
  • 网络Internal report;Internal Reporting
  1. 准备月度的关于供应商质量表现的内部报告。

    Prepare monthly internal report on supplier base overall quality performance .

  2. 第四部分,内部报告在预算控制中的应用。

    The fourth part is applying Internal Report to Budgetary Control System .

  3. 第三,基于PDCA循环理论构建了企业财务风险预警内部报告。

    Third , based on the PDCA cycle theory , this article builds internal reports of financial risk warning .

  4. 本文将PDCA理论与内部报告结合构建的财务风险预警体系,克服了传统财务预警在预警方法和内容上的缺陷,动态和全过程地防范企业集团的财务风险。

    This financial risk warning system combines PDCA theory with the internal reports , overcomes the flaws in warning methods and content of traditional financial warning system , protects the group from financial risks dynamically .

  5. 基于会计相关性的企业内部报告地位与价值

    The Status and Value of Enterprise Internal Reports Based on Accounting Relevance

  6. 准备内部报告和传达公司内部文件。

    Prepare reports & delivering company internal documents .

  7. 跨国公司内部报告与企业经营管理

    Transnational Internal Reporting and Enterprise Operation and Management

  8. 预计本周将发布一份针对该事故的内部报告。

    An internal report into this incident is expected to be published this week .

  9. 尽管嘉汉林业上周发布了一份内部报告,对浑水的指责进行了驳斥,但投资者仍不相信它的说法。

    Although Sino-Forest last week published an internal report rebutting the claims , investors remain unconvinced .

  10. 一份内部报告指出:“成本优势已经不再被视为这个项目的核心要素。”

    An internal report declared : " Affordability is no longer embraced as a core pillar . "

  11. 内部报告,危害识别和问题的快速消除帮助持续提高产品安全性。

    Internal reporting , hazard identification and fast elimination of issues helps to continuously improve product safety .

  12. 通用汽车的内部报告表明,该问题是由于存在官僚主义不作为,而不是蓄意隐瞒。

    An internal report paid for by GM , blames that problem on bureaucratic inaction , not a deliberate cover-up .

  13. 这部分从制造业企业业务流程出发,提出基于价值创造的制造业企业内部报告体系框架及其构建原则与构建思路。

    It raises the framework and the construction principle and the mentality of internal report from business flows of manufacturing enterprises .

  14. 《浦东新区义务教育绩效评价报告》获上海市社科成果(内部报告类)优秀奖。

    Performance Evaluation Report on Compulsory Education of Pudong New District won Social Science Excellence Award from the Municipal Government of Shanghai .

  15. 标准成本系统改进了内部报告并使成本数据对管理更加有利,这一点不容置疑。

    The fact that standards have brought about improvements in internal reporting and have made cost data more useful to management cannot be denied .

  16. 第三,由本质趋同、目的融合和职能一致三个方面,探讨财务风险预警与内部报告相结合的理论可能性。

    Third , through the nature , purpose and functions to discuss the theoretical possibility on combining financial risk early warning and internal reporting .

  17. 铁路客运营销信息系统包括内部报告系统、营销情报系统、营销调研系统和营销分析系统。

    The Marketing Information System for Passenger Transport includes four sub systems : internal report , marketing message , marketing survey and marketing analysis .

  18. 虽然这两家公司都有内部报告来分析为何自己的业务优于对方,但双方也必须承认,各自都没有什么真正的弱点。

    Although both companies have tip sheets about why their business is better than the other 's , both must also admit that there is little real weakness in either .

  19. 这种强制要求不仅跨越全球的证券系统,而且也将应用于更具体的领域,比如部门级别的公司内部报告。

    Such mandates are spreading , not just in securities systems across the world , but also in smaller scopes , such as for internal corporate reporting at the departmental level .

  20. 作为财务报告的重要补充,内部报告从企业内部信息流通和反馈的各个环节入手,对企业经营活动实施管理控制,为企业各项决策提供依据。

    As an important supplement to the financial report , the internal report should make the operating activities of enterprises under the management control to give a basis for all their decisions .

  21. 承包商欺诈仍是一大问题;1月的一份内部报告显示,3年期间,2700亿美元的合约被授予卷入民事欺诈案的91家公司。

    Contractor fraud remains a big concern ; an internal January report revealed that $ 270bn in contracts had been awarded over three years to 91 companies involved in civil fraud cases .

  22. 但是相较于外部报告,内部报告无论从理论上还是在实际运用中都未形成系统的体系,远远无法满足管理层决策的信息需求。

    But compared with the external reporting , neither the theory nor the practical application of the internal reports has a scientific system . Both are unable to meet the information needs of management decisions .

  23. 本文从管理会计理论的作业管理入手,结合企业业务流程管理理论,用系统论的思想,构建基于价值创造的内部报告体系。

    The thesis builds the internal report system based on value creation , adopting the activity management of the management accounting theory , combining with the enterprise business flow management theory and the systematic theory .

  24. 按照《山东省疾控机构对医疗机构管理规范》要求,逐步规范医疗机构内部报告管理机制,杜绝不及时报告。

    Accordance with the " disease control institutions in Shandong Province on the health care management standard " requirement , to gradually regulate the medical management of internal reporting mechanism , to prevent a timely report .

  25. 这位金融顾问表示,两年前,美林与旗下欧洲支线基金集团共同拟定的一份内部报告总结称,该集团不应该与马多夫开展业务。

    Two years ago , an internal Merrill report drawn up in connection with Merrill 's European fund of funds group , concluded that that group should not deal with Mr Madoff , the financial adviser said .

  26. 上述澳大利亚银行其中一家的一份内部报告称,这些投资是在前两个月作出的,并在几周内完成,目的是不影响这些银行的股价或触发任何强制披露要求。

    The investments were made in the last two months and built up during several weeks so as not to move the banks ' share prices or trigger any mandatory disclosure requirements , according to an internal report by one of the Australian banks .

  27. 基于ABC的企业内部成本报告体系研究

    The Study of Enterprise Interior Cost Report System Based on ABC

  28. 社会运动组织globalwitness今年早些时候获得的一份利比亚投资局的内部管理报告显示,该局的数十亿投资中有许多交易蒙受了巨额亏损。

    An internal LIA management report , obtained by global witness , the campaign group , earlier this year , indicated many of the billions the LIA had invested had suffered heavy losses .

  29. 本文是在作业成本法研究的基础上,借鉴国内外学者的研究成果,研究构建ABC下的企业内部成本报告体系。

    Using the fruits of scholars abroad and inside for reference , this article mainly investigates on Enterprise Interior Cost Report System on the basis of ABC .

  30. 英国石油(BP)管理层在一份全面的内部调查报告中,对该公司美国得克萨斯州炼厂的糟糕状态描绘出一副暗淡画面。该炼厂于2005年发生了致命的爆炸事故。

    BP management paints a grim picture of the poor state of the Texas refinery that exploded in 2005 , according to the conclusions of a wide-ranging internal report conducted into the fatal blast .