
shí bié zǐ
  • Recognizer;discriminator
  1. DSP焊缝图像处理系统包括图像采集子系统、焊缝图像处理及识别子系统及图像显示子系统。

    The DSP processing system of welding seam image is composed of image capturing system , image processing system and image displaying system .

  2. 将ProSens系统设计为检测特征识别子系统、测量设备选择子系统、测量规划子系统、夹具规划子系统和专家系统,并对各子系统建立了功能结构图。

    ProSens system consists of several modules : inspection recognition , measurement equipments selection , measurement planning , fixture planning and expert systems . Function structure diagrams are designed for every subsystem .

  3. 本系统包括杂草识别子系统、除草剂信息子系统、杂草防除子系统。

    This system included weed identification subsystem , herbicide information subsystem , weed control subsystem .

  4. 本系统主要包括自动物体识别子系统和施药量模糊控制子系统。

    The system is composed of automatic recognition subsystem and pesticide rate fuzzy control subsystem .

  5. 装配体表达为装配连接图,在识别子装配的基础上,给出了简化装配体装配顺序的确定方法。

    Assemblies are represented as assembly linking graph , a method based on identifying sub assembly is presented .

  6. 视觉识别子系统用美术手法将品牌文化直观、形象地传递给大众,应以规范化、制度化、全员化的方式推进实施。

    Designs on visual identity system and its nightscape lighting in city have great influence on whole city image .

  7. 提出一种通过特征方程反问题识别子结构界面连接刚度参数的直接方法。

    In this article , a direct method which identifies the joining stiffness on substructure interfaces is proposed by the inversion of characteristic equation .

  8. 本文提出该系统的框架体系由风险预警信息子系统、风险识别子系统、风险评价子系统、风险预警判别子系统和风险预警对策子系统这五个方面组成。

    The framework system included risk waning information subsystem , risk identification subsystem , risk evaluation subsystem , risk warning discrimination subsystem and risk warning countermeasure subsystem .

  9. 在讯息摘要认证状况,认证资料栏位包含附加到封包的键识别子和讯息摘要的长度。

    In the case of message-digest authentication , the authentication data field contains the key-id and the length of the message digest that is appended to the packet .

  10. 结构动力模型连接刚度参数识别的子结构方法

    Substructure Method for the Identification of Connection Stiffness Parameter of Structural Dynamic Model

  11. 结构物理参数时域识别的子结构方法研究

    A substructure method for parameter estimation in time domain

  12. 面向人脸识别的子空间分析和分类方法研究

    Subspace Analysis and Classification Method for Face Recognition

  13. 在电子-质子碰撞中识别瞬子末态方法的蒙特卡罗研究

    A Monte Carlo Study on the Reconstruction Method for Instanton in Deep-Inelastic e ~ + p Scattering

  14. 提出了在运动链中识别消极子链的生成树-基本回路法。

    The spanning tree and basic loop method for distinguishing negative sub-chain in kinematics chain was put ford .

  15. 利用基本回路或基本回路的并所形成子链的活动度识别消极子链。

    Using mobility of basic loop or sub-chains formed from the union of basic loop to distinguish negative sub-chain .

  16. 新算法应具有处理速度快、对孤立点不敏感等优点,可以有效地在高维数据流中识别出子空间聚类。

    It should have high efficiency and should not be sensitive to outliers and can find clusters in subspaces from high dimensional data stream effectively .

  17. 水团分析一直是物理海洋学的重要的研究领域,其主要的研究工作是水团边界的识别和子水团的划分。

    Water mass analysis , the primary tasks of which are the boundary recognition of water mass and the water mass division , is always an important research area of the oceanographic .

  18. 现在,如果在运行时作为基类型传递派生的子类,那么无法通过检查接口参数类型识别出子类。

    When you now try to pass a derived subclass in terms of a base type at run time , the subclasses will not be recognized by simply introspecting the interface parameter types .

  19. 从本质上说,巴塞尔委员会是想迫使银行停止将少数股权计入它们的股本金。但它坚称,他们将继续识别任何子公司的所有潜在亏损。

    In essence , the Basel committee wants to force banks to stop counting minority-owned stakes as part of their equity capital but insists they continue to recognise the entire potential losses of any subsidiary .

  20. 本文对人脸与掌纹识别的子空间特征提取方法进行了深入研究,主要包括流形学习导出的新子空间方法、基于矩阵的特征提取方法的图嵌入理论框架及其在人脸和掌纹识别中的应用。

    These issues mainly include novel subspace analysis methods derived from the idea of manifold learning , the theoretical framework of graph embedding for matrix-based feature extraction algorithms with their applications to face and palmprint recognition .

  21. 一种特异识别SV40启动子的人工转录因子的构建

    Construction of a SV40 Promoter Specific Artificial Transcription Factor

  22. P2P协议识别及控制子系统实现了P2P协议在Linux操作系统下的识别并用MySQL建立了用户角色数据表,用来对P2P协议的流量进行控制。

    The sub system of discern and control of P2P agreement realizing the discern and using MySQL to build the date form of P2P agreement under Linux operate system .

  23. 尝试利用R-Q对应因子分析识别分群融合子代

    An Attempt on Using the R-Q Double-factor Analysis Method to Identify and Group Fusants

  24. 原核生物的翻译起始调控一直是生物信息学研究的一个重要内容,核糖体与mRNA如何正确结合并有效识别起始密码子是研究基因翻译起始调控的重要环节,是调控基因表达水平的一个核心问题。

    Translation initiation regulation of prokaryotes is a central challenge in bioinformatics . An important step in this challenge is how ribosomes correctly combine on mRNA and effectively identity translation initiation codon . It is also the key of gene expression level regulation .

  25. σ~(38)识别的启动子-35区核酸序列特征研究

    Character in - 35 Region Sequence of Promoter Recognized by σ 38

  26. 最后重点研究了本文所用来进行聚合物混凝土阻尼比识别的随机子空间识别法。

    Finally , Stochastic Subspace Identification Method ( SSI ), which used in this thesis for damping identification of polymer concrete , was emphatically discussed .

  27. 自从线性主元分析被成功应用于人脸识别之后,子空间分析方法就成为了人脸识别的主流方法之一。

    Since linear Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) was successfully applied for face recognition , subspace analysis methods have been one kind of popular methods .

  28. 总之,第一类肽链释放因子识别终止密码子的机制和终止密码子的重新分配机制是一个尚未完全瀍明的问题,有待做进一步深入的探讨。

    Mechanism of stop codon recognition of class I polypeptide release factor or termination codon reassignment are problems that have not yet been fully clarified , and should be further in-depth discussed .

  29. 对系统可达矩阵运用系统分析方法,进行子要素级别分析、强连接关系识别、基本子要素的确定一系列的运算,确定系统故障树结构模型,得到系统故障树顶部结构。

    System analysis is applied to the reachable matrix . As a result , the fault tree frame model of the process control system is obtained , and the top structure in sequence .

  30. 利用活动模型构造系统的活动邻接矩阵,用图论中的路径矩阵来识别强连通子图,从而得出交互依赖活动集。

    We use activity model to create the activity adjacency matrix , and path matrix ( accessible matrix ) of graph theory to recognize the strongly connected components , so as to get the sets of strongly depended activities .