
shào xiào
  • major;lieutenant commander;squadron leader
少校 [shào xiào]
  • [major;lieutenant commander;squadron leader] 军衔,校官的一级,低于中校

少校[shào xiào]
  1. 他是美国陆军少校。

    He 's a major in the US army .

  2. “立定!”少校发出命令。

    ‘ Halt ! ’ the Major ordered .

  3. 他自称卡特少校。

    He styled himself Major Carter .

  4. 你知道,战争期间我是一名陆军少校。

    I was a major in the war , you know .

  5. 自1928年以来,托马斯少校担任过该俱乐部的多个职位。

    Since 1928 , Major Thomas has served the club in many capacities .

  6. 温斯顿少校策马疾驰而去。

    Major Winston galloped into the distance .

  7. 要将少校即将返回的消息告知朱利安·卡文迪什是有绝对充足的理由的。

    There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major 's impending return .

  8. 花光了他有钱老婆的财产之后,这位少校最后被关进了债务人监狱。

    Having spent his rich wife 's fortune , the Major ended up in a debtors ' prison .

  9. 她那么招摇,真是在自找麻烦。看到温斯顿少校看她的样子了吗?

    She 's asking for trouble , flaunting herself like that . Did you see the way Major Winston was looking at her ?

  10. 少校率领3个连队进攻敌人。

    The major led three companies against the enemy .

  11. 少校军衔高于上尉。

    A major ranks above a captain .

  12. 陆军少校的军阶在上尉与中校之间。

    An army major ranks between a captain and a colonel .

  13. 这个少校因不服从命令而被降级。

    The major was degraded for disobeying orders .

  14. 陆军中校比少校级别高。

    A lieutenant colonel ranks above a major .

  15. 上将的军衔比少校高。

    A general is above a major .

  16. 在登陆时那名海军少校指挥一千名军官和一万名士兵。

    By invasion time the lieutenant commander had cognizance over a thousand officers and ten thousand men .

  17. 科恩中校认为这是梅杰少校的中队里开始出现的一种不健康的倾向。为了防微杜渐,他果断地采取了行动。

    Colonel Korn acted decisively to arrest what seemed to him to be the beginning of an unwholesome trend in major tom 's squadron .

  18. 潘登尼斯少校依靠代理人和邮局,实施着他的仁爱之心

    Major Pendennis transacted his benevolence by deputy and by post .

  19. 梅杰少校当上中队长后稀里糊涂地碰上了一件又一件尴尬倒楣的事。

    Major Major floundered bewilderedly from one embarrassing catastrophe to another .

  20. 佩克姆将军谈到清洁和拖延的那些简报,使梅杰少校感到自己象一个邋遢的、作风拖拉的家伙。

    General Peckem 's communications about cleanliness and procrastination made Major Major feel like a filthy procrastinator .

  21. 然而,在世界各国陆军和空军中,少校必须用Major取代Captain。

    However , in all the armies and air forces Captain must be replaced by Major .

  22. 这就是为什么我们的carter少校做那项研究。

    That 's why our major Carter was running that experiment .

  23. 但是领导驻阿富汗南部北约军队的指挥官是英国的卡特(NickCarter)少校。

    But British Major General Nick Carter heads NATO forces in Southern Afghanistan .

  24. 当康士坦丁P。耶格罗夫少校的飞机起飞的时候,两台内燃发动机在同一边停止了,使得飞机撞在地上,11名机组人员全部死亡。

    As Major Konstantin P.Yegorov 's plane was taking off , two of the new diesel engines cut out on the same side , sending it crashing to earth and killing all11 crewmen .

  25. sheppard少校直接违反了你的命令。

    In which major Sheppard directly disobeyed one of your orders .

  26. 你认为我是一个白痴么,sheppard少校?

    Do you think I 'm a fool , major sheppard ?

  27. sheppard少校正花时间来腾出空间来。

    Major Sheppard seems to be taking his time locating enough space .

  28. 但是据NPR新闻的马丁·凯斯克报道,尼达尔·哈桑少校的备用辩护律师表示,如果不是这样他现在就会想出去。

    But as NPR 's Martin Kaste explains , Major Nidal Hasan 's standby defense counsel says otherwise he now wants out .

  29. lorne少校,现在是时候开火了。

    Major lorne , now would be a good time to open fire .

  30. 时任美国总统的吉米•卡特(JimmyCarter)一开始也看不出当时这个年轻的空军少校会有多大能耐,能搞定这笔F-15战机交易,但不久他就领教了。

    Jimmy Carter , then US president , could not see at first how a young air force major would be effective in securing the F-15s deal , but soon understood .