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  1. 畸形使行走更困难,且要是拇囊炎使鞋不合适还可能产生厚胼胝体或溃疡形成。

    Such a deformity makes walking more difficult and can produce a thick callus or ulceration when the bunion makes shoes ill-fitting .

  2. 举个例子,一触即痛的双脚可能就是神经受压的一个先兆,或者说拇囊炎可能源于弱足弓。

    Tender feet might be a sign of a pinched nerve , for example , or bunions might stem from weak arches .

  3. 她用科瑞牌白色植物起酥油按摩皮肤,对抗皮肤干燥,减少拇囊炎带来的摩擦。

    She rubs her skin with Crisco , the white vegetable shortening , to combat dry skin and reduce friction from bunions .

  4. 练习一些关节“无用”运动是重要的,例如你的大脚趾,练习尽可能与其他脚趾分开而帮助预防拇囊炎的发生。

    For this reason it is important to exercise the extremes of " non-useful " movement at every joint . With the big toe , for example , separating it out as far as you can from the other toes helps prevent bunions .