing one girl , chasing her toward the grove . '