
  • 网络Production cost management
  1. 钢铁行业集成化生产成本管理系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Steel Industry Oriented Integrated Production Cost Management System

  2. 基于作业层次的钢铁生产成本管理方法研究

    Research on Production Cost Management Method for Iron & Steel Enterprise Based on Activity-Hierarchy

  3. 计算机辅助生产成本管理系统的设计与实施

    Design and Practice about Cost Management System of Computer Aided Production

  4. 在模型研究的基础上,完成生产成本管理系统设计;

    Thirdly , design the system under the model research above .

  5. 甘蔗糖厂生产成本管理和决策模型

    Cost - managing and Policy-making Model for Cane Sugar Mill

  6. 生产成本管理知识库系统开发工具的研究

    The Study on Development Tool of Manufacturing Cost Management Knowledge Base System

  7. 生产成本管理智能决策支持系统生成器的开发研究

    The Study on Development of Manufacturing Cost Management Intelligence Decision Support System Generator

  8. 本论文对基于C/S和B/S混合结构的油气生产成本管理系统进行了深入的研究。

    In this paper , ISOGPC based on combination of C / S and B / S structures is thoroughly studied .

  9. 文章根据企业生产成本管理特点,开发了生产成本分析服务系统工具,并且论述了该工具的设计与实现技术。

    According to characteristic of enterprise production cost management , this paper develops production cost analysis services system tool , and discusses the design and the realization technology of the tool .

  10. 文章根据生产成本管理特点,对生产成本管理智能决策支持系统生成器的开发问题进行了探讨,论述了系统总体设计和系统实现的关键技术。

    This paper probes into the Development problem of manufacturing cost management intelligence decision support system generator , According to the characteristics of manufacturing cost management , It discusses system total design and realization key technology of the system .

  11. 根据生产成本管理知识的特点,提出了生产成本管理知识的表示方法,并且介绍了基于该表示方法的生产成本管理知识库系统的开发工具。

    This paper advances the representation method of manufacturing cost management knowledge , according to the characteristics of manufacturing cost knowledge , and introduces the development tool of manufacturing cost management knowledge base system based on this representation method .

  12. 介绍了计算机辅助生产成本管理系统的设计方法,以实施计算机辅助生产成本管理为手段,降低生产成本,达到提高企业竞争力的目的。

    This paper introduces the design of computer aided production cost management system , by practicing the method of computer aided production cost management system , it can reduce the production cost and reach the destination of improving the enterprises ' competitive power .

  13. 粮食加工企业生产成本管理的重要性早已达成共识,自粮食加工生产成本管理产生至今,从理论到实务都做了不少有益的探索,但还没有形成一套比较完善的理论体系。

    Have already reached common understanding in importance of management of production cost of processing enterprise of grain , produce , so far , make beneficial exploration since grain processing production cost management from theoretical to practice , but has not formed a more complete theoretical system yet .

  14. 数量折扣契约下供应链生产成本扰动管理

    Production Cost Disruption Management for Supply Chain System with Quantity Discount Contract

  15. 实行生产成本目标管理责任制;

    ( 2 ) implementing production cost management accountability ;

  16. 精益生产工序成本管理

    Production processes management through cost of careful production

  17. 网络广告成本由生产成本与管理成本构成。

    The costs of the network advertisement consist of the manufacture cost and the management one .

  18. 无论是国外还是国内,目前对粮食加工企业生产成本的管理研究处于不断完善阶段。

    No matter foreign countries or our country , is at improving stage constantly on management for producing cost of processing enterprise of grain at present .

  19. 一方面,通过员工之间的沟通与交流,知识在企业内得到不断的扩散、吸收和应用,使得企业的生产成本、管理成本和交易成本不断降低,从而大大降低了企业的边际生产成本。

    Knowledge can diffuse , assimilate and apply perpetually through the communicating among the employees in enterprise , so the cost of production , management and exchange may reduce .

  20. 通过对电子商务企业的成本分析,指出企业可变成本大量地被沉淀为固定成本,同时企业交易成本、生产成本、管理成本相对收缩。

    Analyzing the costs of E-commerce enterprises , the paper points out that the variable costs are turned into fixed costs , and at same time transaction costs , production costs and management costs are relatively shrunk .

  21. 随着能源消耗急骤增加和能源单位价格的不断上涨,市场的全球化趋势使得市场竞争日益激烈,离散制造企业要求降低生产成本和管理成本,提高生产效率的呼声愈加强烈。

    Nowadays , the consumption and the price of the energy rise unceasingly . And the market competition becomes more intense because of the market globalization . So the discrete manufacturing enterprises request to reduce production cost and management cost more eagerly than before .

  22. 本文在深入调研离散型制造企业经营发展、生产和成本管理现状后,分析发现这类企业本身具有生产过程复杂,品种规格繁多的特点,成本核算及管理工作的难度较大。

    After investigate the current conditions on operation , production and management in discrete manufacture companies in detail , it was found that the process is complex and the products have numerous species in these companies by analyzed . All the characteristics make the cost calculation and management more difficult .

  23. 给出定单式生产企业目标成本管理体系,指出TCM的应用基础是ERP,它是ERP的进一步深化和扩展。

    Gives out the frame of TCM ( Target Cost Management ) in MTO ( Make to Order ) manufacture , and points out that TCM is the expansion of ERP on which it 's application is based .

  24. 论以知识为核心生产要素的成本管理

    Discussion on the Cost Management Centering Knowledge as Essential Production Element

  25. 继续发展必须优化产品结构,降低生产成本,提高管理水平。

    It should be optimizing product structure , reducing cost and improving management .

  26. 西航公司总装生产线质量成本管理研究

    The Research of Xi'an Aero-engine ( Group ) Ltd. Assembly Line Quality Cost Management

  27. 论企业清洁生产的环境成本管理

    Environment Cost Management in Clean Manufacture

  28. 把清洁生产融入现代成本管理方法&作业制管理,是突破清洁生产障碍的一种思路。

    There is a design that blends cleaner production with activity-based management to overcome these blocks .

  29. 针对印制板生产现场的成本管理,提出系统的思路,并举出实际操作的例子。

    In view of the work field cost management of the PCB manufacturing , advance systematic train of thought and give out some practical examples .

  30. 为克服传统作业成本法的缺点并更好地支持计算机集成制造环境下可动态重构生产系统的成本管理,提出了一种基于广义工作中心的作业成本法。

    To overcome shortcomings of traditional Activity-Based Cost ( ABC ) method and to support cost management of dynamic reconfigurable manufacturing systems under Computer Integrated Manufacturing ( CIM ) environment , an ABC method based on generalized work centers was proposed .