
gū gu
  • aunt;father's sister
姑姑 [gū gū]
  • [aunt] [口]∶姑妈,父亲的姊妹

姑姑[gū gu]
  1. 这是我姑姑,她是从加拿大过来的。

    This is my aunt who 's over from Canada .

  2. 我猛然发现她长得跟我姑姑很像。

    I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt .

  3. 他的生母不能照顾他,所以他是姑姑抚养大的。

    His natural mother was unable to care for him so he was raised by an aunt .

  4. 没有我姑姑、姑夫的踪迹。

    There 's been no trace of my aunt and uncle

  5. 工作室就在从他姑姑的老宅到他的小屋的中途。

    The studio is midway between his aunt 's old home and his cottage .

  6. 他是由姑姑抚养大的。

    He was brought up by his aunt .

  7. 我是姑姑扶养大的。

    I was brought up by my paternal aunt .

  8. 我们去看望你姑姑时,你要听话。

    Be good when we visit your aunt .

  9. 小萨利用了她姑姑的名字,她咯咯地笑着,拉着富兰克林的白色假发。

    Baby sally , named for her aunt , gurgled and pulled at franklin 's white wig .

  10. 我从小没了父母,是姑姑把我养大的。

    I lost my parents when I was a child , and was brought up by my aunt .

  11. 他姑姑正在校门口等他。

    His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate .

  12. 我姑姑太像我奶奶了。

    My aunt really takes after my grandmother .

  13. 我姑姑特别喜欢到处找便宜货买。

    My aunt loves going bargain hunting . She 's really good at it !

  14. 这学期布莱克夫人,也就是彼得的姑姑,调到彼得的学校工作。

    This term Mrs Black , Peter 's aunt works2 in Peter 's school .

  15. 我姑姑养了四个孩子。

    My auntie brought up four children .

  16. 我希望能像我的姑姑南茜一样童心永驻,她对生活充满了激情,整个人既快活又开心。

    I hope I can stay young at heart like my aunt Nancy . She has such a great passion for life and is full of fun and laughter .

  17. 在父母双方家族中,我的姑姑玛丽是在我之前唯一上过大学的人。她念的就是州立大学,如今是一位赫赫有名的律师,收入颇丰。

    My aunt Mary , the only person in both extended families to go to school before me , had gone there and she was a big shot lawyer taking in loads of money .

  18. bringup教育,养育(孩子)我姑姑养了四个孩子。

    My aunt brought up four children .

  19. 听着,是Iris姑姑。

    Monica : OK , look . That is Aunt Iris .

  20. 给我爸爸发即时消息和我姑姑Helen视频聊天

    IM my dad , video-chat my aunt Helen .

  21. 喔,看Monica姑姑的小男孩。

    Monica : Awww , look at Aunt Monica 's little boy !

  22. 你过世的姑姑很特别,但并不是因为她启发了你的灵感,使你创作了那本讲述史密斯学院(Smith)一名英文教授的故事、至今在亚马逊上仍未售罄的小说。

    Your dead aunt wasn 't special because she was the inspiration for your still-available-on-Amazon novel about an English professor at Smith .

  23. 她享年不长,给他生了两个儿子,其中一个就是我父亲,和一个女儿,即我的姑姑贝丝(AuntBess)。

    She lived long enough to bear him two sons , my father for one , and a daughter , my Aunt Bess .

  24. 祝Ellen姑姑生日快乐祝Ellen姑姑生日快乐祝Ellen姑姑生日快乐祝你生日快乐啵

    Happy birthday to aunty Ellen , Happy birthday to aunty Ellen , Happy birthday to aunty Ellen , Happy birthday to you , mua .

  25. 另一个并非无关紧要的原因是,这项工作看起来非常酷,至少《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)给艾伦留下了这种印象&她和姑姑曾经长时间追看这部剧集。

    Not insignificant , the job also looked pretty cool & at least based on the many hours of CSI Allen had watched on TV with her aunt .

  26. 嗨,Ben,嗨我是你的姑姑Monica我将一直会有牙床。

    Monica : Hi , Ben . Hi . I 'm your Aunt Monica . Yes I am . I 'm your Aunt Monica . I. .. I will always have gum .

  27. UTS公司是因为姑姑介绍,只是进去帮忙,可以有效利用找工作的这段空闲时间,并没有签约正式成为他的员工。

    Working in UTS is introduced by my aunt , just no to waste the time of finding a job , and I didn 't sighed to be a formal employee .

  28. 一名学生的姑姑KangEun-gyung说,她担心人们有可能被困在船舱内。

    Kang Eun-gyung , the aunt of one of the students on the trip , said she was worried about the possibility of people being trapped inside the hull of the ship .

  29. Rsayef说他自己也有数名亲戚命丧此次事件中,包括一个姐(妹)和她的丈夫、一个姑姑、一个叔叔和数名表兄。

    Rsayef said he himself lost several relatives in the alleged massacre , including a sister and her husband , an aunt , an uncle and several cousins .

  30. 我一个姑姑在加利福尼亚,一个在日本。

    I have an aunt in California and one in Japan .