
kūn qǔ
  • Kunqu opera
昆曲 [kūn qǔ]
  • [Kunqu opera] 流行于中国江苏南部(南昆)及北京、河北(北昆)等地的剧种,用昆腔演唱

昆曲[kūn qǔ]
  1. 昆曲取代了流行音乐,成为车毅生活中不可或缺的一部分。

    Kunqu Opera has replaced pop culture as an indispensable part of Che 's life .

  2. 他听的可不是什么流行音乐,而是昆曲。

    But it 's not pop music he 's listening to , it 's Kunqu Opera .

  3. 昆曲艺术的传承:从大师到弟子

    Passing on the Kunqu Art : From Master to Disciples

  4. 昆曲的出现,是文人戏曲形成的标志。

    The emergence of Kunqu symbolizes the formation of literati drama .

  5. 在古典与现代之间&青春版昆曲《牡丹亭》的诠释

    Between the Ancient and the Modern : Youth Implication in Peony Pavilion

  6. 论昆曲舞台表演艺术的写意性原则

    On the Principle of Free Representation in the Stage Performance of Kunqu

  7. 在世界文化遗产日那天,昆曲表演风光再现。

    Kunqu Opera stages a comeback on World Heritage Day .

  8. 关于昆曲的保护、扶持和振兴

    The Protection , Development and Vitalization of the Kunqu Opera

  9. 浙江三大昆曲支派初探

    The three branches of the Kunqu opera in Zhejiang

  10. 昆曲表演艺术的形式特征

    The Formal Characteristics of the Performance Art of Kunqu

  11. 昆曲与近世江南社会生活

    Kun Opera and the Modern Time Chiang-Nan Social Life

  12. 该项目建立后已组建了三支新的昆曲剧团。

    Three new troupes have been formed in the wake of the revival .

  13. 昆曲;海外传播;第三方文化建立;跨文化传播效果;

    Kunqu ; Overseas communication ; Third culture building ; Intercultural communication effects ;

  14. 教科文组织把我国的昆曲评为“人类口头和非物质文化遗产”。

    Kunqu Opera is rated by UNESCO as Oral and Non-material Heritage of Mankind .

  15. 昆曲平声字的字声特征与腔格

    On the Features of the Level-tone Words and Its Melodies in Chinese Kunqu Opera

  16. 杂谈昆曲与中国古典园林

    Talking about the Kunqu and Chinese classic garden

  17. 在昆曲文化历史时期的传承和传播中,大众媒介发挥了关键性的作用。

    The mass media plays a key role on the historical inheritance and communication .

  18. 取代了少数民族音乐,王力宏专注于京剧和昆曲。

    Instead of ethnic minority music , Wang focused on Peking Opera and Kunqu .

  19. 昆曲是一种非常优美的艺术形式。

    It is a very beautiful art form .

  20. 昆曲曲调的组合形式考述

    A study on composite forms of Kunqu tunes

  21. 北京的昆曲艺术

    The Art of Kunqu Opera in Beijing

  22. 论昆曲审美思想的变迁

    The Changes of Aesthetic Values in Kunqu

  23. 昆剧是一种戏曲声腔、剧种、简称昆腔、昆曲或昆剧。

    Kun is an opera tune , drama , called Kun , Kun opera or .

  24. 这位23岁的生物专业学生自幼便喜欢听昆曲。

    The 23-year-old biology major has enjoyed listening to Kunqu Opera since he was little .

  25. 昆曲历史悠久,是我国现存最古老的戏曲剧种之一。

    Kunqu opera has a long history in China is the oldest existing one opera Opera .

  26. 昆曲作为江南社会肌体的活跃细胞,其作用和功能主要有:丰富、美化社会生活;

    As an active muscle cell , Kun Opera 's main functions exist in decorating social life .

  27. 朝廷倡导、保护昆曲,并抑制昆、弋以外声腔,江南民间深受这一戏曲文化政策的影响。

    Besides , it was influenced by cultural policy which was supported and protected by the government .

  28. 昆曲青春版《牡丹亭》跨文化传播的意义

    On the Cross-culture Communication of Kunqu Opera ( Young Lovers ' Edition ) of The Peony Pavilion

  29. 昆曲艺术的世纪之旅

    Centennial Vicissitude of Kunqu Art

  30. 明清昆曲《西厢记》音乐的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Musics in the Kunqu Opera the Western Chamber in Ming and Qing Dynasties