
  • 网络direct competitors
  1. 投保人是否曾从直接竞争者处聘用重要雇员?

    Has applicant ever hired key employees from direct competitors ?

  2. 一方面由于引入了更多的直接竞争者,移动通信市场的竞争更加激烈。

    On one hand , due to introduction of more direct competitors , mobile communications market is more competitive .

  3. 在他的直接竞争者中,阿诺德·马特斯也许在喜剧表演上比他更胜一筹。

    Among his immediate rivals was Arnold Matters , probably his superior in comic roles .

  4. 说到车重:采用钢材料车体的B级ElectricDrive与采用塑料材质车体的宝马i3是直接竞争者。

    Speaking of weight : The steel-bodied B-ED competes directly with BMW 's new and radical , carbon-fiber and plastic-bodied BMW i3 .

  5. 品牌定位依赖于某种真正的优点或价值,这种优点或价值相比直接竞争者有明显优势,并且易于和消费者沟通。

    Brand positioning relies on the identification of a real strength or value that has a clear advantage over the nearest competitor and is easily communicated to the consumer .

  6. 这一设想是取代Windows的比较传统的模式&作为一个直接的竞争者,而不是创建一个基于Web的替代品。

    This scenario is a more traditional model to replace Windows-with a direct competitor , instead of creating a web-based replacement .

  7. 了解竞争者状况。可通过直接访问竞争者网页,了解它的新产品、价格、服务等信息;

    Collect information about the rivals'situations , which can be obtained directly by visiting their web pages related to their new products , product prices and services , etc.

  8. 虽然在这些直接一级竞争者中可见度释放了新的动态竞争,但它也可能驱散了至少的关连。

    While visibility among these direct tier-one competitors unleashes a new competitive dynamic , it may turn out to be the least of the concerns .

  9. 这种行为不仅直接侵害同业竞争者公平交易的权利,破坏竞争的基本原则和正常的市场竞争秩序,还间接损害广大消费者的合法利益。

    This action not only directly violate the competitors ' fair trading right of the same sectors , undermine the fundamental principles of competition and market competition order , but also indirectly harm the legitimate interests of consumers .

  10. 但总体而言,这条窄路不会比直接收购较小的竞争者更有助于实现持续增长。

    But this narrow approach is generally no more helpful in establishing lasting growth than simply buying up a smaller competitor might be .