
  1. 整个软件开发划分为用户管理子系统、业务管理子系统、经营分析子系统、出口单据管理子系统和其他基础内容管理子系统5大软件功能模块。

    The complete package contains five key function modules . These subsystems are user management , business management , business operation analysis , export billing management and other fundamental content managment .

  2. 实现了汽车保险代理公司的保单管理,退保、注销保单,单据管理,客户管理,车辆管理,收保险费,缴保险费,以及基础数据管理,数据权限的管理等功能。

    This program achieved the functions of policy management , surrendering , cancellation policy , document management , client management , vehicle management , charging premium , data management and permission management .

  3. 简要介绍了一个预算支出管理系统的功能,主要功能有预算指标管理、拨款单据管理、明细账管理、报表输出及系统维护;

    The functions of a financial capital budgeting system has been introduced . The main functions of this system include management of budget target , management of bills , management of detail account books , report outputs and system maintenance .

  4. 介绍了OraclePurchasing模块中采购单据的管理与控制,结合实例,分析了各状态下可采取的控制活动及控制活动对单据的影响。

    Introduces the management and control of purchasing documents in Oracle Purchasing module . In order to achieve effective control to the documents , adoptable control activities under different conditions and its influences on the documents are analyzed with the examples .

  5. 解决这些问题,电子化系统替代纸质单据进行企业资产管理应该成为主流。

    Solve these problems , electronic system to replace paper documents for enterprise asset management should become mainstream .

  6. 为了规避此类风险,国际货运代理必须加强对单据的使用与管理。

    In order to avoid such risks , the freight forwarder must strengthen the measures on the management and application of the documents .

  7. 论文结合为某机械制造集团开发的物流管理系统,提出了基于单据驱动的物流管理系统解决方案,并详细阐述了其基本思想和系统实现方法。

    This paper puts forward a solution of logistics system management based on record driven model , which is used in the development of the logistical management system for a machine manufacturing enterprise . The fundamental ideas and implementation methods of the model are explained .

  8. 论文提出了基于单据驱动的物流管理系统模型化方案,该方案以企业内部各种单据为中心,通过单据来驱动企业物料流转,对企业物流管理和系统开发过程都具有指导性意义。

    This paper puts forward a modeling scheme for logistics management system based on record driven . The scheme focuses on all kinds of records in enterprise and drives material flow by these records , it has significant guide for enterprise logistics management and the system development process .

  9. 在Internet上电子交易的数据单据交换方面,进行了PDF文件格式的电子单据管理软件的研究和开发,以满足电子交易中重要单据的网络传输与管理。

    In the aspect of the bill data interchange in the Internet , an electronic bill software using PDF file format is developed to satisfy the network transfer and managing of important bill for electronic trade .