
  1. 结果表明,在信道数和信道间隔不同时,FWM、XPM和SRS分别起不同作用;

    The results show that FWM , XMP and SRS respectively take different effect under the different channel numbers and spacing ;

  2. 傅立叶转换红外光谱(Fouriertransforminfrared,FTIR)结果表明桑叶中的多羟基成分和蛋白质残基分别起到还原银离子和稳定银纳米颗粒的作用。

    From the results of Fourier transform infrared ( FTIR ) spectroscopy , it was confirmed that the polyol components and protein residues were mainly responsible for the reduction of silver ions and stabilization of silver nanoparticles , respectively .

  3. SPM针尖分别起着化学反应的探针、场所和透镜的作用。

    In these studies , a chemically designed SPM tip plays a key role , which serves as the probe , the site , and the lens of chemical reactions , respectively .

  4. 提示PTH和RA可能通过调变其EGF受体而分别起到正性和负性生长调节作用。

    These data suggest that EGF receptors in UMR 106 cell were up and down regulated by PTH and RA respectively , and therefore PTH and RA could be the potent regulators of cell growth and proliferation , through EGF receptors .

  5. 另外有一种约11kD的核内蛋白的DNA结合活性恰好在转录活性下降的第15~18d发生,按此情况两种核因子可能对生肌素的转录激活分别起正负调控作用。

    A 11 kD nuclear protein with DNA binding activity occurred from day 15 to day 18 in ovo , in such time the expression of myogenin mRNA just decreased . Both nuclear factors might regulate the transcriptional activation of myogenin in positive or negative manners respectively .

  6. 该综合模型中的3个分模型分别起到不同的作用。

    The model was composed of 3 goal functions with changeable coefficients .

  7. 各区域内的气速分布特点显著不同,分别起到不同的作用。

    The flowing characteristics in every part are different .

  8. 阀座与填料密封功能是分别起作用,并且互相之间完全独立作用,互不干扰。

    The seat and packing functions are separated and totally independent of each other .

  9. 摄影与文学在互动交融中分别起不同的作用。

    Furthermore , photography and literature play different roles in the interaction and integration .

  10. 二级接触反应槽内的活性污泥在不同反应条件下,可分别起硝化或反硝化作用,因此,可以通过控制其反应条件提高脱氮效率。

    The sludge in the second contact tank can be nitrifying or denitrifying , relying on the reacting condition .

  11. 上述模式在我国民族传统体育文化产生及发展过程中分别起着重要作用。

    Such model in the production of Chinese traditional sports culture and respectively played an important role in the development process .

  12. 在不同的经济发展和城市化水平上,要素集聚、产业集群和城市群分别起主要作用。

    In the different level of economic development and urbanization , the agglomeration economy , cluster and megalopolis play separately different role .

  13. 非线性和线性稳定性分析均表明短波和长波在液膜流动中分别起着不稳定作用和稳定作用。

    Both nonlinear and linear stability analysis show that short and long wave in the liquid film contribute instability and stability respectively .

  14. 确立一套平衡的目标有三种机制。理想情况下,所有三种都应该实施,但是每一个机制都会分别起作用。

    There are three mechanisms for developing a balanced set of objectives . ideally , all three should be implemented , but each individually makes a contribution .

  15. 这三部分分别起缓冲、减振和导向作用,共同承担传递轮胎与车身之间的各种力和力矩的任务。

    The three parts respectively perform the functions of cushion , damping and orientating , and cooperate with each other to finish the task of transferring all kinds of forces and torques from tires to vehicle body .

  16. 而体育教学大纲、体育教学质量、体育安全问题和应试教育对体育教师又分别起着:指导其体育教学,衡量并督促其体育工作,影响其能动性发挥,边缘化其教育地位。

    The PE teaching outline guides teaching and the requirement of PE teaching quality measures and encourages teachers ' work , while PE safety problems and exam-oriented education affect teachers ' initiative and marginalize their status in education .

  17. 社会资本与社会责任可以理解为嵌入性的本质收益与成本,参照双因素理论,可将社会责任分为保健型和激励型两类,分别起到维持和提升社会资本的作用。

    Social capital and social responsibility can be considered as benefit and cost of embeddedness . Adapting from double factor theory , social responsibility can be divided into health and inspirational , each taking maintenance and promotion effects on social capital .

