
shào fù
  • Young woman;chick;young married woman;frail;wench;colleen
少妇 [shào fù]
  • [wench;young married woman] 已婚的年轻女子

少妇[shào fù]
  1. 他的妻子是一个美丽的少妇。

    His wife is a comely young woman .

  2. 少妇不以为然地说:“耳环丢了不算什么,只要耳朵还在就没什么可以遗憾的。”

    The lady said light heartedly " It doesn 't matter that the earrings are lost , for as long as the ears exist , there is nothing to regret . "

  3. 近日,一名33岁的少妇在我市某大医院做胃镜检查前,无意中发现HIV呈阳性,经过疾控部门的复查,这名少妇已被确诊为艾滋病患者。

    Recently , a33-year-old woman in a large city hospital Gastroscopy ago , inadvertently found HIV positive , after a review of disease control department , the young woman has been diagnosed with AIDS .

  4. 绝对没有比老太婆扮少妇妆更让人恶心的了。

    There 's absolutely nothing disgusting than mutton dressed up as lamb .

  5. 你怎能如此大胆地侮辱这位勇敢少妇?

    How dare you insult this brave young woman ?

  6. 老人们说少妇比绳子还缠人。

    The old folk say that a lass pulls more than a rope .

  7. 《蒙娜丽莎》这幅画所描绘的是一位出身显贵的少妇。

    The painting Mona Lisa depicts a young lady from a wealthy family .

  8. 他向少妇讨一顿饭,她答应了。

    He begged his meal and the women agreed .

  9. 身材修长,气度高雅的少妇静听着这些带着悔意的言语。

    The tall , gracious young woman listened attentively to these contrite words .

  10. 她背上背着铺盖卷,怀中抱着婴儿。这位少妇经常怀抱一个光着身子的婴儿。

    The young lady often carries a baby in her arms who has nothing on .

  11. 这位少妇背上背着一个呼呼大睡的男孩去上班了。

    The young woman went out to work with a boy asleep on her back .

  12. 她具有正值青春的少妇的力量和沉着。

    She had the strength and sangfroid of a woman in the prime of life .

  13. 我热爱她韵味非凡,如同少妇。我用我的双眼和我的镜头,试图发现,试图纪录。

    I try to discover , try to record , with my eyes , with my lens .

  14. 那少妇带着孩子逃出火场,脸色苍白不堪。

    The young woman escape from the fire with her baby , her face white as a sheet .

  15. 上午的咖啡馆,如同一个没有睡醒的少妇,低低回旋着清淡的音乐。

    In the morning , the light music revolves in the coffee bar just like a sleepy frail .

  16. 少妇边看边对丈夫说:邻居洗的并不干净,也许是因为不会洗或者洗衣粉不好。

    That laundry is not very clean , she said , she doesn 't know how to wash correctly .

  17. 她跟骡夫们说话,洒脱大方,丝毫没有一般高贵少妇的羞怯样子。

    She talked freely with the drivers and showed none of the shyness usual among higher-class Chinese young women .

  18. 我们旅馆附近的餐厅老板娘是个威尼斯美少妇,她为自己的命运感到悲哀。

    The beautiful young Venetian woman who owns the restaurant near where we are staying is miserable with her fate .

  19. 在这一社区,拔鸟类羽毛是通常由女青少年和少妇从事的一项任务。

    In this community , the defeathering of birds is a task usually undertaken by adolescent girls and young women .

  20. 少妇路易斯最近完成了艺术学业在正作为一名室内装修生在工作。

    Louise , a young woman , who recently finished her studies in arts , is working as a interior decorator trainee .

  21. 那位少妇选择住在养老院内,这样她能了解老年人的问题。

    The young woman had chosen to live in a home for the aged so that she would understand the problems of old people .

  22. 而同胞居里夫人则愿“在私立高中教导贵少妇化学而终此一生”。

    Her compatriot Marie Sklodowska-Curie would have " wound up teaching chemistry at some private high school for young ladies from good families . "

  23. 在煤气炉上方的架子上,放着一位留着黑短发,带着高傲、刚强神色的少妇的炭笔肖像。

    On a shelf above the gas fire is a charcoal drawing of a youngish woman with dark , bobbed hair and proud , strong features .

  24. 一个即兴的生日聚会,饮了几瓶酒的四个风趣、性感的少妇,各自说出她们的荒唐逸事。

    The film begins with an all-female birthday party that turns downright kinky when the four women at hand loosen up from consuming a little too much wine .

  25. 那个年轻的少妇领着两个小女孩走了出来,两个小孩都穿着白色的棉袄,一个穿绿裤子,另一个穿紫裤子。

    The beautiful young woman appeared again with two girls , both dressed very simply in white cotton jackets , one with green , the other with violet trousers .

  26. 在这段时期斯嘉丽从一个随心所欲、贪图享乐的少妇变成了一个精明强悍、敢做敢为,同时又吝啬贪婪、斤斤计较的当家人。

    During this period , Scarlett from an arbitrary , pleasure-seeking young women become a smart tough , brave , at the same time mean greed , over minor of the family .

  27. 我想起两天前当地报纸的一篇文章,文章,提及一位醉酒卡车司机,撞上了一辆载著司机,年轻少妇和一个小女孩的汽车。的汽车。

    Then I remembered a local news paper article two days ago , which mentioned a drunk man in a truck , who hit a car occupied by a young woman and a little girl .

  28. 他看到有一个轮胎瘪了,他想要提醒那个少妇,但是来不及了她已经将车开出了庭园,开到了车辆来往频繁的街道上。

    He saw that the car had a flat tyre , and tried to warn the woman , but it was too late & she was already driving the car out of the garden , and into the busy street .

  29. 您试想象:阿德墨脱(Admetus)在沉思默想他新亡的妻子亚尔琪斯提(Aloestis),以至形如枯木,心若死灰;急然间,一个蒙面的少妇向他走来,身材体态都象他的妻子。

    If we imagine Admetus brooding on the memory of his recently departed wife , consuming himself in a spiritual contemplation of her form , and how a figure of similar shape and gait is led toward him in deep disguise .

  30. 比如,依据性别和年龄,你可能被称呼为亲爱的,可爱的小宝贝,花(美人),爱人,少妇,咯咯(小可爱),小鸭子(小宝贝),老爸,儿子,妈妈,女士,小姐或者先生。

    For example , you may be called dear , dearie , flower , love , chick , chuck , duckie , guv , son , ma'am , madam , miss , or sir , according to your sex and age .