
shēnɡ yù bǎo xiǎn
  • maternity insurance;birth insurance
  1. cfsw为员工提供有竞争力的薪水,同时按照国家规定缴纳养老保险,失业保险,基本医疗保险,工伤保险,生育保险和住房公积金。

    CFSW provide employees with competitive salary and pay endowment insurance , unemployment insurance , medical insurance , injury insurance , birth insurance and housing fund .

  2. 同时要推行生育保险,促进就业。

    Thirdly , we should popularize birth insurance and promote employment .

  3. 生育保险基金如何征缴和治理?

    How does birth insurance fund ask for capture and management ?

  4. 第三章:我国生育保险制度存在的问题。

    Chapter 3 : The problem of our maternity insurance system .

  5. 个人不缴纳城镇生育保险费。

    Individual persons are exempt from payment of urban childbearing insurance premium .

  6. 对施工企业职工生育保险基金现状的几点思考

    Thinking about current situation of birth insurance fund of construction enterprise staff

  7. 生育保险作为性别特征尤为明显的公共政策,具有特殊的社会性别意义。

    Maternity insurance is a public policy with special significance of gender .

  8. 生育保险为何要单独设立险种

    Why does reproductive insurance need to beset up as an independent insurance sort

  9. 生育保险的参保范围及缴费标准?

    Does the ginseng of birth insurance maintain limits and pay cost level ?

  10. 摘要与其他社会保险相比,生育保险具有明显的性别特征。

    Compared with other social insurances , maternity insurance has evident sexual characteristics .

  11. 现行生育保险制度亟待解决的问题及改进对策

    Problems in Current Birth Insurance System and the Solutions

  12. 加快推进工伤保险与生育保险制度建设。

    Development of the industrial injury and childbirth insurance systems shall be accelerated .

  13. 生育保险社会化管理服务探索

    Exploration into Socialized Management Service of Birth Insurance

  14. 山东省农村生育保险状况和发展前景

    Childbearing and Family Planning Related Insurance Status and Development Perspective in Shandong Rural Area

  15. 我国企业职工生育保险制度可持续发展展望

    Outlook for the Sustainable Development of the Maternity Insurance System for Workers in Chinese Enterprises

  16. 1988年以来,中国的一些地区开始进行企业生育保险制度的改革。

    Reform of the childbirth insurance system started in some enterprises in China in 1988 .

  17. 实施生育保险制度的社会学和经济学双透析

    Exploring the Necessity of Building Maternity Insurance System & from Sociological and Economic Visual Angle

  18. 生育保险费率如何确定?

    How does birth premium rate decide ?

  19. 第三,尽早出台工伤、生育保险政策。

    Third , it should publish the policies of injury and maternity insurance as soon as possible .

  20. 湖南省生育保险住院医疗费用影响因素的研究

    Study on Influencing Factor for Hospital Patients ' Medical Cost in the Maternity Insurance in Hunan Province

  21. 本市社会保险经办机构负责城镇生育保险费的征缴工作。

    The municipal agencies handling social insurance are responsible for collecting and paying the urban childbearing insurance premium .

  22. 深圳市生育保险制度存在发展缓慢、体系不完善等问题。

    Childbearing security system in Shenzhen seems lagging behind the social and economic development and causes many problems .

  23. 各地实行生育保险社会统筹的具体做法是什么?

    What is the specific method that each district implements birth assurance society to plan as a whole ?

  24. 实行社会统筹的地区如何领取生育保险费?

    How does the area that executes a society to plan as a whole receive birth insurance premium ?

  25. 未来生育保险突破的方向应是向全国统一规划、实施、调剂和管理的态势发展。

    The future orientation of the maternity care system should be national unified planning , carried out and managed .

  26. 生育保险支付待遇主要包括:因生育发生的医疗费用和产假期间按月发放的生育津贴等。

    The insurance benefits cover mainly medical treatment for childbirth and monthly childbirth allowance for employees during maternity leave .

  27. 生育保险制度改革中强化男性生育角色,对于促进男女平等,全面维护妇女合法权益具有重要意义。

    It is important to improve men 's role in reproduction by reforming the reproductive insurance system of China .

  28. 生育保险问题对社会发展影响巨大,关注和研究生育保险制度具有重要意义。

    Maternity insurance can effect the social development greatly . It is of importance to study the maternity insurance system itself .

  29. 生育保险基金根据“以支定收、收支基本平衡”的原则征缴。

    Birth insurance fund closes surely with raising according to ", the principle that income and expenses balances " basically collects pay .

  30. 在这种背景下,为了生育保险制度重构而进行的基本理论问题研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    Against this background , the basic theoretical research in maternity insurance system for reconstruction has important theoretical value and practical significance .