
  1. 经多方考核研究决定,我们采用RFID(电子标签技术)的基础上研制开发了医疗设备信息识别管理系统即(医疗设备电子户口)。

    After thorough studies , we developed the information management system of medical equipment - Medical Equipment Electronic Registries base on RFID technology .

  2. 从网络平台架构、数据存储安全性、数据库权限设置和身份识别管理和信息访问安全性等方面着手,介绍了在MIS系统项目设计和实施过程中如何保证系统运行安全和稳定的技术。

    The all sided security project in MIS is introduced from such aspects as network platform , security in datum storage , database administration technology and security in information access .

  3. 利用RFID技术,可实现对集装箱进行实时有效的识别管理;利用GPS技术以及GIS技术可对集装箱状况进行及时、准确、高效的位置标定跟踪、调度监控。

    The use of RFID technology can be realized right containers ' effective identification management . The use of GPS technology and GIS technology on the container status can make it timely , accurate , efficient calibration location tracking and scheduling control .

  4. 本文提出了一种应用在RFID系统中的新型多谐振天线,该天线应用在车牌上实现车辆识别管理,克服了设计的难点,并且通过对比产生了多谐振的原因。

    This paper presents a new multi-resonant antenna of the RFID system , this antenna is applied in the license plate on the vehicle identification management , overcoming the difficulties of the design and analyze the reason of the multi-resonant .

  5. 浅谈振动数据综合识别管理分析平台

    A Brief Research on the Comprehensive Recognition and Management Analysis Platform of Vibration Data

  6. 在考虑我们的案例分析后,您有可能会识别管理较差的虚拟化环境的症状。

    It 's possible to recognize symptoms of poorly managed virtualized environments after considering our case studies .

  7. 最后,投资者等外部利益人,能够识别管理层积极的会计选择行为,并对此行为进行价格补偿。

    Last , outsiders such investors should recognize the positive accounting choice behavior of management and make the price compensation .

  8. 高等院校形象识别管理系统初论浅谈形象识别在高校管理中的作用及校园文化建设

    Management System for Image Identification in Colleges and Universities The function of image identification in higher education management and campus culture development

  9. 制定项目方案,监督管理设计进度,识别管理风险,协同团队和供应商的工作的状况。

    Own project schedules , monitor and report project status , identify and manage risks , including working with other teams and the vendors .

  10. 因此作为政府或者股权投资者有必要学会识别管理层权力型企业,对高管实施个人利益侵占的企业应该给予相应的监督和市场处罚,从而减轻其负面影响。

    Therefore , the government or the equity investors need to learn to identify enterprises with management power , and executives ' personal interests should be given appropriate oversight and market punishment , thereby reduce its negative effects .

  11. P2P流量识别与管理技术

    Survey of P2P Traffic Identification and Engineering Technology

  12. 用网络应用识别技术管理P2P应用

    On Managing P2P Application with NBAR Technology

  13. 我国BOT项目融资中政治风险的识别和管理

    Identification and Management of Political Risks in China 's BOT Project Financing

  14. RationalAssetManager是一个资产管理数据库,其使组织能够识别,管理和治理不同种类的非实时资产。

    Rational Asset Manager is an asset management repository that enables organizations to identify , manage , and govern various kinds of non-runtime assets .

  15. 本文特别提到了IBM®IndustryModels的部署阶段,在此阶段应该考虑规则的分析和设计,以及如何识别和管理规则。

    In particular , this article references the deployment stages of the IBM Industry Models during which rules analysis and design should be considered , and how rules can be identified and managed .

  16. 最后,我们利用ActiveX技术和因特网信息服务ⅡS获得了一个完整的基于WEB的车牌识别与管理系统。

    Finally , we use the ActiveX technology and Internet Information Services ( IIS ) to obtain a complete recognition and management system of license plates based on WEB .

  17. IBMRationalAssetManager是一个协作式软件开发工具,组织可以用它来识别、管理和治理软件资产和服务的设计、开发和消费。

    IBM Rational Asset Manager is a collaborative software development tool that organizations can use to identify , manage , and govern the design , development , and consumption of software assets and services .

  18. 以P2P流量为主要对象的流量识别、管理已经成为学术界、网络工程界、国家有关部门普遍关心的问题。

    The P2P ( Peer-to-Peer ) traffic dominated Internet traffic identification and management have became general focused problems in the academia , network engineering area and various important departments of the nation .

  19. R&D联盟优势资源识别与管理重点确定

    R & D Alliance Advantageous Resources Identification and Managing Key Ascertaining

  20. 进境葡萄繁殖材料携带病毒的风险识别和管理

    The risk diagnoses and management of imported grape propagation material virus

  21. 开放式基金在我国的进一步发展需要对其风险进行识别和管理。

    In its development , we should recognize and control its risks .

  22. 基于B/S结构的嵌入式指纹识别与管理终端

    Embedded Fingerprint Authentication and Management Terminal Based on B / S Structure

  23. 体育赞助营销的风险识别与管理研究

    Study of Risk of Athletics Sponsor Marketing Identifies and Management

  24. 汽车轮胎信息识别与管理系统的设计

    Design of vehicle tire information recognition and management system

  25. 条码识别物资管理系统的研究

    Research on bar code identification aided material management system

  26. 有效的压力管理包括识别和管理急性压力和慢性压力。

    Effective stress management involves identifying and managing both acute and chronic stress .

  27. 研究了虚拟环境下装配约束的动态识别与管理问题,实现了基于约束的装配仿真;

    The dynamic constraint recognition and management is studied to implement constraint-based assembly simulation .

  28. 小型汽车厂自动识别生产管理信息系统的开发

    The Development of Automatic Identification for Management Information System of Small-sized Car Production Enterprises

  29. 基于供应链一体化的客户识别与管理

    Customer Identification and Management under Supply Chain Integration

  30. 苏黎世危险分析能对各种风险进行系统性地识别和管理。

    Zurich hazard analysis allows the systematic identification and management of all types of risks .