
nèi qiāng
  • lumen;inner cavity;bore;endocoele
内腔 [nèi qiāng]
  • [endocoele] 某些珊瑚虫一对隔膜之间的空隙

内腔[nèi qiāng]
  1. LD泵浦的全固态内腔倍频单模绿光激光器的研究

    Study on LD Pumped All-solid-state Inner Cavity Frequency-doubled Single-mode Green Laser

  2. 研究了激光二极管(LD)端面泵浦的全固态内腔倍频的单模运转的532nm绿光激光器的腔型设计,以及获得最大输出功率的简单理论。

    Based on rate equations , we designed the cavity of LD pumped all-solid-state inner cavity frequency-doubled single-mode green laser ( 532nm ) . Educed the basic theory of obtaining the maximal output power of the laser .

  3. 皮鞋内腔CT测量仪的扫描运动控制系统

    Development of Movement Control System of Shoe Leather Lumen CT Instrument

  4. 高功率内腔式金属平板波导CO2激光器的研究

    A high-power intracavity CO2 laser polarized by a metallic planar waveguide

  5. 内腔式基模CO2激光器工作状态的研究

    Investigation of the operating state of intracavity fundamental mode CO_2 lasers

  6. 两根石墨烯纳米带则在碳纳米管外壁及内腔中形成类似双链DNA的双螺旋结构。

    Two GNRs would form a DNA-like double-helix on the external surface and cavity of SWNT .

  7. 内腔封离型玻璃波导CO2激光器寿命的研究

    Investigation on life time of an intracavity sealed off glass wave-guide CO_2 laser

  8. 内腔式CO2激光工作状态的研究

    Study of Working & state of Intracavity CO_2 Lasers

  9. 冠状动脉多层螺旋CT成像及冠脉造影对冠脉搭桥术后桥血管的评价经血管内腔冠状动脉血管造形术

    Valuation of multi-spiral computed tomography angiography and coronary angiography on bypass artery after coronary artery bypass grafts

  10. 内腔式复合波导起偏CO2激光器的研究

    An Intracavity CO_2 Laser Polarized by Complex Waveguides

  11. 内腔式Me~2<1的CO2激光器

    Intracavity CO_2 Lasers M_e  ̄ 2 < 1

  12. 被动调Q人眼安全内腔光学参量振荡器

    Passively Q-switched Laser with Intracavity Optical Parametric Oscillator for Eye-safe-output

  13. 不用内腔偏振镜的Nd:YVO4电光Q开关激光器

    Electrooptic Q Switching of the Nd : YVO_4 Laser Without an intracavity Polarizer

  14. 着重研究了内腔CO2激光器的输出强度,增益,模式,能量分布,以及偏振度等光学参量间的相互关系。

    The fuction of output power , model , gain , energy distribution , polarization degree were investigated .

  15. 高功率LD泵浦的内腔倍频Nd:YAG激光器研究

    Research on High-Power Ld Pumped Intracavity Frequency-Doubled Nd : YAG Laser

  16. 用工业CT技术解决皮鞋CAD/ANM中存在的皮鞋内腔测量难题。

    This paper introduces a method of solving the problem of leather cavity measurement in shoe CAD / CAM by industrial CT technology .

  17. LD抽运Nd∶YAG激光器声光调Q高效内腔谐波转换

    High Efficient Intracavity SHG in LD Pumped AO Q - switched Nd ∶ YAG Laser

  18. 商售多模内腔式He-Ne激光器的偏振稳频

    Polarization Frequency Stabilization for a Commercial Multimode Internal Mirror He-Ne Laser

  19. 温控高纯KTP内腔倍频Nd∶YAG激光器

    Intracavity Frequency Doubling Nd ∶ YAG Laser with Temperature Controling and High pure KTP

  20. 内腔双纵模He-Ne激光器偏振方向的竞争效应

    Competition effect of polarization in two-mode internal mirror He-Ne lasers

  21. 全内腔角块定频差双折射双频He-Ne激光器及其稳频研究

    Full-inner-cavity Birefringence Dual-frequency He-Ne Laser with Fixed Frequency-difference by Angle-block and Frequency-stabilization

  22. 内腔He-Ne激光器的位相各向异性与偏振特性

    Phase anisotropy and polarization of an intra cavity He-Ne laser

  23. 全内腔式He-Ne激光器光束偏振特性的改善

    Improvement of the polarization properties of internal mirror He-Ne lasers

  24. 试验结果表明,连续激光二极管抽运声光Q开关内腔光参变振荡器是获得高频人眼安全激光的一种有效途径。

    CW laser diode pumped AO Q-switched intracality optical parametric oscillator is a good chice for high-repetition-rate eye-safe laser .

  25. LD泵浦的内腔倍频激光器单频运转的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on the Single frequency Operation of Diode pumped Intracavity Frequency doubled Lasers

  26. 用可调F-P腔测量内腔式波导CO2激光器的增益、饱和强度及内损耗

    Determination and study of gain , saturation intensity and internal losses of intracavity-waveguide CO_2 lasers

  27. 内腔式He-Ne激光器输出功率稳定性探讨

    On the Stability of the Output Power of the Internal Mirror He-Ne Lasers

  28. 通用内腔He-Ne激光器稳频稳幅的新方法

    A new method for frequency and power stabilization on conventional intracavity He-Ne lasers

  29. 我们观察到了多横模内腔He-Ne激光器的一些特殊偏振现象。

    We have observed some special polarization phenomenon of multi-transverse mode He-Ne laser .

  30. 该速率方程能很好的描述主动调Q内腔式拉曼激光器的输出特性。

    These rate equations can describe the performance of the intracavity actively Q-switched Raman lasers with good accuracy . 2 .