
  • 网络direct supervision
  1. 他们处在企业管理层的直接监督之下。

    He or she is under the direct supervision of the firm 's management .

  2. 在紧急状况中,每位老师都有责任直接监督领导自己的学生。

    In an emergency , each teacher is responsible for the direct supervision of his students .

  3. 警告!成人直接监督下方得使用。

    Warning ! For use under adult supervision .

  4. 主要采用直接监督短程化疗法治疗,中国贫困地区是结核病防治工作取得成功的关键。

    Focus on directly observed treatment , poorer regions of China critical to success .

  5. 这本书是在作者本人直接监督下从德文翻译过来的。

    The book was translated from the German under the personal supervision of the author .

  6. 管理者直接监督员工。

    The manager directly oversees them .

  7. 联邦政府将结束对底特律市警察部门的直接监督。

    In Detroit , the federal government is ending its direct oversight of that city 's police department .

  8. 此外,美联储将直接监督规模和复杂性与上述银行相当的所有非银行金融公司。

    The Fed will also directly supervise any non-bank financial firms that reach a size and complexity comparable to these banks .

  9. 在第七节中,笔者认为应当建立起当事人的直接监督和法院内部的事后监督相结合的监督体制。

    In section ⅶ, I believe that the parties should be established within the Court direct supervision and oversight monitoring system combining .

  10. 突出表现在看守所检察监督的重合性&直接监督与间接监督;刑事法律监督与行政法规监督相结合。

    Outstanding performance in the superposition of procuratorial supervision : direct supervision and indirect supervision , criminal law supervision and administrative regulations supervision .

  11. 由科威特工程师协会注册的、在该领域经验丰富的专业结构工程师直接监督土方工程支架的设计。

    Design earthwork supports under the direct supervision of a professional structural engineer experienced in this work and registered with Kuwait society of engineers .

  12. 资本市场的信息反馈与直接监督功能,有利于企业的经营管理决策和新兴产业的发展。

    The functions of information feedback and direct supervision of the capital market are conducive to efficient business management and development of new industries .

  13. 而国有企业的产权残缺性使公司治理结构中的直接监督和间接监督等有效的缓解代理问题的手段不能得到充分发挥。

    As the property power incomplete of State-owned business enterprise make direct supervision and in direct supervision lessening the agency problem efficiently give little play ;

  14. 金融监管是金融监督管理的简称,是指金融监管机关依法对金融机构和金融活动进行直接监督管理的行为。

    Financial supervision is the action or behavior that the financial supervision authority supervision and manages financial institute and financial practice directly according the laws and regulations .

  15. 该疗法的内容不仅包括发现并治疗结核病患者,也通过直接监督确保患者接整个部六个月疗程治疗,以防止出现抗药性。

    The regimen involves not just finding and curing infectious TB patients , but ensuring through direct observation that they take the full , six-month treatment to prevent drug resistance .

  16. 甲)除(乙)段所指者外,电台必须只可由持牌人操作,或在持牌人在场及直接监督的情况下由他人操作。

    Save as otherwise provided in paragraph ( b ), the Station shall be operated only by the Licensee , or in the presence of and under the direct supervision of the Licensee .

  17. 建立外部人治理结构,允许商业银行等大的风险投资机构成为公司股东,直接监督和参与企业的经营决策。

    To establish the " Outer Management Order " by making those investment organizations such as commercial banks be entitled to be the shareholders who can supervise and make decisions on the management of company directly .

  18. 结论:全程贯彻直接监督化疗原则,选用卷曲霉素等对结核分枝杆菌敏感的药物组合,可提高耐多药肺结核的疗效。

    CONCLUSION : The therapeutic effect for treatment of multiple-drug-resistant tuberculosis can be improved by carrying out the principle of whole range direct monitoring of chemotherapy and using capreomycin in combination with other drugs to increase the sensitivity to mycobacterium tuberculosis .

  19. 但在此前,一家保险公司或国有企业的养老基金若希望在大盘下跌时赚钱,就只能想方设法,投资于不在政府直接监督之下的小型私人基金。

    But up to now , an insurer or the retirement fund of a state-owned enterprise that wanted to make money while the benchmark was sinking had to jump through hoops to invest in small private funds operating outside direct government supervision .

  20. 股东质询权与股东查询复制权一样是股东知情权的重要组成部分,但股东行使质询权的目的并不仅限于知悉公司内部信息,还有直接监督公司经营之目的。

    Shareholder 's consult right and duplication right are important parts of shareholder 's information rights , shareholder 's inquiry right can allow shareholder not only to know the inside information of the company but also to supervise the management of the company .

  21. 人民监督员直接客观监督的求证与构想

    Demonstrability and Conceiving of Direct Objective Supervision by the People 's Supervisor

  22. 对山体阴影,直接采用监督分类的方法对山体阴影进行提取后,采用灰度线性匹配的方法进行校正。

    For the mountain shadow , directly adapting supervised classification method to extract and histogram matching method to rectify .

  23. 它对国家环境管理权一方面进行直接地监督,另一方面对其运行秩序加以更稳定而经常地维护;

    On one hand it goes on supervision directly to national environmental administrative power , on the other hand maintains its order of operation steady .

  24. 不仅如此,美国财政部还是一个行政部门,因此如其行使的权力增加,也会受到国会和公众更为直接的监督。

    Moreover , the Treasury is an Executive department , and therefore Congress and the public can more directly oversee how it uses any added authority .

  25. 首先我国对封闭式预付费消费进行监管的法律依据不足,可用于直接指导监督实践的只有区区几个条款。

    First of all our supervision of closed-end prepay consuming the legal basis is insufficient , can be used to direct the guidance and supervision practice by a few terms .

  26. 建立在护理部直接领导监督下的护士长负责、主管护师督查指导、护师巡查指导的三级督查制度。

    Objective : The purpose of the study was to improve standard management and insure nursing safety . Method : Some rules were established to lead and inspect directly by the Nursing Department .

  27. 我国建设工程质量政府监督管理行业特征和市场环境形成了政府质量监督效率不高的现状,其中监督费率政策直接影响监督机构工作积极性和政府质量监督管理的有效性。

    There are many problems because of industry traits and market environment in quality supervision and management on construction engineering in China . It is obvious for supervision cost policy to influence work enthusiasm and government supervision 's effectiveness .

  28. 网上学习是一种无教师直接指导和监督的自主学习,学习质量的高低与网络课件的好坏密切相关。

    Learning through network is independent learning without the teacher 's direct instruction and supervision , so the learning achievement is closely connected with network courseware .

  29. 同时,省对市县、市对区县能够通过该系统直接进行工作监督、指导和管理。

    Meanwhile , through this system , supervision , direction and management can be directly conducted from Province to City & County , or from City to County .

  30. 然而,在网络学习中,教师无法像课堂学习那样直接得实时监督学生学习,所以必须对网络学习进行监控。

    However , teacher cannot monitor learners ' behavior in real time directly , just like in the traditional classroom , so it is quite essential to monitor the process of E-learning .