
  • 网络Identification Signal;IDENT
  1. 为了使受控设备识别信号,设计一种数字信号编码系统,利用红外线将数字信号调制,而数据的解码则通过单片机完成。

    In order to cause to control the equipment identification signal , one kind of digital signal coding system is designed .

  2. 无线接收电路接收声音遥控电路发送来的声音识别信号,控制机器人由机械执行电路实现机器人动作。

    The wireless receival circuit receives the voice identification signal transmitted from the voice remote circuit and then control the robot by mechanic executable circuit to achieve the action of robot .

  3. 而未成熟DC不能提供激活T细胞的双识别信号并有效激活T细胞。

    These immature DCs fail to provide two recognition signals that is necessary to stimulate T lymphocytes effectively and induce a state of T lymphocytes anergy .

  4. 研究结果表明,不同状态下主减速器信号的关联维数和最大Lyapunov指数有明显的可分性,两者都可以作为识别信号特征和程度的有效量化指标。

    Experiments results show correlation dimension and largest lyapunov exponent of different main reducers are different , they can be used as the quantification factor of recognizing signal features and level .

  5. 该方法利用Laplace小波实部的衰减特性来识别信号中的自由衰减波形,从而实现阻尼、频率的正确识别。

    Taking advantage of the attenuation of the real part of Laplace wavelet to recognize the freely decaying waveforms from signal so as to recognize correctly both damping and frequency .

  6. 一类为人工合成可降解材料,如PGA、PLA等,但两者在来源、塑形能力及细胞识别信号等方面存在不足。

    The other is artificial synthesis material , such as PLA , PGA , et al . All these materials have deficiency in source , moulding ability and cells recognition .

  7. 随着物联网浪潮的到来,其核心技术RFID(RadioFrequencyIdentification,RFID)技术越来越成为公众关注的焦点,RFID是指应用射频识别信号识别目标。

    With the arrival of the wave of Internet of Things , the core technology of RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification , RFID ) technology has increasingly become a focus of public attention , RFID is the application of radio frequency identification signal to identify the target .

  8. 本文应用复值的Morlet小波进行时-频分析,利用小波函数与待识别信号相似程度,进行模态参数识别。

    In this paper , we use the Morlet wavelet to analyze the time-frequency signal . Use the property of comparison between the wavelet and the signal , to identify the modal parameter .

  9. 其仿真结果表明:该方法在0dB信噪比条件下能够识别信号的调制方式,性能优于传统的包络调制识别方法。

    Simulation results indicate that the performance of proposed method is much better than the classical envelope modulation methods .

  10. 通过分析对比信号奇异性检测的各种方法的优点和不足,指出复数Hermitian小波具备准确识别信号瞬时相位的能力。

    It is indicated that Hermitian wavelet has the ability to sensitively recognize the transient phase of signal through comparing the advantage and shortcoming of many kinds of methods used for singularity detection of signal .

  11. 基于有源射频识别信号强度的室内移动机器人测距方法

    Ranging Method for Indoor Mobile Robot Based on Active RFID Signal Strength

  12. 安装侧面车种识别信号灯灯泡。

    Install side marker lamp bulb .

  13. 这些识别信号每天都在变化,所以我这个连长的工作其实非常复杂。

    The signals were changed every day , which severely complicated my job as a battery commander .

  14. 采用此双重培养体系能够进行AM真菌与豆科植物相互识别信号和共生机制的研究。

    With this system we can study signal recognition and symbiotic mechanism between AM fungi and leguminous plant .

  15. 正确认识其调制类型,识别信号本身的一些基本特征,是信号处理的首要问题。

    It is the chiefly problem of signal disposal to recognize its modulated type and its essential characters rightly .

  16. 通过该系统对待识别信号数据进行故障诊断实验,表明该系统能有效地对柴油机活塞组件和气门机构故障进行诊断。

    After diagnosed identfication signal , it was effective for the system to diagnose piston and valve of diesel engine .

  17. 具有良好生物相容性和降解性的天然(合成)聚合物,一般也具有细胞识别信号,常用作生物材料;

    Polymer with good biocompatibility and biodegradability is always used as biomaterials , more important , they possess cell recognition signal .

  18. 以前,识别信号的调制方式是借助相关仪器通过分析信号的波形、频谱来完成的。

    Once upon a time , modulation identification is performed by analyzing the waveform and spectrum with the help corresponding equipments .

  19. 这个数据库能够成功的寻找到一些潜在的脉冲,确认有能够成功识别信号的能力。

    It was soon recognized that this same data might be scoured for other signals of value to the astronomy and physics community .

  20. 倒频谱可以识别信号中较弱的周期成分,并对识别调制信号的边频县有特殊的效果。

    Using power cepstrum the weaker periodic signal can be recognized , and the side frequency of modulation signal can be recognized effectively .

  21. 该系统采用的是有线通信,利用这个有线通信系统计算机可以在1000米之内接收到识别信号。

    The system make use of wire communication and the computer can receive the identifying result in 1000 meters depend on the wire communication system .

  22. 列车在行进中不断识别信号频率从而获取相关的控制信息,以确定对机车的控制。

    In order to make sure the control toward the locomotives , the trains in the work constantly identify signal frequency to obtain relevant control information .

  23. 我们正在执行一次绝密的任务,而且我们不能发送有效的友军识别信号给地面的自动防空系统。

    Transport Captain We 're on a top secret mission and I 'm not transmitting a valid friendly ID signal to the ground-based automatic defense systems .

  24. 随着信号种类的增多和调制方式日益复杂,自动且高效的识别信号的调制方式和确定部分参数成为各个领域的研究热点。

    Along with the increase in signal types and modulation complexity , automatic and efficient identification of signal modulation type and estimation of some parameters have become the research hotspot .

  25. 基于分离识别信号的概率密度函数还讨论了故障分离的最优阈值问题。

    Moreover , the maximum optimal questions of the fault isolation thresholds are considered with the aid of the probability density function for the discernment signals of the fault isolation .

  26. 性别识别信号包括面孔、声音、气味等。性别识别信号在进化上对择偶具有非常重要的作用。

    Gender identification signals contain faces , sounds , smells , etc. From an evolutionary standpoint , gender identification signals play a very important role to find the right mate .

  27. 该涂层赋予骨架以细胞识别信号,且可以改进细胞的种植,分布与繁殖,有利于新组织和血管的形成。

    The coating enables the frame to have cell recognition signal , improves seeding , distribution and reproduction of cells , and facilitates formation of new tissue and blood vessel .

  28. 利用平稳随机过程的频谱估计方法,通过信号的功率谱识别信号的频域特征,完成非参数化系统辨识。

    By use of the frequency spectrum analysis method of stationary stochastic process , the frequency domain character can be identified by power spectrums of signals and the system identification can be completed .

  29. 这种长度测量系统利用四辊轧机液压微调计算机厚度控制系统的压力检测信号,作为咬钢和抛钢识别信号。

    The system takes the pressure signal of hydraulic micro-adjust of the four rollers mill for signal of steel plate entering into rolling mill and signal of steel plate out of rolling mill .

  30. 通过乙酰化特异染色质区组蛋白尾部的赖氨酸残基,Elp3参与特异染色质区结构的改变,为染色质结构调控蛋白提供识别信号,在转录延伸中发挥重要的作用。

    As a transcription elongation factor , it plays important roles in recruiting chromatin remodeling proteins , and in modulating chromatin structure by acetylating the highly conserved lysine residues in N-terminal tails of histones .