  18. 第五章从战略层面,分析了作为劳动关系的三方,政府、企业和工会所采取的战略对于劳动关系调整模式的形成分别起到了什么样的作用。

    In Chapter V , three parties in labor relation , i.e. the government , the enterprise and the labor union , are studied from the perspective of strategy they adopt respectively in terms of the roles they play in forming the labor relation adjustment pattern .

  19. 最后,将机器人机构学的方法引入核酸的研究中,分别建立起核酸单链(RNA)和DNA双链的机器人机构学模型,为应用机构学方法研究核酸结构相关问题铺平了道路。

    And the mechanism models of single-stranded nucleic acid ( RNA ) and double-stranded DNA are built respectively , which have paved the way of solving nucleic acids structure problems by using mechanism methods .

  20. 依据LAGRANGE系统广义动力学方程、连续体动力学理论分别建立起升系统启动及制动过程钢丝绳缠绕快绳拉力的动力学模型,并分别采用模态分析法及分离变量法求解;

    Established the tensile force kinetic model for the enwinding wire rope used the Lagrange kinetic equation and the continual kinetic theory in the start up and retard moment .

  21. 在导弹的整个飞行轨道上选取了若干点,分别建立起描述BTT导弹俯仰/偏航运动的线性时不变数学模型。

    Several characteristic operating points are selected along the missile 's whole flight trajectory , and the time invariant systems , which describe the pitch / yaw motion of BTT missile , are then set up .

  22. 根据一般动力学系统在相空间的作用积分在无穷小群变换下的变换性质,分别建立起完整和非完整非保守系统的Noether定理和逆定理。

    Noether 's theorem and its inverse one of holonomic and nonholonomic non-conservative sytems are presented , respectively , according to the transformation properties of active integral of general dynamical systems in phase space under the infinitesimal transformation .

  23. 利用荷载传递法,考虑桩内土芯,分别建立起桩体和土芯的基本微分方程,并推导了求解的控制方程组;

    Basic differential equations are respectively established for soil core and pile body using the theory of load transfer .

  24. 根据粘性非均匀沙起动概率公式和起动切应力公式,分别建立起流量泛函形式的可预测极端水流条件下河床最大冲刷深度的计算公式。

    Respectively based on incipient probability and shear stress , functional formulae are established for predicting the maximum scour depth under extreme flood .

  25. 研究在分析现代的语文综合课程特点的基础上,在两种不同的硬件环境下(演示型的环境下和交互型的硬件环境下),分别构建起不同的课程整合模式。

    The research conclude two different models ( on demonstrate condition and on mutual condition ) and construct a correlating model for each .

  26. 经济学家在各自的假定前提下,分别建立起自己的消费理论与模型,为宏观经济理论研究与实证分析莫定了坚实的基础。

    Economists in a separate premise build their consumption theories and models , which has laid a solid foundation for macroeconomic research and empirical analysis of macroeconomic theory .

  27. 接着,分别建立起并购上、下游企业的最优战略模型,并且给出了提高能量效率的充分条件;

    Secondly , it sets up the models which discuss optimal strategy for merging an upstream firm and a downstream firm , respectively , and gives the sufficient conditions for increasing energy efficiency .

  28. 采用模块化方法,对燃气轮机以各部分为单位进行拆分后,分别建立起各自的数学模型,各部件模型中包含有相应的特性方程,将各部件模型按照实际的系统结构连接成流体网络。

    Modularization model building method was introduced to disassemble the each unit of MGT , then stimulating models were built respectively . All models were connected to liquid net according to real system configuration .

  29. 近年来网络和信息技术的高速发展,越来越多的行业、单位都实现了业务和管理的信息化,分别建立起针对各自业务功能的应用系统。

    Today , with the rapid development of network and information technology , more and more industries , business units have achieved business and management information ; separately build application systems for their business functions .

  30. 在研究写作文化与文化的关系时,主要利用比较,研究文化与写作文化在写作中分别所起的作用,及二者的区别和联系。

    In the study of the relationship between writing culture and culture , the main use of the comparison , the research culture and writing culture , respectively , the role of writing , and the difference between the two and contact information .