
  • 网络Identification code;id code;sort code
  1. 使用SQL验证特性来识别代码中需要更改的SQL并使用内容助手将其替换为有效的SQL。

    Use the SQL validation features to identify the SQL that needs to change in the code and use content assist to replace them with valid ones .

  2. 这个独特的技术使用标记来识别代码中的内容块是使Razor在涉及HTML生成的情况下简洁高效的一个重要因素。

    This particular technique – using tags to identify content blocks within code – is one of the key ingredients that makes Razor so clean and productive with scenarios involving HTML creation .

  3. 其一是以UG为平台、研磨工艺特点为背景,采用UG-CAM进行研磨路径的规划,并开发相关软件将所生成的G代码转化为机器人识别代码。

    One is planning the tool path and generating the G-code file based on the UG-CAM software considering the actual grinding technics , then the G-code file was transferred to the required format file that can be run in the robot by the developing software in the paper .

  4. GB/T12410-1990国际航行船舶识别代码

    Identification code for ships engaged in international voyage

  5. 有每个人的波段和身份识别代码数据每周都会变化

    of everyone 's individual frequency and I.D. Code , Which changes every week .

  6. 目的是识别代码中最容易取得优化效果的部分。

    The idea is to identify the parts of your code that might benefit most from optimization .

  7. 若要识别代码中最常导致内存分配问题的部分,请参阅工具。

    To identify the parts of your code that contribute most to memory allocation issues , see Tools .

  8. 针对多个恶意程序和应用程序的分析表明,该方法可以有效地识别代码中的恶意行为。

    Experiments on malicious and benign programs show that it is effective to identify malicious behavior in software .

  9. 它可以识别代码中的升级问题,并可以根据处理该问题所需的人力来评估每个问题的严重性。

    It identifies upgrade issues in code and assesses the severity of each issue based on effort required to address it .

  10. 使用名称空间可以帮助识别代码提供的函数或实用程序,甚至可以帮助指定其来源。

    The use of namespaces can help identify what function or utility the code provides , or even help specify its origin .

  11. 指标和可视化有助于识别代码的重要部分,从而提取出一些设计元素。

    Metrics and visualizations help you identify important parts of your code , allowing you to extract them as first-class design elements .

  12. 任何单位和个人使用商品条码必须按照本办法核准注册,获得厂商识别代码。

    Any entity or individual using the barcode for commodity shall be verified and registered in accordance with this Measures to obtain company prefix .

  13. 谈厂商识别代码司法保护的若干问题&评京杭汽配公司擅自使用他人企业名称案

    Issues about Judicial Protection of Manufacturers ' Identification Code & Case Study on Jing Hang Auto Parts Company 's Unauthorized Using of Other Enterprise 's Name

  14. 就我们的观点而言,网络完成了一项值得尊敬的工作,来识别代码―我们将会乐意倾听,对于您的数字向量它是如何做的。

    The net does a quite respectable job , in our opinion , of recognizing code & we would love to hear how it does on your data vectors .

  15. 基于程序切片技术这一特点,本文提出了一种切片度量代码味道的方法,用其识别代码味道,促进全自动化重构技术发展。

    This paper analysed the use of object-oriented software metrics methods to detect code smell , and brought forward design code smell detection tool based on Abstract Syntax Tree .

  16. 位于北京的优酷网曾因盗版视频受到过指控。该公司现已开发出一个内容过滤系统,可以根据颜色组合和亮度等特性生成识别代码。

    The Beijing-based company , which has been sued over pirated videos , has developed a content-filtering system that generates identifying codes based on characteristics like color combinations and brightness .

  17. 这种方法会查看以前的扫描,并只分析前一次分析更改过的代码,因此显著降低了识别代码质量问题所需的时间。

    This approach looks at previous scans and analyzes only the code that has been changed since the previous analysis , thereby dramatically reducing the time required to identify code quality issues .

  18. 根据建库模型和识别代码,对题库的管理系统功能进行了科学的分类,形成了组卷模块、试题分析模块和管理模块;

    According to the model of building test bank and identification code , a scientific classification of the function of the system was described for the test bank and the model of organizing test paper , the model of subject selection and the model of management were made .

  19. 并以一Company总公司为例,定义了分公司、办事处、部门、员工等的唯一标识代码和识别层次代码的过程函数,设计了层次代码的数据库表。

    Taking a company as an example , only recognition code and recognition function of hierarchical code for filiale , office , department and employees was defined etc. The table of hierarchical code database was designed .

  20. 本论文采用自然语言处理技术(NaturalLanguageProcessing),将药物专利摘要中对族性结构的可变部分进行描述的文本部分,半自动的翻译成规范的、唯一的、能够被计算机识别的代码。

    In this paper , the technique of Natural Language Processing is applied to translate the text information of variation in the patent abstract into the normal and unique codes that can be discriminating by computers .

  21. 在研究数控代码结构和特点的基础上,利用MATLAB语言识别NC代码中的加工参数和几何参数,对数控加工过程进行几何仿真。

    Based on analysis the structure feature of NC code , NC machining simulation with processing parameters and coordinate features getting from NC code by MATLAB language are established .

  22. 阅读技巧能够让识别缺陷代码的流程更便捷。

    Reading techniques can ease the process of identifying code defects .

  23. 该符号将参数识别为代码块的持有者。

    The ampersand identifies the parameter as the holder of a code block .

  24. 源代码抄袭检测,是识别程序代码相似性的一项重要应用。

    Source code plagiarism detection is one important application of similarity code identification .

  25. 现在您需要开始启动编写逻辑,它会识别源代码之内的问题。

    Now you need to start writing logic that will identify problems within source code .

  26. 诊断报告可帮助您识别提高代码性能的机会。

    The diagnostic reports can help you identify opportunities to improve the performance of your code .

  27. 该方法使用形式概念分析识别源代码中的关注点,实现语句级的自动化方面挖掘。

    The method uses formal concept analysis to identify concerns and achieves a statement-level automatic aspect mining .

  28. 能够轻易地识别关键代码是重中之重。

    Being able to easily identify the critical pieces of code can prove to be very valuable .

  29. 一个能够完成这些切割的网络同样可以识别源代码样本中的语言。

    A net that could make these cuts could also identify the language of a source code sample .

  30. 准确地识别哪些代码真正需要同步并尽可能少地进行同步,这非常重要。

    It is crucial to accurately identify which code block truly needs to be synchronized and to synchronize as little as possible .