
  • 网络Productivity Management
  1. 全面生产率管理是一种改进生产率的独特方法。

    Total productivity management is a particular approach to productivity improvement .

  2. 生产率管理&劳动生产率的测定与分析

    Productivity management & measurement and analysis of labour productivity

  3. 实现了大型露天煤矿剥离与开采作业的自动化,大幅度地提高了劳动生产率和管理水平。

    It realizes the automation of stripping off and mining , and greatly raises the labour productivity and management level .

  4. 随着全球经济的发展和我国市场经济体系的建立,企业之间的竞争日益加剧,电力企业必须充分提高生产率和管理效率,应对各种挑战。

    With the development of global economics and the foundation of our country 's marketable economics system , the competition between corporations is increasing , the Electric Power Corporations must make full use of its advantages , improve the efficiency of labor and management to deal with various challenges .

  5. 简要分析了H9000系统投运后对提高操作自动化、劳动生产率、设备管理水平等产生的积极效果。

    The author also analyzed the positive effects of H9000 system in upgrading operation automation level , working efficiency and equipment management level .

  6. 在构成模型基础上,给出了几点针对服务生产率的有效管理方法,以期望对服务生产率的研究和实践有所帮助。

    On this basis , the paper offers several advice on service productivity to help its research and practice .

  7. 各行各业的科技进步有力地促进了行业生产技术水平、劳动生产率水平和管理水平的不断提高。

    Sectors of science and technology effectively to promote the industry , production technology , labor productivity level and management level rising .

  8. 要想得到高的服务生产率,企业管理者必须识别出无效成本,并采取措施消除或降低无效成本。

    To get the high productivity , enterprise managers must identify invalid cost , and take measures to eliminate or reduce the cost of invalid .

  9. 这些解决方案帮助客户满足其在节能增效、业务盈利能力、资本生产率、风险管理和全球责任领域的关键业务需要。

    These solutions help customers meet their critical business needs in the areas of energy efficiency , operational profitability , capital productivity , risk management , and global responsibility .

  10. 服务生产率问题是服务管理理论的研究前沿。

    Service productivity is a front topic in service management theory .

  11. 饭店服务生产率模型建构及管理

    Model Construction and Management of Service Productivity in Hotel Industry

  12. 论服务生产率的构成及其管理

    Component and management of service productivity

  13. 德鲁克强调,知识工作者生产率是21世纪管理的最大挑战。

    Drucker emphasises that knowledge worker productivity is the biggest of the 21 st century management challenges .

  14. 竞争的实质突出体现在多品种、高质量、低成本、高生产率和高超的管理水平所构成的综合竞争能力上。

    Outstanding in substance now many species , high quantities , low cost and high rate of production of the competition constitutes with the superb management level of synthesize the ability of competing the top .

  15. 它以系统科学为理论基础,行为科学为主导,综合运用信息技术,目的是提高劳动生产率,改善内部管理体制,促进企业基础信息的融合,为企业快速准确的提供决策信息。

    Based on system science , taking behavior science as its leading science and utilizing information technology , OA may improve productivity , ameliorate internal management system , promote the fusion of basic information and provide enterprises with praise and swift decision-making information .