
  1. 组织考察,作为识人用人的基本手段之一,是选拔任用地方党政领导干部不可或缺的重要环节,对于建设高素质的干部队伍至关重要。

    Organization investigation , as a man employing , is one of the basic means for selection and appointment of leading cadres of local party indispensable important link to the construction of cadres with high quality is very important .

  2. 是坚持公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则,努力拓宽识人用人渠道,建立充满生机与活力的选人用人机制,在更大范围内选拔优秀人才的有效措施;

    It is the mechanism in the selection of qualified personnel based on the publicity , equality , competition and the selection of superiority and trying to widen the channel for selection of talented persons in the wider scope .

  3. 提出领导干部只有不断提高政治素质、理论素质、道德素质、知识素质、身心素质和决策能力、组织能力、创新能力、战略思维能力、识人用人能力才能适应时代的需要。

    Proposes that only when the leaders ' constantly improve their qualities of political , theory , ethical , knowledge , physic and psychology , decision , organization , innovation , strategic thinking , choice of right person , can they meet the needs of the era .

  4. 我认识一个企业家,他识人、用人的方法很有意思。

    I know an entrepreneur who has his way of identifying and using talented people .

  5. 中国古代的人才观对新时期识人、用人的启示

    The Enlightenment of Identifying and Using Talent from the Talent View of Ancient China in New Period

  6. 因此,需要不断地完善公务员考核体系,改进公务员考核的方法,以利于公正、公平,客观地识人、用人。

    Therefore , we need constantly perfect the public servant merit system and improve the checking method , so as that we can choose and employ the talents fairly , impartially and objectively .

  7. 通过完善公务员考核体系,改进公务员考核方法,提高公务员考核的信度和效度,进而提高识人、用人的水平。

    Through the improvement of the civil service examination system , improve the civil service examination methods , and improve the civil service evaluation of reliability and validity , and to improve knowledge , employment levels .

  8. 就如何运用儒家人才观识人、选人、用人及实施人本管理进行了分析,并提出了相应的管理策略。

    This paper analyzes how to use talent concept of Confucianism to evaluate talents , select talents , use talents as well as carry out human-based management and finally puts forward corresponding tactics for management .

  9. 胜任特征模型可以作为现代人力资源管理体系的核心,在识人、选人、用人、育人、留人方面,起到组织战略的传导作用。

    Competence model can be considered as the core of modern human resource management . It plays an important role in knowing person , choosing person , employing person , teaching person and staying person .