
  • 网络textile engineering
  1. 建立纺织工程专业的毕业设计(论文)新模式

    Establish a New Pattern of Graduation Project of Textile Engineering Specialty

  2. 论纺织工程与现代技术的嫁接

    Discussion About the Grafting on the Textile Engineering with Modern Technology

  3. 纺织工程专业织物组织与CAD课程改革实践

    Teaching Reform and Practice on Textile Weave and CAD Course of Textile Engineering Speciality

  4. 文中主要介绍了基于Internet的纺织工程专业现代远程教育信息平台的目标设计、软硬件环境建立和信息平台主要内容的策划。

    This article introduces mainly the design of objective , the establishment of software and hardware environment and the schedule of main content of information platform that is used for modern long-haul education in the special field of textile via Internet .

  5. 积极推广高效能精梳机和配套工艺技术&中国纺织工程学会2000年全国高效能精梳机工艺技术交流研讨会会议纪要

    Actively Spread the High-efficacy Comber and It 's Processing Technology

  6. CBE/DACUM办学模式与纺织工程专业改造

    The CBE / DACUM Mode and the Rebuilding of the Textile Engineering Speciality

  7. 在纺织工程学科建立质量管理体系可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study of Establishing Quality Management System in the Textile Engineering Subject

  8. 浅谈几种纺织工程工序质量控制方法

    Discussion of Several Textile Engineering Process Quality Control Methods

  9. 纺织工程专业教学实习改革的探索

    Explore to the Practice Reform of Textile Engineering

  10. 中国纺织工程科技回顾与展望

    Science , Technology and Engineering : The Retrospect and Prospect of China 's Textile

  11. 介绍了纺织工程中清纱机控制系统。

    A control system of voile cleaning machine used to spinning engineering is introduced .

  12. 纺织工程专业产学研合作教育模式的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Co-operative Education Pattern between Enterprise and School in Textile Engineering Major

  13. 织物仿真是一项难度较高的技术,也是当今计算机图形学研究领域和纺织工程研究领域的共同研究热点。

    It is one of research focuses in the fields of computer graphics and textile engineering .

  14. 中国纺织工程学会

    China Textile Engineering Society

  15. 走出象牙塔,纺织工程3+1教学模式的探索与实践

    Out of the ivory tower , exploration and practice on 3 + 1 teaching mode of textile engineering

  16. 三年制纺织工程专业教学改革的思考

    The Train of Thought of the Educational Reform for the Speciality of Textile Engineering of the 3-year Teaching Scale

  17. 棉纺并条粗纱工程的有关问题&中国纺织工程学会棉纺织专业委员会2004年全国传统纺并条粗纱技术进步学术研讨会会议小结

    Relation Questions in Drawing and Roving Engineering of Cotton Spinning Summarize of 2004 Drawing and Roving Technology of National Traditional Spinning Advanced Researching Conference

  18. 其方法和结果对于锭子以及纺织工程中的其他高速转子的弹性支承优化设计具有实际的参考价值。

    The method and the result will be helpful for the optimum elastic support designing of spindle and other high-speed rotors in textile engineering .

  19. 纱罗组织由于织造复杂且产品收益率低,多年来一直未受重视,但近年来纺织工程的发展重振了纱罗组织的生产。

    Current developments in textile-engineering resurrect the leno weave although it was unnoticed for the last years , because of its difficult or unproductive manufacture .

  20. 现代高新技术的导入即纺织工程与现代技术的嫁接,使我国纺织产业结构发生了深刻的变化。

    By high and new technology intervening , the textile engineering grafting on modern technology make our countrys textile industrial structure taking place the deep changes .

  21. 基于现代网络通信技术的发展,提出纺织工程专业现代远程教育信息平台的构想。

    Based on the development of modern network communication technology , we put forward the conception of information platform for modern long-haul education in the special field of textile engineering .

  22. 通过对纺织工程专业纺织品设计教学中存在问题的分析,提出了课程内容、考试方式、课程设计和毕业设计的改革措施,来提高学生产品开发的能力。

    At the same time , it widens the concept of modern textile design and enriches the technique ways , facilitating to rise the technological content of the textile design .

  23. 通过对法国鲁贝高等纺织工程学院自织的43块棉针织物的分析,证明了以上方法在处理纺织品质量分类、分级问题中的有效性。

    The effectiveness of the method in textile clustering and grading is proved by using 43 cotton samples which are self-knitted by Ecole Nationale Sup é rieure des Arts et Industries Textiles , France .

  24. 叙述和分析了纺织工程专业3+1教改试点模式的实施过程和实施效果,认为该模式的实施,提高了学生的实践动手能力和对生产实际的适应能力,体现了校企双方的人才培养和使用目标。

    The proceeding and effect of teaching mode " 3 + 1 " reform were narrated and analyzed , concluding that the mode improves student 's practical competence and capabilities to adapt to real production environment , and realizing the goal of talents ' training for both school and enterprise .

  25. 清洁生产与纺织空气工程

    Cleaning Production and Textile Air Engineering

  26. 系统地介绍了清洁生产的原理、主要内容及实施清洁生产的主要途径,并结合纺织空气工程论述了在纺织厂推行纺织品清洁生产的意义,提出了具体的实施措施。

    Detail introductions of theory , contents and main measures of cleaning production are put forward . By integrating textile air engineering , the significance and especial measures of popularizing the cleaning production in textile factory are put forward .

  27. 让人们穿得更好&21世纪纺织科学与工程学科的前沿概述

    The Frontage of Textile Science and Technology in 21st Century

  28. 引进高新科学技术,加速改造纺织科学与工程学科;

    Introducing high and new techniques , modifying the textile science and technology ;

  29. 但是在被认为是印度传统强项的一些领域例如热带医学、纺织和农业工程引用数量就不那么高。

    But papers in fields considered India 's traditional strengths , such as tropical medicine , textiles and agricultural engineering are not cited often .

  30. 水泵轴连轴承具有结构紧凑、安装方便等优点,广泛用于汽车、纺织机械、工程机械等内燃机的冷却水泵中。

    The coaxial water pump bearing is widely used in the water cooling systems of the combustion engines of automobiles , textile machines and construction machines due to its compact structure , easy installation and so on .