
fǎnɡ zhī jī
  • Textile machine;looms;spinning and weaving machines
  1. 冶金质量影响纺织机扭轴材料的性能,而其中氧含量是不可忽视的因素。

    Oxygen content is the most important metallurgical factor that affects the materials properties of torsion bar in the looms .

  2. ANN与模糊算法在毛精纺织机效率预报中的对比

    Comparing artificial neural network and fuzzy theory in efficiency forecast of worsted loom

  3. 本文叙述了用MgTiCaReSiFe单一合金作蠕化剂,用冲天炉铁水制造纺织机齿轮的试验研究工作。

    Using Mg-Ti-Ca-Re-Si-Fe single alloy as a modifying agent , the experimental work for producing compacted graphite cast iron gears with cupola melting iron is described .

  4. 就拿纺织机来说,进入1800年后,约瑟夫•马里•雅卡尔(JosephMarieJacquard)在里昂发明了这种机器。

    Take those mechanical looms . They were invented just after 1800 by Joseph Marie Jacquard in Lyon .

  5. 这位浪漫派诗人在英国上议院(HouseofLords)只发表过一次演讲,就是为内德•卢德(NedLudd)的追随者辩护。十九世纪初,卢德派分子在英国各地打砸纺织机,因为他们担心机器会让工人失业。

    The Romantic poet 's only speech in the House of Lords defended the followers of Ned Ludd , who were smashing the mechanical looms in England during the early 1800s because they feared the machines would put people out of work .

  6. 纺织机中导套的冷挤压工艺研究

    Research on Cold Extrusion Technology for Guide Bushing of Spinning Machine

  7. 纺织机用高强度异型梭子管的张扭矫直

    Stretching-twisting Straightening of special Shuttle pipes of High-strength on Spinning Machines

  8. 我公司是一生产制造纺织机的现代化专业公司。

    My company is a manufacture of textile machines modern professional company .

  9. 纺织机大型双联凸轮轴感应热处理

    Induction Heat Treatment of Heavy Twin-camshaft for Spinning Machine

  10. 纸浆、纸或纸板制纬管,用于纺织机

    Cop , of paper pulp , paper or paperboard , for textile machines

  11. 喷丝头是化纤纺织机上的关键部件。

    The tantalum spinneret is a key part in chemical fibre silk spinning_machine .

  12. 纺织机也没有像拜伦爵士担心的那样,在英国造成大量失业。

    Nor did the machines destroy employment in England , as Lord Byron feared .

  13. 推拔滚子轴承,包括锥形与推拔滚子组合者,纺织机专用。

    Tapered roller bearings , including cone and tapered roller assemblies , for textile machines .

  14. 我们在檀香山还有手摇纺织机工厂。

    We owned handloom factories in honolulu .

  15. 以前用来不断地缠绕棉线和毛线的纺织机。

    A spinning machine formerly used to twist and wind fibers of cotton or wool continuously .

  16. 卡尔·哈梅尔筒管式纺丝机纸浆、纸或纸板制筒管,用于纺织机

    Carl Hammel system bobbin frame bobbin of paper pulp , paper or paperboard for textile machines

  17. 牛奶纤维成股涌出,在纺织机中纺成纱。

    The fiber comes out in strands and is then spun into yarn on a spinning machine .

  18. 当哈格里弗斯还在研究他的纺纱机时,里查德-阿克莱特在1769年发明了一部水力纺织机。

    While Hargreaves was still working on his " spinning jenny ," Richard Arkwright in 1769 invented a water-power machine .

  19. 后来,格雷格扩大了工厂并装配了燃煤蒸汽机,为原来的水力纺织机提供了更多的动力。

    Later Greg extended the factory and installed coal-fired steam engines to add to the water power from the Bollin .

  20. 美国奴隶种植园里采摘来的原棉被送到这里,由理查德-阿克莱特最新发明的水力纺织机进行加工。

    The raw cotton shipped from America 's slave plantations was processed on the latest machinery , Richard Arkwright 's water frame .

  21. 他是大英帝国的排头兵,是蒸汽机、纺织机、和大不列颠舰队的头面人物。

    He is the point man of an empire , the face of steam power , spinning jennies , and the British fleet .

  22. 科技的革新淘汰了各种各样曾经风靡一时的产品,从手摇式纺织机到随身听,无一例外,这个世界反而还因此更加进步了。

    Technological change has destroyed all sorts of once-popular products , from the handloom to the Walkman , and the world has mostly been better for it .

  23. 分析预测,该钢管在汽车用管、高压抽油泵管、高速托辊用管、纺织机用牵伸管等应用领域有较好的开发前景。

    After analyzed , prediction is made that DOM pipe owns bright exploration prospect in automobile , high pressure pump pipe , high speed roller pipe , draught pipe in weave machine etc. .

  24. 产品已广泛应用于各种机械的滑动部位,如印刷机、升降机、纺织机、烟草机、健身器、液压搬运车、微电机、电磁阀、汽车、摩托车与家庭机械等。

    DU is widely applied in various sliding articles of different kind of machines such as textile machines , tobacco machines , hydraulic vehicles , automobiles agri machines and forests machines and So .

  25. 本发明涉及用于生产交叉卷绕筒子的纺织机的驱动辊,该驱动辊用于摩擦驱动安装成在绕线装置上的绕线架中转动的交叉卷绕筒子。

    The invention relates to drive rollers on a textile machine producing cross-wound bobbins , for the frictional drive of a cross-wound bobbin , mounted to rotate in a spool frame on a spooling device .

  26. 同时,开发具有自主知识产权的送经卷取系统也有助于提高我国织机的档次和技术水平,对我国的纺织机行业起到积极推动的作用。

    In the meantime , exploiting the let-off and take-up system which has independence intellectual property rights could help to enhance the quality and technical merit of our country , and play a positive role in loom industry .

  27. 当然,另一些科学家认为,这些线条是纳斯卡人使用大量纺织机纺织过的证据。有一位观察者甚至做过一个可笑论述——纳斯卡是技术先进却已销声匿迹的社会,用过的古代飞机场的遗留物。

    Still , other scientists argue that the lines are evidence of massive looms that the Nazcas used to make textiles , and one investigator has even made the preposterous claim that they are the remnants of ancient airfields used by a vanished , technologically advanced society .

  28. 棉纺织企业机配件管理信息系统的开发

    The Development of Machine-Parts Management Information System in Cotton Textile Enterprises

  29. 纺织印花机的色彩管理及在线通讯

    Color Management and Online Communication of a Textile Printer with Global Operations

  30. 纺织梳理机钢丝针布用丝与毛混纺的料子

    Card fillet for textile carding machines cloth woven from silk and wool