
  • 网络One-way Communication;One Way Communication;unilateral communication
  1. 女人可以用直接了当,诚实又直接的单向沟通法,让丈夫打开心扉开口讲话。

    Women can help their husbands open up and talk more by being upfront , honest , and completely straightforward , using one-way communication .

  2. 电子政务由网上公布信息、单向沟通、双向互动、全方位的网上处理事务四阶段组成。

    The development of E-government is composed of four stages : online announcing information , unidirectional communication , double interaction and omni-bearing coping with affairs online .

  3. 他们会一直到最后(或者到问答环节)都保持单向的沟通。

    They would maintain an one-way traffic all the way till the end ( or the'Q & A session ' ) .

  4. 此外,还要进行沟通买卖双方渠道的工作,建立迅速、灵敏的信息反馈系统,变单向交流沟通为双程式多向沟通。

    In addition , but also for buyers and sellers to communicate channel work , establish rapid , sensitive information feedback system , variable one-way communication program for two ways of communication .

  5. 新的绩效管理系统采用PDCA绩效管理系统,在原有的绩效管理流程中加入了二个反馈系统,使单向的下行沟通变为双向互动沟通。

    The new performance management system useed the PDCA system , and added feedback systems based on the existing performance management process , so that a one-way downward communication becomes two-way interactive communication .