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  • polysemy
  1. Lakoff(1987)在对多义现象的研究中提出了径向范畴理论(RadialCategory)。

    Lakoff ( 1987 ) put forward his radial category theory in the study of polysemy phenomenon .

  2. 语言中存在着各种形式、不同层次的多义现象。

    Language has different levels of and various forms of polysemy .

  3. 这篇论文在通过对eye的个案研究进行英语身体词汇一词多义现象的概念隐喻分析。

    This thesis presents a conceptual metaphorical analysis of English polysemous body terms based on the case study of " eye " .

  4. 但是值得注意的是,Tyler和Evans把研究多义现象的认知方法提到了一个新的阶段。

    However , Tyler and Evans bring the cognitive approach to a desirable stage .

  5. 论语义构成成分分析法分析英语一词多义现象

    Comments on the English Polysemous Phenomenon Analyzed by the Componential Analysis

  6. 多义现象是当今语言学研究的一个重要方面。

    Polysemy is an important issue in the current linguistic study .

  7. 从头认知&转喻、隐喻与一词多义现象研究

    Cognition from Head & Research on Polysemy with Metonymy and Metaphor

  8. 多义现象的认知解释及其对英语教学的启示

    A cognitive view on polysemy and its inspiration for English Teaching

  9. 多义现象同样也吸引了认知语言学家的关注。

    The polysemous phenomenon has attracted much concern of cognitive linguists too .

  10. 英语双及物构式多义现象的认知研究

    A Cognitive Study of Polysemous Phenomenon of English Ditransitive Construction

  11. 这一理论可用来研究词语多义现象和语义转变。

    It can be applied to the study of polysemy and semantic change .

  12. 一词多义现象是指一个词有多种相互联系的意义。

    Polysemy refers to the phenomenon that a word has several related senses .

  13. 湖南方言特殊多音多义现象考察

    A Survey on Particular Polyphonic-polysemous Phenomena in Hunan Dialect

  14. 一词多义现象一直是语言学研究领域的热点话题。

    Polysemy has remained the hot topic in linguistics .

  15. 词汇语义扩展的结果必然导致一词多义现象。

    The result of the extension of the lexical meaning is polysemous phenomenon .

  16. 英语空间介词多义现象的认知分析

    A Cognitive Analysis of Polysemy in English Spatial Prepositions

  17. 然后简要回顾了前人对多义现象的研究。

    Then the previous studies are briefly reviewed .

  18. 原型范畴理论的产生和发展提供了另一种的角度来看待一词多义现象。

    The emergence and development of prototypical category provides a new perspective on polysemy .

  19. 语言的歧义最重要的一个表现就是一词多义现象。

    Polysemous situation is thought to be the most important performance of language ambiguity .

  20. 多义现象是英语情态动词的一个普遍特征,一直让人难以捉摸。

    Polysemy is an elusive and widely acknowledged feature found with English modal verbs .

  21. 言语行为动词一词多义现象的认知理据

    On Cognitive Motivation of Polysemous Speech Act Verbs

  22. 小议法语幽默中一词多义现象

    The Phenomenon of Polysemy in French Humour

  23. 长期以来,一词多义现象一直是词汇语义研究的热门话题之一。

    Polysemy has long been among the central topics in the study of word meaning .

  24. 然而,语言学家们总体一致的观点是,当词语含超过一个的意义时,便出现了多义现象。

    Yet there is agreement that polysemy occurs when words have more than one meaning .

  25. 商务英语中的一词多义现象分析

    Analysis of Polysemy in Business English

  26. 多义现象的认知性阐释

    The Cognitive Interpretation of Polysemy

  27. 一词多义现象的认知研究

    A Cognitive Study on Polysemy

  28. 一种语言的错综与复杂、丰富与精妙往往能在多义现象中得到体现。

    The intricacy , richness and subtlety of a language can often be reflected in the polysemy .

  29. 第三部分主要介绍语义场理论以及该理论在解释一词多义现象时的具体应用。

    Part three first reviews the semantic field theory , then analyzes its application in explaining polysemy .

  30. 同音异义现象较为普遍地存在于在术语词汇中,而且常常被当作多义现象。

    Homonymous phenomena are a comparatively common occurrence in terminology and are considered to be polysemic phenomena .