
  • 网络Electronic Communication;e-communication
  1. 或许我们应该花点时间想一个问题:有人想成为互联网和电子沟通工具的便利性的牺牲品吗?

    Perhaps , we should take a moment to think , Does anyone there want to fall victim of convenience of the Internet and electronic communication tools ?

  2. 人们在享受电子沟通带来的便利性的同时,也已经开始意识到了这会削弱人与人之间的情感,降低工作效率有时候甚至会带来一些误会和摩擦。

    When enjoying the convenience of of electronic communication , people have began to realize that it tends to weaken the affection between people , reduce working efficiency or even bring about some misunderstandings or frictions .

  3. 美国管理协会(AmericanManagementAssociation)和我所在的组织ePolicyInstitute所进行的《2009年电子商务沟通政策及流程调查》(2009ElectronicBusinessCommunicationPoliciesandProceduresSurvey)结果显示,14%的员工承认曾将公司保密信息通过电邮发给第三方;

    Consider the results of the ' 2009 Electronic Business Communication Policies and Procedures Survey ' from American Management Association and my organization , the ePolicy Institute . In the survey , 14 % of employees admitted to emailing confidential company information to third parties ;

  4. 网际网路蓬勃发展,迅速且即时的电子化沟通已成为现代人生活的一部份。

    Speedy and instant electronic communication has become part of people 's daily life as Internet is getting more and more popular .

  5. 第四部分介绍了网络技术对企业内部商务沟通产生的积极影响,从管理沟通原理的角度分析了为什么网络/电子化沟通手段能够提高组织沟通绩效的原因。

    In the fourth part , the author tries to analyze the reason why e-communication tools can improve the general exchange performance of ABB with a perspective upon the communication principle in organization .

  6. 以面对面沟通组和电子媒介沟通组为对象,设计了沟通对设计型知识工作团队知识集成影响的探索性实验。

    Taking face-to-face communication team and electronic media communication team as study objects , an investigation test of the influence of communication form on knowledge integration of the design-type knowledge work team is conducted .

  7. 基于OCS的电子政务统一沟通解决方案

    The Unified Communication Solution of E-government Based on OCS

  8. 应用于电子政务的沟通方案研究与集成

    Research and Integration of Communications Solution Applied to E-government

  9. 通过书面、电子和人际沟通渠道提高人们对于合作社原则和实践的理解。

    Promote an understanding of cooperative principles and practices through written , electronic , and personal communication .

  10. 要记住,通过电子设备进行沟通很容易抹掉这些信号,所以大部分电子邮件和短信息都是比较真实的。

    Keep in mind that electronic communication erases such signals , so most e-mails and text messages are taken literally .

  11. 作者建立了一个以中间代理为核心的电子市场,沟通买卖双方,帮助买卖双方找到合适的贸易伙伴。

    Authors establish an electronics market for them with middle agent as a core to help the both parties find out suitable trading partner .

  12. 品类管理同时也改变了传统的零售商与生产商之间对立的关系,强调零售商与生产商的共同合作,以消费者的需求为导向,通过电子信息的沟通,最终实现零售商与生产商的双赢。

    At the same time , category management changed the antagonistic relations between retailers and producers , emphasize cooperation between them , take the consumers ' need as their guide , and realize " common win " through electronic information .

  13. 通过电子邮件、因特网或其他电子媒介进行有效沟通;

    Communicate via electronic mail , Internet , and other electronic media .

  14. 使成员之间得以真正通过电子化渠道进行沟通,提高工作效率。

    So that members can truly communicate through electronic channels , improve work efficiency .

  15. 德塔颜色的获奖技术可实现零售商、生产商和供应商之间的电子化控制和沟通。

    Datacolor 's award-winning technology electronically controls and communicates color between retailers , manufacturers and suppliers .

  16. 校园及时通系统是现代电子技术在教育沟通领域的一项应用。

    Campus Timely Communication System applies the modern electronic technology to the field of educational communication .

  17. 电子表格计划是一项新措施,旨在促进及鼓励商界及市民以电子方式与政府沟通。

    The E-form project is a new initiative to facilitate and encourage businesses and general public to communicate with the government through electronic means .