
xínɡ zhènɡ chǔ fá jué dìnɡ shū
  • written decision of administrative penalty
  1. 从树立法律权威、提高工作效率和质量、法律宣传效果、科学评估考核和预防权力腐败角度阐述规范行政处罚决定书的重要意义。

    From the legal authority to establish , improve work efficiency and quality of the legal effect of publicity and scientific assessment examination and prevention of corruption in perspective of the normative power of the written decision of administrative penalty importance .

  2. 填写预定格式、统一编号的海事行政处罚决定书;

    Filling in the decision of maritime administrative punishment of pre-determined format and unified number ;

  3. 这是对你公司的税务处理决定书和税务行政处罚决定书。

    This is the notification of administrative measures and penalties taken on your company 's tax affairs .

  4. 将海事行政处罚决定书当场交付当事人;当事人在海事行政处罚决定书副本上签字。

    Delivering the written decision of maritime administrative punishment to the party concerned on the spot ; and Having the party concerned sign on the counterpart of the written decision of maritime administrative punishment .

  5. 凡国家规定罚款决定与罚款收缴相分离的,要由当事人持行政处罚决定书到财政部门委托的代收机构缴纳罚款;

    In cases where penalty decision should be separated from penalty payment as required by state provisions , the party involved must pay fines at the agencies authorized by the financial department by presenting the written decision on administrative penalty .

  6. 第二十八条(处罚程序)体育行政部门作出行政处罚,应当出具行政处罚决定书。

    Article 28 Punishment Procedure When administering administrative punishments , the physical cultural administrative departments shall make decisions on administrative punishments .

  7. 当事人对行政处罚不服的,可以在收到行政处罚决定书三个月内向人民法院起诉。

    Any party who is not satisfied with an administrative penalty may institute proceedings in a people 's court within three months from receipt of the written decision of the administrative penalty .

  8. 卫生行政部门作出行政处罚时,应当出具《行政处罚决定书》。

    When the Public Health Administrative Department gives an administrative disciplinary punishment , it shall issue a Decision on Administrative Disciplinary Punishment .

  9. 可行政机关(主体)对行政相对人的行政违法行为进行处罚时所必需制作的行政处罚决定书没有规范。

    May be the executive authority ( the principal ) on the administrative counterpart of the administrative penalties for violations when necessary to produce a written decision on administrative penalty is not standardized .