
kūn chónɡ yòu chónɡ
  • insect larvae
  1. JHAMT的分子特征与相对表达的分析为JH对昆虫幼虫生长发育、变态过程以及对成虫的生殖过程的作用提供了分子基础。

    These results of molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis were provided the molecular basis for effect of JH on insect larvae growth , metamorphosis and adult reproduction .

  2. 通常在深海发现的栖息生物包括细菌、真菌、软体动物以及昆虫幼虫。

    Commonly found inhabitants include bacteria , fungi , mollusks , and insect larvae .

  3. 然而,水鼩为了能吃到在河床和溪床上生活的所有昆虫幼虫,不得不到水下觅食。

    But the ability to feed on all the insect larvae2 that live on the beds of rivers and streams has driven them to forage3 under water .

  4. GPS设备使卑格米人能够定位圣树、传统的狩猎场、以及由于生长着特殊果实或昆虫幼虫因而在具体季节不能扰动的植物。

    The GPS device allows Pygmies to pinpoint sacred trees , ancestral hunting grounds , and plants which should not be touched during the season when they yield special fruits or caterpillars .

  5. 除农田外,其他生境土壤昆虫幼虫群落个体密度和类群数主要集中分布在0~5cm土壤层,生境凋落物的移除对土壤昆虫幼虫群落组成影响不明显;

    The group numbers and individual density mainly live in the layer of 0 ~ 5 cm in the soil profile in the other habitats except for farmland , and litter removal does not considerably change the community compositions of the soil insect larvae .

  6. 高抗虫无性系杀死昆虫幼虫的总死亡率为83%~90%。

    The larvae mortality rate of the high insect-resistant clone was 83 % ~ 90 % .

  7. 似鮈为杂食性鱼类。其食物主要为水生昆虫幼虫。

    The fish is an omnivorous fish , the diet consists mainly of aquatic insect lavra .

  8. 几丁质酶抑制物可以通过抑制几丁质酶的活性,阻止昆虫幼虫和蛹蜕皮以及真菌子母细胞的分离而起到杀虫和抗真菌作用。

    Chitinase inhibitor can prevent insect larve and pupa ecdysis and fungal cell separation through inhibiting chitinase activity .

  9. 土豆种子以及包括蚕在内的昆虫幼虫都会被放置在其中。

    Potato seeds and the larvae of insects , including the silkworm , will be inside the cylinder .

  10. 现代湖泊中的造迹生物以底栖的寡毛类蠕虫、甲壳动物、软体动物的双壳类和腹足类、昆虫幼虫为主。

    Trace-making organisms in modern lacustrine environments are mainly benthic oligochaete annelids . Crustaceans , bivalves and gastropods , insect larvae .

  11. 这条巴巴多斯蛇以白蚁和昆虫幼虫为食,但对于它的生态学和行为学的了解还一无所获。

    The Barbadian snake apparently eats termites and insect larvae , but nothing is yet known of its ecology and behavior .

  12. 一般情况下,昆虫幼虫都是在腐烂的有机物中发育生长,而成虫往往成为导致植物和动物感染疾病的传播载体。

    Frequently , insect larvae develop in decaying organic matter , and insect adults often serve as vectors for microorganisms causing plant and animal diseases .

  13. 虫茶是我国少数民族地区的特色产品,它由鳞翅目昆虫幼虫取食植物后所产的排泄物制作而成。

    Insect tea is a characteristic product of minority areas in China , which is made of the excretion that Lepidoptera larvae excrete after eating some particular plants .

  14. 獴是专家级的挖掘工,经常打洞遁身于地下寻找潜在的食物,包括甲虫、蝎子、昆虫幼虫、小型爬行动物等。

    Meerkats are master excavators , frequently digging themselves entirely out of sight in pursuit of potential meals , which include beetles , scorpions , insect larvae , and small reptiles .

  15. 研究记录到底栖动物35种,包括腹足类9种,双壳类5种,多毛类6种,寡毛类2种,甲壳类11种,昆虫幼虫2种。

    Thirty-five species of macroinvertebrate including 9 species of gastropods , 5 of bivalves , 6 of polychaetes , 2 of oligochaetes , 11 of crustacean , and 2 species of insect larvae were recorded .

  16. 研究结果表明:不同土地利用生境土壤昆虫幼虫群落组成与生态分布存在差异,防护林和农田土壤昆虫幼虫的类群数和个体密度显著减少;

    The results suggest that the types of land use affect the community compositions and ecological distributions of soil insect larvae , and group numbers and individual density of soil insect larvae decreases significantly in the Three-North Forest Shelterbelt and farmland in suburb .

  17. 昆虫的幼虫,能建造身体的保护壳。

    Insect larva that constructs a protective case around its body .

  18. 溪岸上的桌子上还放着显微镜、昆虫及其幼虫的鉴定图片。

    There are also tables with microscopes and insect and larvae identification charts .

  19. 各种钻木的昆虫、幼虫或软体动物。

    Any of various insects or larvae or mollusks that bore into wood .

  20. 蚁狮或其它几种昆虫的幼虫。

    The larva of an ant lion or of any of several other insects .

  21. 毛翅目昆虫的幼虫;建造有杀或植物碎片覆盖的丝囊。

    Caddisfly larva ; constructs a case of silk covered with sand or plant debris .

  22. 深色昆虫,幼虫水栖、食肉。

    Dark-colored insect having predaceous aquatic larvae .

  23. 有些昆虫的幼虫以植物的根为食。

    Some insect larvae are root feeders .

  24. 处于未完全发育截断的昆虫的幼虫(如蜻蜓或蜉蝣)。

    A larva of an insect with incomplete metamorphosis ( as the dragonfly or mayfly ) .

  25. 鳃角类昆虫其幼虫称作蛴螬,其中很多种类是农作物、果树林木、药用植物的重要害虫,有些种类具有极大观赏价值,部分种类尚可入药。

    The larvae of chafers named grub , which harm many kinds of plants and fruit trees .

  26. 它们主要以小型鱼类为食,其次为水栖昆虫的幼虫等。

    They are mainly small fish for food , followed by aquatic insect larvae , and so on .

  27. 它可以用多用途的双手和灵巧的手指在这里的石头下面找到昆虫的幼虫

    it 's a good place to gather insect larvae from under the rocks , using her versatile hands and nimble fingers .

  28. 多种相关的细长软体小动物,特别是环虫类、毛颚类、线虫类和扁形虫类;也包括许多昆虫的幼虫。

    Any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes ; also many insect larvae .

  29. 昆虫在幼虫和成虫期都具有学习能力,但幼虫期食料和取食经历不会对成虫行为产生直接影响。

    Phytophagous insects have the ability of learning in both larval and adult stages . However , larval diet and experience of feeding do not have direct influence on adult behavior .

  30. 当昆虫的幼虫吃了这些细菌后,细菌中的霉素就会附着在昆虫的内脏,并在上面打出许多洞。这样,幼虫就会被饿死。

    When an insect larva eats these bacteria , the toxin contained in the bacterium attaches to the insect 's gut and makes holes in it , and the larva starves to death .