
shǎo yún
  • partly cloudy
少云[shǎo yún]
  1. 天气预报说今天少云,有强西风。

    The weather report says it 's partly cloudy today , with a strong wind from the west .

  2. 预测指示器利用图标显示天气变化,例如晴天、多云、少云、下雨等。

    Forecasting indicators show projected weather conditions using symbols for sunny , cloudy , partly cloudy , rainy .

  3. 另外就是,即使这些规则存在,这些国家也很少云执行。

    Even when rules do exist , they are seldom enforced .

  4. 在晴到少云天气条件下,无土栽培观叶植物在一天中环境因子的变化较复杂。

    The change of the environment factors about the foliage plant is complicated .

  5. 广播天气预报说今天全天以“晴朗少云”为主。

    The radio broadcast told that today will be sunny with cloudless sky all day .

  6. 猛禽迁徙的最适天气条件是晴朗、少云、能见度好、三级以上的东北风或西北风。

    The fittest weather is sunny , good visibility with upwards third class northeaster of northwester winds .

  7. 气象播报员说明天将会是晴天。广播天气预报说今天全天以“晴朗少云”为主。

    The weatherman reports it 'll be sunny tomorrow . the radio broadcast told that today will be sunny with cloudless sky all day .

  8. 晴空或少云状况下紫外辐射强度及指数预报模式在晴到少云天气条件下,无土栽培观叶植物在一天中环境因子的变化较复杂。

    Ground-Based Ultraviolet Radiation Operational Prediction Model in Clear / Part Cloudy Day The change of the environment factors about the foliage plant is complicated .

  9. 如表所示,疏云天与“少云”一致,而裂云天则与多云一致。(即此处术语均指同一概念)

    As shown in the table , a scattered sky is the same as partly cloudy and broken sky is identical with a cloudy one .

  10. 结果表明:晴天、少云、多云和阴雨天沥青下垫面的日最高温度主要与日最高气温、日太阳总辐射和日平均风速相关;

    Results show that the maximum temperature of asphalt underlying surface is mainly related to daily maximum air temperature , daily total solar radiation and daily average wind velocities ;

  11. 根据天气及紫外线指数状况可以分为多云多雨型、多云少雨型和少云少雨型。

    Based on the weather and UVI in bathing season , the beaches could be divided into cloudy and rainy , cloudy and rainless , and sunny and rainless groups .